An Epidemic of the Vaccinated


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Masks don't work, the vaccines are failing.


Data from the Minnesota Department of Health (which runs around one month behind) shows 63% of covid cases among the fully vaccinated, with that percentage rising rapidly. Thirty-eight percent of hospitalizations and 32% of deaths, as of a month ago, were among the fully vaccinated.


The numbers are even more striking with regard to those 65 years old and older, which is where nearly all the risk lies:


In this age group, over 70% of cases are “breakthrough” cases, as are 46% of hospitalizations and 42% of deaths. As the numbers converge, it seems likely that soon, covid rates among the vaccinated will equal those among the unvaccinated.

The MDH data confirm, as one would hope, that even if vaccination does not prevent one from contracting covid, it does give some protection against severe disease. But the protective effect is quite modest. Certainly it provides no basis for demonizing the unvaccinated or for imposing vaccination mandates.

As I have said many times, covid is with us to stay. As Dr. Fauci has acknowledged, pretty much all of us are going to get it sooner or later, much like the common cold. We would do well to intensify the search for effective treatments, especially since we may find that therapies that treat covid successfully will also work for colds and flu. A first step toward a focus on effective treatment would be to stop censoring discussion of covid treatments. Such censorship is one of the weirdest aspects of an epidemic that has had many weird features.

Masks don't work, the vaccines are failing.

Data from the Minnesota Department of Health (which runs around one month behind) shows 63% of covid cases among the fully vaccinated, with that percentage rising rapidly. Thirty-eight percent of hospitalizations and 32% of deaths, as of a month ago, were among the fully vaccinated.
The numbers are even more striking with regard to those 65 years old and older, which is where nearly all the risk lies:
In this age group, over 70% of cases are “breakthrough” cases, as are 46% of hospitalizations and 42% of deaths. As the numbers converge, it seems likely that soon, covid rates among the vaccinated will equal those among the unvaccinated.
The MDH data confirm, as one would hope, that even if vaccination does not prevent one from contracting covid, it does give some protection against severe disease. But the protective effect is quite modest. Certainly it provides no basis for demonizing the unvaccinated or for imposing vaccination mandates.
As I have said many times, covid is with us to stay. As Dr. Fauci has acknowledged, pretty much all of us are going to get it sooner or later, much like the common cold. We would do well to intensify the search for effective treatments, especially since we may find that therapies that treat covid successfully will also work for colds and flu. A first step toward a focus on effective treatment would be to stop censoring discussion of covid treatments. Such censorship is one of the weirdest aspects of an epidemic that has had many weird features.

Even with number tampering the trends are converging to a more random distribution as would be expected.
10 Reasons Why 200 Million Americans FALSELY Believe Slave Masks and Gene Therapy Injections Will SAVE Them From Covid

1. Mass media is hiding all the carnage caused by the clot shots.
2. Carbon dioxide poisoning from the masks limits critical thinking and logical reasoning.
3. Vaccines have always been falsely hailed as the “holy grail” of medicine.
4. Extremely high levels of mercury in multi-dose flu shots causes mental disorders.
5. People can’t believe the CDC and FDA would lie to them over something so important to human life and health safety.
6. Patients can’t fathom that their doctors, nurses, surgeons get major funding and bonuses from treating Covid with deadly methods,
including toxic vaccines, kidney decimating Remdesivir and choke-you-to-death-in-4-days-or-less ventilators.
7. Most Americans have no understanding whatsoever about ongoing population reduction schemes, eugenics and medical plots that destroy
human fertility/reproduction.
8. All natural remedies for Covid (and everything else) are massively suppressed by all major media outlets, including websites, television,
newspapers, radio, etc.
9. Allopathic patients have Stockholm Syndrome where abused victims think positively about their abuser and captor (Big Pharma and the
10. The Fear Factor: The media and CDC have absolutely terrified people so badly about the re-branded flu they believe if they don’t wear
masks and get vaccinated they face certain death by Covid – Welcome to the Covid Con!

Masks don't work, the vaccines are failing.

Data from the Minnesota Department of Health (which runs around one month behind) shows 63% of covid cases among the fully vaccinated, with that percentage rising rapidly. Thirty-eight percent of hospitalizations and 32% of deaths, as of a month ago, were among the fully vaccinated.
The numbers are even more striking with regard to those 65 years old and older, which is where nearly all the risk lies:
In this age group, over 70% of cases are “breakthrough” cases, as are 46% of hospitalizations and 42% of deaths. As the numbers converge, it seems likely that soon, covid rates among the vaccinated will equal those among the unvaccinated.
The MDH data confirm, as one would hope, that even if vaccination does not prevent one from contracting covid, it does give some protection against severe disease. But the protective effect is quite modest. Certainly it provides no basis for demonizing the unvaccinated or for imposing vaccination mandates.
As I have said many times, covid is with us to stay. As Dr. Fauci has acknowledged, pretty much all of us are going to get it sooner or later, much like the common cold. We would do well to intensify the search for effective treatments, especially since we may find that therapies that treat covid successfully will also work for colds and flu. A first step toward a focus on effective treatment would be to stop censoring discussion of covid treatments. Such censorship is one of the weirdest aspects of an epidemic that has had many weird features.

THE MAJORITY OF FATALITIES ARE OLD PEOPLE. How is this news. We've been scammed folks and we just showed what kind of stupid fucking sheep we are. THE EMPEROR IS FUCKING NAKED.
Masks don't work, the vaccines are failing.

Data from the Minnesota Department of Health (which runs around one month behind) shows 63% of covid cases among the fully vaccinated, with that percentage rising rapidly. Thirty-eight percent of hospitalizations and 32% of deaths, as of a month ago, were among the fully vaccinated.
The numbers are even more striking with regard to those 65 years old and older, which is where nearly all the risk lies:
In this age group, over 70% of cases are “breakthrough” cases, as are 46% of hospitalizations and 42% of deaths. As the numbers converge, it seems likely that soon, covid rates among the vaccinated will equal those among the unvaccinated.
The MDH data confirm, as one would hope, that even if vaccination does not prevent one from contracting covid, it does give some protection against severe disease. But the protective effect is quite modest. Certainly it provides no basis for demonizing the unvaccinated or for imposing vaccination mandates.
As I have said many times, covid is with us to stay. As Dr. Fauci has acknowledged, pretty much all of us are going to get it sooner or later, much like the common cold. We would do well to intensify the search for effective treatments, especially since we may find that therapies that treat covid successfully will also work for colds and flu. A first step toward a focus on effective treatment would be to stop censoring discussion of covid treatments. Such censorship is one of the weirdest aspects of an epidemic that has had many weird features.

Yep. Been showing this almost on the daily in Michigan. Wait til the Boosters start waning...and they will.
Vaccines have served their purpose of giving people hope but they never really worked from the beginning. They were sold to us by unscrupulous liars and revenuers. Most of the weak and vulnerable have already died in spite of the vaccines. So now it's time to reject expensive, unsuccessful and potentially deadly vaccines in favor of early treatment by inexpensive, reliable therapeutics.
1. They're unhappy: Study after study shows that conservatives are happier people than liberals. The difference can be staggering. Unhappy people are generally disagreeable because when you're miserable, you tend to become very selfish. If you want an example of how that works, go hit yourself on the hand with a hammer and while you're writhing in agony, see how much time you spend thinking about helping other people as opposed to wishing you hadn't smashed your own hand.

2. Liberals don't care as much about tradition: Although it goes without saying that people who worship change for change's sake don't care very much about customs, you might wonder why that would make such a big difference. Well, as Thomas Sowell has noted, "Civilization has been aptly called a 'thin crust over a volcano.' The anointed are constantly picking at that crust."

Continued at the link.

3. Liberals see people who disagree as evil: Liberals see themselves as part of a Manichean struggle in which they’re trying to create Utopia on earth while they’re being opposed by people who want to do evil for evil’s sake. In other words, liberals are about as complex as your average comic book from the fifties.

When you attribute disagreements with Barack Obama to racism, opposition to gay marriage to homophobia, standing against abortion as hatred of women, and a desire to balance the budget to loathing of the poor, you have a hopelessly simplistic view of the world that makes you utterly impervious to reason. Stupid, you may be able to educate, but evil, you have to defeat -- and liberals are seldom picky about the means or the manners they use while trying to do so.

4. Liberals aren't very religious: Liberals are overwhelmingly either atheists or agnostics, people who don't take their religious beliefs very seriously in the first place, or people who allow their ideology to completely subvert their religious beliefs.

Continued at the link.

5. Liberalism encourages arrogance: Liberals tend to believe they're brilliant, compassionate, moral, enlightened, perceptive, and courageous, not because of anything they've actually done, but just because they're liberal. When you completely divorce a person's self image from his behavior, it produces terrible results.

Continued at the link.

5 Reasons Liberals Are Such Unpleasant People To Be Around

This was written in 2012. Liberals are much more in your face arrogant now with a smugness that needs to be smacked off their faces. I find them impossible to be around. Must be my intolerance lol.

But, seriously, they all display severely stunted brain function, no ability to comprehend common logic, no common sense, a sense of smugness when they are lying through their teeth and an arrogance that is out of step with their insane rantings and behavior. And let me tell ya...that mask only makes that worse.
What's so funny is that the only folks who whine about the vaccines are the morons who haven't taken it.
You mean the morons who shoot an experimental substance into their bodies that was developed at "warp speed?"

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