An Inconvenient Reality Check (the G. Floyd incident)


Diamond Member
Apr 12, 2012
(1) There is no indication that race had anything to do with the type and duration of restraint on Mr. Floyd by Officer Chauvin. Does he have a prior record of treatment of People of Color differently than "white" people? Inquiring minds are keen to know. But as of this date there is no indication whatsoever that Mr. Floyd's race had anything to do with any of this.

(2) The relevant police manual in Minneapolis classifies this restraint as "non-lethal." Was Officer Chauvin entitled to rely on this characterization?

(3) There is no indication that Officer Chauvin intended that Mr. Floyd die. Indeed, to suppose that he had that intention flies in the face of logic. Any police-involved death necessarily involves extreme scrutiny of the officer, disciplinary actions, and possibly the worst thing imaginable to any cop: the loss of his job and pension. Chauvin was not suicidal or insane, as far as we know. Therefore, to classify this as an "intentional killing" is absurd, although "reckless disregard" brings about a similar legal conclusion.

(4) No credence whatsoever can be given to the family's paid medical examiner, who conveniently concluded that Floyd died of asphyxiation. He was extremely "high" on multiple controlled substances (as evidenced by the initial 911 call), and dropped a baggie of the infamous "white powdery substance" at the scene of his arrest.

(5) G. Floyd was a habitual criminal, imprisoned several times in his adult life, most seriously for ARMED ROBBERY OF A PREGNANT, SINGLE BLACK MOTHER. Have you read this anyplace else?

(6) The implicit message of the massive demonstrations going on in Leftist enclaves around the world is (a) American white racism is endemic, and (b) It is the cause of Black "inequality." There is no data anywhere supporting either of these bogus assertions.

And in fact, these demonstrations themselves will set American race relations back 60 years. And parenthetically, white Leftist virtue-signalers participating in the demonstrations aren't helping anything or anyone. They really should go home and STFU.
All that was known early on, by the press for sure. They deliberately withheld the info, and they deliberately edited the videos to produce the desired results, and so will the 'evidence' introduced into trail be censored and edited. there was no basis at all for any charges against Chauvin and the other officers. It's just another witch hunt, and we now have both Parties competing to murder Chauvin along with those innocent men in the Georgia cases. Anybody who thinks these vermin are rioting over 'justice' is a fool and mentally ill. They want freedom from arrests for crimes and to extort bling from public treasuries is all, meanwhile helping themselves to booze and toasters and TVs. Who cares about some white working stiffs getting murdered? The GOP establishment 'globalists' hates working people even more than Democrats do, and it's an election year. All the Burb Brat cop haters who ever got a ticket and every drunken yahoo who was ever told to stop pissing in the streets smells cop blood and vicarious revenge, and the libertoons on the left and the right of course are in full agreement on that policy.
(1) There is no indication that race had anything to do with the type and duration of restraint on Mr. Floyd by Officer Chauvin. Does he have a prior record of treatment of People of Color differently than "white" people? Inquiring minds are keen to know. But as of this date there is no indication whatsoever that Mr. Floyd's race had anything to do with any of this.

(2) The relevant police manual in Minneapolis classifies this restraint as "non-lethal." Was Officer Chauvin entitled to rely on this characterization?

(3) There is no indication that Officer Chauvin intended that Mr. Floyd die. Indeed, to suppose that he had that intention flies in the face of logic. Any police-involved death necessarily involves extreme scrutiny of the officer, disciplinary actions, and possibly the worst thing imaginable to any cop: the loss of his job and pension. Chauvin was not suicidal or insane, as far as we know. Therefore, to classify this as an "intentional killing" is absurd, although "reckless disregard" brings about a similar legal conclusion.

(4) No credence whatsoever can be given to the family's paid medical examiner, who conveniently concluded that Floyd died of asphyxiation. He was extremely "high" on multiple controlled substances (as evidenced by the initial 911 call), and dropped a baggie of the infamous "white powdery substance" at the scene of his arrest.

(5) G. Floyd was a habitual criminal, imprisoned several times in his adult life, most seriously for ARMED ROBBERY OF A PREGNANT, SINGLE BLACK MOTHER. Have you read this anyplace else?

(6) The implicit message of the massive demonstrations going on in Leftist enclaves around the world is (a) American white racism is endemic, and (b) It is the cause of Black "inequality." There is no data anywhere supporting either of these bogus assertions.

And in fact, these demonstrations themselves will set American race relations back 60 years. And parenthetically, white Leftist virtue-signalers participating in the demonstrations aren't helping anything or anyone. They really should go home and STFU.
Minneapolis Officer Derek Chauvin Had 17 Complaints Against Him Before He Was Charged With Murder For George Floyd's Death
(1) There is no indication that race had anything to do with the type and duration of restraint on Mr. Floyd by Officer Chauvin. Does he have a prior record of treatment of People of Color differently than "white" people? Inquiring minds are keen to know. But as of this date there is no indication whatsoever that Mr. Floyd's race had anything to do with any of this.

(2) The relevant police manual in Minneapolis classifies this restraint as "non-lethal." Was Officer Chauvin entitled to rely on this characterization?

(3) There is no indication that Officer Chauvin intended that Mr. Floyd die. Indeed, to suppose that he had that intention flies in the face of logic. Any police-involved death necessarily involves extreme scrutiny of the officer, disciplinary actions, and possibly the worst thing imaginable to any cop: the loss of his job and pension. Chauvin was not suicidal or insane, as far as we know. Therefore, to classify this as an "intentional killing" is absurd, although "reckless disregard" brings about a similar legal conclusion.

(4) No credence whatsoever can be given to the family's paid medical examiner, who conveniently concluded that Floyd died of asphyxiation. He was extremely "high" on multiple controlled substances (as evidenced by the initial 911 call), and dropped a baggie of the infamous "white powdery substance" at the scene of his arrest.

(5) G. Floyd was a habitual criminal, imprisoned several times in his adult life, most seriously for ARMED ROBBERY OF A PREGNANT, SINGLE BLACK MOTHER. Have you read this anyplace else?

(6) The implicit message of the massive demonstrations going on in Leftist enclaves around the world is (a) American white racism is endemic, and (b) It is the cause of Black "inequality." There is no data anywhere supporting either of these bogus assertions.

And in fact, these demonstrations themselves will set American race relations back 60 years. And parenthetically, white Leftist virtue-signalers participating in the demonstrations aren't helping anything or anyone. They really should go home and STFU.
Minneapolis Officer Derek Chauvin Had 17 Complaints Against Him Before He Was Charged With Murder For George Floyd's Death

lol means exactly nothing. The biggest one is over a man who stabbed 6 people and then had the brilliant idea to try and stab 6 police officers. Even the commiecrats dismissed that that one, along with the other 16. See, when the media hacks promote cop baiting as the new ghetto industry, and bling of the amounts that got thrown at Rodney King, every halfwit in Da Hood makes a grab for the gold ring, and Darwinism makes it's entrance. Your POS Floyd wasn't murdered by anybody, he stroked his own ass out.

Your 'Culture' is obviously fine with his beating and threatening a pregnant black woman, though, so why the sudden Pity Party for Saint George, other than shallow sociopathic hypocrisy? Black people can't admit their prolbmes are self-inflicted, and now you're just crying for whitey to take care of you again, since you've failed at any progress for the last 60 years under your own 'leadership'.
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The bottom line the police chief said that he improperly used the restraint in his testimony. It doesn't matter if they allowed it use. The officer still has to execute the move properly. The immediate cause of death was the officer restraint. IF he used it improperly then he should be charged with lower degrees of a homicide. There was no intent on his part. Yet unintentional homicide can be prosecuted.
(1) There is no indication that race had anything to do with the type and duration of restraint on Mr. Floyd by Officer Chauvin. Does he have a prior record of treatment of People of Color differently than "white" people? Inquiring minds are keen to know. But as of this date there is no indication whatsoever that Mr. Floyd's race had anything to do with any of this.

(2) The relevant police manual in Minneapolis classifies this restraint as "non-lethal." Was Officer Chauvin entitled to rely on this characterization?

(3) There is no indication that Officer Chauvin intended that Mr. Floyd die. Indeed, to suppose that he had that intention flies in the face of logic. Any police-involved death necessarily involves extreme scrutiny of the officer, disciplinary actions, and possibly the worst thing imaginable to any cop: the loss of his job and pension. Chauvin was not suicidal or insane, as far as we know. Therefore, to classify this as an "intentional killing" is absurd, although "reckless disregard" brings about a similar legal conclusion.

(4) No credence whatsoever can be given to the family's paid medical examiner, who conveniently concluded that Floyd died of asphyxiation. He was extremely "high" on multiple controlled substances (as evidenced by the initial 911 call), and dropped a baggie of the infamous "white powdery substance" at the scene of his arrest.

(5) G. Floyd was a habitual criminal, imprisoned several times in his adult life, most seriously for ARMED ROBBERY OF A PREGNANT, SINGLE BLACK MOTHER. Have you read this anyplace else?

(6) The implicit message of the massive demonstrations going on in Leftist enclaves around the world is (a) American white racism is endemic, and (b) It is the cause of Black "inequality." There is no data anywhere supporting either of these bogus assertions.

And in fact, these demonstrations themselves will set American race relations back 60 years. And parenthetically, white Leftist virtue-signalers participating in the demonstrations aren't helping anything or anyone. They really should go home and STFU.
7) He had enough drugs in his system to kill two people.

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