An Ill Wind Blows in New York

Patton wanted to deal with the Russian Communists while the opportunity was there - they refused to permit it - and afterwards? He was murdered.

No, he died in a car accident after they realized he was too crazy to still be in charge of actual troops.
Patton was murdered. I have a family friend who was an eyewitness and he was forced by the government to keep his mouth shut. But he has a statement to be released after his death.

That is the belief of military guys that are retired now, Hoss. He was murdered.
Patton was murdered. I have a family friend who was an eyewitness and he was forced by the government to keep his mouth shut. But he has a statement to be released after his death.

And I know a guy who was in the hospital room when they removed a gerbil from Richard Gere's Anus!!!

No, really.
And you ate it? Without Texas Pete?
We'll find out about Patton's murder in due time.
I beg to differ, Joe. The public is on the side of NYPD. It is the protesters being paid by Communists that have a problem with law enforcement. If they lived under a Communist regime they would learn quickly there are no protests. Only firing squads and labor camps that work people 20 hours per day. Truth be known these protesters are being used and exploited. It's a real shame. We need to pray they wake up and realize what it means to be an American.

Not really.

In a January, 2013, poll by Quinnipiac University, 70 percent said they approved of the job that the city's police force was doing. Only 23 percent said they did not. It marked the highest level of approval registered by the survey since February, 2002. That earlier high point had come in the wake of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that brought down the World Trade Center and brought hero status to New York's first responders.

There was a racial disparity in the January, 2013, poll. Approval of the police was strongest among whites, at 80 percent. But a majority of blacks (56 percent) and Hispanics (67 percent) also answered favorably. Then-Police Commissioner Ray Kelly's standing also reached its high point, with 75 percent giving him a thumbs up.

By mid-November of this year, that same poll showed that the stature of the department had fallen sharply. Only 54 percent overall said they approved of the job the police were doing. And the view of nonwhites toward the police had turned negative, with only 35 percent of African Americans and 43 percent of Hispanics expressing a favorable view.

How New Yorkers feel about the NYPD - The Washington Post

That's actually a pretty big drop in how people feel about the police in NYC.
You need more up-to-date polling Joey. A lot has happened since Garner's death and last week.

I find you a bit of a bottom feeder, but then you're probably typical for your neighborhood.
With comarade di Blasio.....California is beginning to look like Paradise compared to the Big Apple!

But then I blame New Yorkers...they voted Big Bird.

After all the good work done by the previous mayors, this Blasio is a complete disaster area and a clone of that other disaster Obama. They have set back racial harmony for decades.

Patton wanted to deal with the Russian Communists while the opportunity was there - they refused to permit it - and afterwards? He was murdered.

No, he died in a car accident after they realized he was too crazy to still be in charge of actual troops.

Not mutually exclusive.

So it must have been a heck of a conspiracy, as the other three people in the car with him would have had to have been in on it, one of them his Chief of Staff who had worked with him throughout the war.

Why would the other people in the car have had to be in on it? What about the truck driver who hit the car?
""It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.""" King Henry IV, Part II

This is sad. Doesn't matter what your political leaning. When the largest police department in America turns against the mayor of the largest city in America, it bodes ill for everyone from coast to coast.

We just don't need another race war. The 1960s cannot be repeated.


Police officers turn their backs as New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks at the funeral of New York city police officer Rafael Ramos in Queens on Saturday. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Rafael Ramos Funeral Draws Mourners In New York City

After this, DeBlasio won't be able to get himself elected dog catcher. Good riddance to the scumbag.

What you fail to realize watching this from the scrambled cable channel in your double-wide, is that NY is a very blue city in an even bluer state. That's how de Blasio got elected in the first place. It's the wealthiest city in America, so don't blame his election on a bunch of poor blacks showing up at the polls. This has gone far beyond the people of New York City who elected him. That is the danger.
Tough titty. Those Communist inspired protesters will learn not to play with fire.

What an idiot. Protesting is a very American activity. It's communists who don't allow protests, comrade.
""It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.""" King Henry IV, Part II

This is sad. Doesn't matter what your political leaning. When the largest police department in America turns against the mayor of the largest city in America, it bodes ill for everyone from coast to coast.

We just don't need another race war. The 1960s cannot be repeated.


Police officers turn their backs as New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks at the funeral of New York city police officer Rafael Ramos in Queens on Saturday. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Rafael Ramos Funeral Draws Mourners In New York City

We need some perspective though. NYPD has a long history of fighting with NY mayors though. Repub or Dem - the cops are almost always at odds with the mayor's office.

True. But this is the most demonstrative and public display of their disparity, and I really fear the blowback as images like this spread across the country. It will only make things worse.
To force the Communist Mayor to resign would do New York a world of good. It will also send a clear message to the Communists he works for. Americans are not going to lay down for Communism in America. You want communism you should find another country to live in.

Oh for god's sake, this obsession with communism as the core of this problem. Please, sit down and STFU.

You idiots see Muslims under every bed and Communists behind every tree.

You're the most simple-minded, trained seals I've ever seen in my entire life.
""It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.""" King Henry IV, Part II

This is sad. Doesn't matter what your political leaning. When the largest police department in America turns against the mayor of the largest city in America, it bodes ill for everyone from coast to coast.

We just don't need another race war. The 1960s cannot be repeated.


Police officers turn their backs as New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks at the funeral of New York city police officer Rafael Ramos in Queens on Saturday. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Rafael Ramos Funeral Draws Mourners In New York City

We need some perspective though. NYPD has a long history of fighting with NY mayors though. Repub or Dem - the cops are almost always at odds with the mayor's office.

True. But this is the most demonstrative and public display of their disparity, and I really fear the blowback as images like this spread across the country. It will only make things worse.
The murder of those two cops was blow back and has made things worse, yet here you are worrying about the same exact thing.

De Blasio through his own police department under the bus at the behest of race baiters like Sharpton. Wtf did you expect?
""It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.""" King Henry IV, Part II

This is sad. Doesn't matter what your political leaning. When the largest police department in America turns against the mayor of the largest city in America, it bodes ill for everyone from coast to coast.

We just don't need another race war. The 1960s cannot be repeated.


Police officers turn their backs as New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks at the funeral of New York city police officer Rafael Ramos in Queens on Saturday. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Rafael Ramos Funeral Draws Mourners In New York City

We need some perspective though. NYPD has a long history of fighting with NY mayors though. Repub or Dem - the cops are almost always at odds with the mayor's office.

True. But this is the most demonstrative and public display of their disparity, and I really fear the blowback as images like this spread across the country. It will only make things worse.
The murder of those two cops was blow back and has made things worse, yet here you are worrying about the same exact thing.

De Blasio through his own police department under the bus at the behest of race baiters like Sharpton. Wtf did you expect?

Total scumbag. Worse than Bloombag
""It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.""" King Henry IV, Part II

This is sad. Doesn't matter what your political leaning. When the largest police department in America turns against the mayor of the largest city in America, it bodes ill for everyone from coast to coast.

We just don't need another race war. The 1960s cannot be repeated.


Police officers turn their backs as New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks at the funeral of New York city police officer Rafael Ramos in Queens on Saturday. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Rafael Ramos Funeral Draws Mourners In New York City

We need some perspective though. NYPD has a long history of fighting with NY mayors though. Repub or Dem - the cops are almost always at odds with the mayor's office.

True. But this is the most demonstrative and public display of their disparity, and I really fear the blowback as images like this spread across the country. It will only make things worse.
The murder of those two cops was blow back and has made things worse, yet here you are worrying about the same exact thing.

De Blasio through his own police department under the bus at the behest of race baiters like Sharpton. Wtf did you expect?

You mean "threw" his own police department.....and of course the obligatory Al Sharpton bullshit. One more idiot who doesn't get the big picture and the national implications. When it shows up on Main Street in your town, maybe you will.
""It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.""" King Henry IV, Part II

This is sad. Doesn't matter what your political leaning. When the largest police department in America turns against the mayor of the largest city in America, it bodes ill for everyone from coast to coast.

We just don't need another race war. The 1960s cannot be repeated.


Police officers turn their backs as New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio speaks at the funeral of New York city police officer Rafael Ramos in Queens on Saturday. (AP Photo/John Minchillo)

Rafael Ramos Funeral Draws Mourners In New York City

After this, DeBlasio won't be able to get himself elected dog catcher. Good riddance to the scumbag.

What you fail to realize watching this from the scrambled cable channel in your double-wide, is that NY is a very blue city in an even bluer state. That's how de Blasio got elected in the first place. It's the wealthiest city in America, so don't blame his election on a bunch of poor blacks showing up at the polls. This has gone far beyond the people of New York City who elected him. That is the danger.
Tough titty. Those Communist inspired protesters will learn not to play with fire.

What an idiot. Protesting is a very American activity. It's communists who don't allow protests, comrade.
Who is not allowing them to protest? There is a big difference between not allowing protests, and people who are simply voicing their opinion about people who are protesting the wrong things. You could also consider it a counter protest, if you want to be technical, therefore our voices have just as much right to be heard as those who ignorantly whine about police officers. Our position is as democratic as you can possibly get.

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