An honest question for you servicemen and veterans

I agree with aspects of what you're saying, just not how you're saying it. The last time American soldiers fought for American citizens' freedoms was WWII.

Every engagement they have been involved with since and been for something, just not American citizens' freedom....

Korea, Viet Nam, Grenada , Panama, Iraq and Afghanistan have all been for American citizens freedom.

That is quite possibly the most naive, boderline ignorant repsonse I've ever read. I'll give you some leeway with Korea and Vietnam but that's just about it in the context of preventing the domiance of soviet influence, however, neither of those wars were a DIRECT threat to my or any other American's freedom. The rest of your list is so, so nonsensical that I'll let someone else respond to it.
More and more I've noticed a certain mindframe from you gallant freedumb fighters. I'm talking about citizenship. You see, many of you believe this is Rome, and citizenship must be earned on some battlefield chasing haji around for your American empire or whatever stupid reason. Many of you would also say "service should be mandatory for citizenship". To this I ask WHO the HELL are you to tell any American that? Who the hell are YOU claiming to be an AMERICAN, wearing that flag on your uniform by abandoning core American principles not to mention constitution just because you served? Who is feeding you this delusional propaganda?

You're entitled to your fucked up opinion no matter how far out in left field it is. Please don't denegrate my service, the service of millions before me and the deaths of untold numbers of American soldiers in defense of their country with your pussy ass, hippie bullshit rant against the military. Without them your dumb ass would be having afternoon tea, out in the fields picking cotton, speaking German or have squinty eyes and buck my suggestion to you 86DUD is to shut your pie hole and be thankful there are Americans willing to volunteer to protect your right to make a complete ass out of yourself in front of millions.

unless you served in WWII, you only served to enrich the military industrial complex and all its offshoots
I agree with aspects of what you're saying, just not how you're saying it. The last time American soldiers fought for American citizens' freedoms was WWII.

Every engagement they have been involved with since and been for something, just not American citizens' freedom....

Korea, Viet Nam, Grenada , Panama, Iraq and Afghanistan have all been for American citizens freedom.

I agree with aspects of what you're saying, just not how you're saying it. The last time American soldiers fought for American citizens' freedoms was WWII.

Every engagement they have been involved with since and been for something, just not American citizens' freedom....

Korea, Viet Nam, Grenada , Panama, Iraq and Afghanistan have all been for American citizens freedom.

Total fucking bullshit...

Korea - for Korean freedom -nothing to do with American citizens being under threat
Viet Nam - Propping up a totalitarian regime from being overrun by another totalitarian regime - nothing to do with American citizens being under threat
Grenada - possibly - but even then, it was Raygun posturing.
Panama - getting rid of a dictator that once upon a time was your guy.
Iraq - Getting rid of a dictator - nothing to do with American citizens being under threat
Afghanistan - destroying a fundamental Islamic 'state' that was hiding somebody claimed to be responsible for 9-11 - tenuous link at best....

America has always fought for freedom and liberty - whether it be for the freedom and liberty of Americans or whether it be to try to liberate other nations from totalitarian governments. Freedom and liberty are something to fight for.
More and more I've noticed a certain mindframe from you gallant freedumb fighters. I'm talking about citizenship. You see, many of you believe this is Rome, and citizenship must be earned on some battlefield chasing haji around for your American empire or whatever stupid reason. Many of you would also say "service should be mandatory for citizenship". To this I ask WHO the HELL are you to tell any American that? Who the hell are YOU claiming to be an AMERICAN, wearing that flag on your uniform by abandoning core American principles not to mention constitution just because you served? Who is feeding you this delusional propaganda?

I think you are a loon.

I was going to say more but that pretty much sums it up.

And I think you are a brainwashed, uneducated coward.

And that is all the stupidity I needed to ignore your ass.

Goodbye..... :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
I agree with aspects of what you're saying, just not how you're saying it. The last time American soldiers fought for American citizens' freedoms was WWII.

Every engagement they have been involved with since and been for something, just not American citizens' freedom....

Korea, Viet Nam, Grenada , Panama, Iraq and Afghanistan have all been for American citizens freedom.


Those were nothing but misguided miltary adventures.
I always get a kick out of those who actually believe that the USA would still be free and leader of the free world, had we not had a strong military since the end of WW2.

strong military - yes
needless wars based on lies - no
More and more I've noticed a certain mindframe from you gallant freedumb fighters. I'm talking about citizenship. You see, many of you believe this is Rome, and citizenship must be earned on some battlefield chasing haji around for your American empire or whatever stupid reason. Many of you would also say "service should be mandatory for citizenship". To this I ask WHO the HELL are you to tell any American that? Who the hell are YOU claiming to be an AMERICAN, wearing that flag on your uniform by abandoning core American principles not to mention constitution just because you served? Who is feeding you this delusional propaganda?

You're entitled to your fucked up opinion no matter how far out in left field it is. Please don't denegrate my service, the service of millions before me and the deaths of untold numbers of American soldiers in defense of their country with your pussy ass, hippie bullshit rant against the military. Without them your dumb ass would be having afternoon tea, out in the fields picking cotton, speaking German or have squinty eyes and buck my suggestion to you 86DUD is to shut your pie hole and be thankful there are Americans willing to volunteer to protect your right to make a complete ass out of yourself in front of millions.

I'll degenerate your mislead service to the U.S. empire any time I please and you won't do anything about it.

I'll shut up when you tell me EXACTLY how you are protecting my so called "rights" right now. Otherwise go back to your depleted urnanim thread and revel in the death of children.

Of course you can "degenerate" all you want...I'll not put a stop to your meretricious puerility.

My service to my country is no business of yours.....but rest assured you can sleep at night knowing there are hundreds of thousands of service members who are on watch guarding the freedoms you seem to care little for.

My suggestion to you is to go out to the local airport or military recruiting station and thank the people in uniform for protecting your right to make a complete fucking asshole out of yourself daily with your traitorous speech.
I always get a kick out of those who actually believe that the USA would still be free and leader of the free world, had we not had a strong military since the end of WW2.

I actually get a kick out of those who believe that any conflict the US has been involved in since WWII has been about America's freedom....
Ya...the communist regime in the Soviet Union was all about peace, stability and planting flowers in whatever country they took over after murdering the opposition.
I always get a kick out of those who actually believe that the USA would still be free and leader of the free world, had we not had a strong military since the end of WW2.

You have to understand people like Grump and Clean...they are eurotrash socialist pussies who think we should do nothing except let the government run people's lives from cradle to grave....they prefer socialism over capitalism because that way they don't have to contribute to society...all they have to do is bitch and complain like the monkey in the glass box...then a banana magically appears on the floor. Give them a banana...they shut the fuck up....they bitch again...give them another fucking banana and they shut the fuck up....this way if the banana doesn't show up...they can blame the government....and not their own incessant ignorance of the fact that survival is based on one's own ingenuity and determination ... not on the government's generosity.
I always get a kick out of those who actually believe that the USA would still be free and leader of the free world, had we not had a strong military since the end of WW2.

I actually get a kick out of those who believe that any conflict the US has been involved in since WWII has been about America's freedom....
Ya...the communist regime in the Soviet Union was all about peace, stability and planting flowers in whatever country they took over after murdering the opposition.

and what real war with battles did we fight against the soviet union again?
I always get a kick out of those who actually believe that the USA would still be free and leader of the free world, had we not had a strong military since the end of WW2.

You have to understand people like Grump and Clean...they are eurotrash socialist pussies who think we should do nothing except let the government run people's lives from cradle to grave....they prefer socialism over capitalism because that way they don't have to contribute to society...all they have to do is bitch and complain like the monkey in the glass box...then a banana magically appears on the floor. Give them a banana...they shut the fuck up....they bitch again...give them another fucking banana and they shut the fuck up....this way if the banana doesn't show up...they can blame the government....and not their own incessant ignorance of the fact that survival is based on one's own ingenuity and determination ... not on the government's generosity.


only read the first two thoughts to know the rest of the post was just as silly
I actually get a kick out of those who believe that any conflict the US has been involved in since WWII has been about America's freedom....
Ya...the communist regime in the Soviet Union was all about peace, stability and planting flowers in whatever country they took over after murdering the opposition.

and what real war with battles did we fight against the soviet union again?

Wake up dumb ass...we fought proxy seem to have not learned anything in history's better to fight little wars than to fight a world war.

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