An End To Islam!


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Here, from one who knows whereof she speaks....Ayaan Hirsi Ali

1. “The assumption is that, in Islam, there are a few rotten apples, not the entire basket,” Ali tells The New York Post. “I’m saying it’s the entire basket.”

2. She believed that, according to Islam, the infidel should die, that the Koran is infallible, that those who violated sharia law — thieves, gays, adulterers — deserved to be stoned to death or beheaded, as they were each Friday in a public gathering place she and her brother called “Chop-Chop Square.”

Today, she is that rare thing: a public intellectual who, despite death threats and charges of bigotry, calls for an end to Islam —

3. ....Ali says there are three kinds of Muslims. There are the violent, the reformers, and what she believes is the largest group — those who want to practice as they see fit and live peaceably but do not challenge the Koran, the Muslim world’s treatment of women and the LGBT community, or terrorist attacks committed in the name of Islam.

4. ...she refuses to label this group as moderate. She believes they have done nothing to deserve it. “I’ve never believed in the word,” Ali says. “It’s totally useless. I think we’re in a time now where we demand answers from Muslims and say, ‘Whose side are you on?’ ”

5. Ali argues for five amendments to the faith. “Only when these five things are recognised as inherently harmful and when they are repudiated and nullified,” she writes, “will a true Muslim reformation have been achieved.”

Those five notions are:

• The infallibility of the Prophet Mohammed and the literal interpretation of the Koran

• The idea that life after death is more important than life on earth

• Sharia law

• Allowing any Muslim to enforce ideas of right and wrong on another

• Jihad, or holy war

6. ...Ali cites a 2013 report by the Pew Research Center on Muslims’ beliefs. It found that in Pakistan, 75 per cent think those who leave Islam should be put to death. In Bangladesh, 43 per cent thought so. In Iraq, 41 per cent.

Those who believe sharia is the infallible word of God: 81 per cent in Pakistan, 65 per cent in Bangladesh and 69 per cent in Iraq.

She also cites a 2007 Pew study that found that among 18- to 29-year-old American Muslims, seven per cent had favourable opinions of al Qaeda,...

Ali thinks the US administration under president Barack Obama has failed.
....— when these people say they are killing in the name of true Islam, Ali says, believe them."
Ex-Muslim author and activist Ayaan Hirsi Ali calls for reform of Islam as we know it
Know how many ex-mormon, ex-christian and ex-jew groups and websites there are?

Using such sites and claims is the absolute worst source.
Yemen, Islam vs Islam vs World.

Watching that video made me realize how horrible of human being I can be.

I chuckled when all those hateful bas...uhh, I mean innocent and peace loving people got blown up.

Truly, I am despicable--especially since I do not know if that was the correct translation.
Gee. I wonder if any other religion believes in the literal interpretation of their scripture? Do some Christians believe that the world was created in six days and mankind was placed on this planet wholly formed like a potted geranium? Could there still be Jews who, in spite of no longer living a nomadic desert life will not risk putting cheese on a hamburger?

The Book of Leviticus still holds some pretty damn repressive laws. Should my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers not play with the skin of a dead pig because that makes them unclean? Should Notre Dame?

Finding the most repressive portions of scripture should be easy for any faith. And yet no one is calling for an end to Christianity or Judaism.
Gee. I wonder if any other religion believes in the literal interpretation of their scripture? Do some Christians believe that the world was created in six days and mankind was placed on this planet wholly formed like a potted geranium? Could there still be Jews who, in spite of no longer living a nomadic desert life will not risk putting cheese on a hamburger?

The Book of Leviticus still holds some pretty damn repressive laws. Should my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers not play with the skin of a dead pig because that makes them unclean? Should Notre Dame?

Finding the most repressive portions of scripture should be easy for any faith. And yet no one is calling for an end to Christianity or Judaism.

Don't bother. Logic doesn't work with those hell bent in gobbling up war propaganda.

Going to war with 1.6 billion people seems far more sane, profitable, exciting and fun!
Gee. I wonder if any other religion believes in the literal interpretation of their scripture? Do some Christians believe that the world was created in six days and mankind was placed on this planet wholly formed like a potted geranium? Could there still be Jews who, in spite of no longer living a nomadic desert life will not risk putting cheese on a hamburger?

The Book of Leviticus still holds some pretty damn repressive laws. Should my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers not play with the skin of a dead pig because that makes them unclean? Should Notre Dame?

Finding the most repressive portions of scripture should be easy for any faith. And yet no one is calling for an end to Christianity or Judaism.

You imbecile.

We're talking about an avalanche and you're comparing it to a snowflake.
Gee. I wonder if any other religion believes in the literal interpretation of their scripture? Do some Christians believe that the world was created in six days and mankind was placed on this planet wholly formed like a potted geranium? Could there still be Jews who, in spite of no longer living a nomadic desert life will not risk putting cheese on a hamburger?

The Book of Leviticus still holds some pretty damn repressive laws. Should my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers not play with the skin of a dead pig because that makes them unclean? Should Notre Dame?

Finding the most repressive portions of scripture should be easy for any faith. And yet no one is calling for an end to Christianity or Judaism.

Don't bother. Logic doesn't work with those hell bent in gobbling up war propaganda.

Going to war with 1.6 billion people seems far more sane, profitable, exciting and fun!


No, you idiot.....knowledge.

40% of Indonesians approve of violence in defense of Islam.

Pew Global: 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
13% of Indonesian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
12% of Jordanian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
7% of Muslim Israelis say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
Support for Suicide Bombings and Bin Laden Still High Among Some Muslims CNS News(Pew Global Attitudes Project September, 2009)

*much more here:

Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the Tiny Minority of Extremists Myth

Islam is a peaceful religion because most Muslims live peacefully and that only a "tiny minority of extremists" practice violence? That's like saying that White supremacy must be perfectly fine since only a tiny minority of racists ever hurt anyone. Neither does it explain why religious violence is largely endemic to Islam, despite the tremendous persecution of religious minorities in Muslim countries.

In truth, even a tiny minority of "1%" of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers - which is hardly an insignificant number. However, the "minority" of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this. In fact, it isn't even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined. Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the Tiny Minority of Extremists Myth

Either wake up or get down on your knees and face East.
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"But, but, but...Christians!"

-Typical Braindead Lefty

Islam will never gone entirely, but it DOES look like it's time for The Crusades II followed by Nuremburg II.
Not meaning to add fuel to the fire here...

But has anyone ever contemplated the meaning of "innocent" in terms of Islam?

Innocent--not condemned by the Quran

Try examining the word "peace" by way of the Quran. Then you will understand what is meant by "Islam is a peaceful religion".

It does not take much to realize secularism is condemned, hence caution is advised.
Not meaning to add fuel to the fire here...

But has anyone ever contemplated the meaning of "innocent" in terms of Islam?

Innocent--not condemned by the Quran

Try examining the word "peace" by way of the Quran. Then you will understand what is meant by "Islam is a peaceful religion".

It does not take much to realize secularism is condemned, hence caution is advised.

Some of the apologists may actually remember what we call "9/11."

This is what Muslims call 9:111

Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah , so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah ? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.
Surat At-Tawbah 9 111 - The Noble Qur an -
Gee. I wonder if any other religion believes in the literal interpretation of their scripture? Do some Christians believe that the world was created in six days and mankind was placed on this planet wholly formed like a potted geranium? Could there still be Jews who, in spite of no longer living a nomadic desert life will not risk putting cheese on a hamburger?

The Book of Leviticus still holds some pretty damn repressive laws. Should my beloved Pittsburgh Steelers not play with the skin of a dead pig because that makes them unclean? Should Notre Dame?

Finding the most repressive portions of scripture should be easy for any faith. And yet no one is calling for an end to Christianity or Judaism.

Don't bother. Logic doesn't work with those hell bent in gobbling up war propaganda.

Going to war with 1.6 billion people seems far more sane, profitable, exciting and fun!


No, you idiot.....knowledge.

40% of Indonesians approve of violence in defense of Islam.

Pew Global: 68% of Palestinian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
43% of Nigerian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
38% of Lebanese Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
15% of Egyptian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
13% of Indonesian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
12% of Jordanian Muslims say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
7% of Muslim Israelis say suicide attacks against civilians in defense of Islam are justified.
Support for Suicide Bombings and Bin Laden Still High Among Some Muslims CNS News(Pew Global Attitudes Project September, 2009)

*much more here:

Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the Tiny Minority of Extremists Myth

Islam is a peaceful religion because most Muslims live peacefully and that only a "tiny minority of extremists" practice violence? That's like saying that White supremacy must be perfectly fine since only a tiny minority of racists ever hurt anyone. Neither does it explain why religious violence is largely endemic to Islam, despite the tremendous persecution of religious minorities in Muslim countries.

In truth, even a tiny minority of "1%" of Muslims worldwide translates to 15 million believers - which is hardly an insignificant number. However, the "minority" of Muslims who approve of terrorists, their goals, or their means of achieving them is much greater than this. In fact, it isn't even a true minority in some cases, depending on how goals and targets are defined. Muslim Opinion Polls - Challenging the Tiny Minority of Extremists Myth

Either wake up or get down on your knees and face East.

And most Christians would approve of violence to DEFEND their homeland and cultural values as well. It is all in how a question is worded, and how polls are used in support of the war propaganda you read dear.


I checked out page 7 of this PDF.


The upshot is, most of these people only believe that it is moral to attack military or government targets that are a threat to their nations, religion, or cultural interests. Your average Muslim does not want to harm Americans. It's right there in YOUR link. READ IT.

People basically just want to settle their differences peacefully if they can. Essentially, we all believe that others are like us; that we all love our mothers, fathers and our children, and we just want to find a way to get along.

STOP listening to the war propaganda.

(Or learn the difference between "freedom fighter, and terrorist.")
Know how many ex-mormon, ex-christian and ex-jew groups and websites there are?
Using such sites and claims is the absolute worst source.

The author is not a website but rather one who has suffered Islamic life. Does ABC News make it better for you, Princess?

Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Excerpt Heretic by Ayaan Hirsi Ali - ABC News

Excerpted from HERETIC: WHY ISLAM NEEDS A REFORMATION NOW by Ayaan Hirsi Ali by arrangement with Harper, an imprint of
HarperCollins Publishers, Copyright © 2015 by Ayaan Hirsi Ali

Introduction: One Islam, Three Sets of Muslims

On ______, a group of ______ heavily armed, black-clad men burst into a ______ in ______, opening fire and killing a total of ______ people. The attackers were filmed shouting “Allahu akbar!”

Speaking at a press conference, President ______ said: “We condemn this criminal act by extremists. Their attempt to justify their violent acts in the name of a religion of peace will not, however, succeed. We also condemn with equal force those who would use this atrocity as a pretext for Islamophobic hate crimes.”

As I revised the introduction to this book, four months before its publication, I could of course have written something more specific, like this:

On January 7, 2015, two heavily armed, black-clad attackers burst into the offices of Charlie Hebdo in Paris, opening fire and killing a total of ten people. The attackers were filmed shouting “Allahu akbar!”

But, on reflection, there seemed little reason to pick Paris. Just a few weeks earlier I could equally as well have written this:

In December 2014, a group of nine heavily armed, black-clad men burst into a school in Peshawar, opening fire and killing a total of 145 people.

Indeed, I could have written a similar sentence about any number of events, from Ottawa, Canada, to Sydney, Australia, to Baga, Nigeria. So instead I decided to leave the place blank and the number of killers and victims blank, too. You, the reader, can simply fill them in with the latest case that happens to be in the news. Or, if you prefer a more historical example, you can try this:

In September 2001, a group of 19 Islamic terrorists flew hijacked planes into buildings in New York and Washington, D.C., killing 2,996 people.

For more than thirteen years now, I have been making a simple argument in response to such acts of terrorism. My argument is that it is foolish to insist, as our leaders habitually do, that the violent acts of radical Islamists can be divorced from the religious ideals that inspire them. Instead we must acknowledge that they are driven by a political ideology, an ideology embedded in Islam itself, in the holy book of the Qur’an as well as the life and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad contained in the hadith.

Let me make my point in the simplest possible terms: Islam is not a religion of peace. For expressing the idea that Islamic violence is rooted not in social, economic, or political conditions—or even in theological error—but rather in the foundational texts of Islam itself, I have been denounced as a bigot and an “Islamophobe.” I have been silenced, shunned, and shamed. In effect, I have been deemed to be a heretic, not just by Muslims—for whom I am already an apostate—but by some Western liberals as well, whose multicultural sensibilities are offended by such “insensitive” pronouncements.
The upshot is, most of these people only believe that it is moral to attack military or government targets that are a threat to their nations, religion, or cultural interests...

Really? What kind of threat were the kids at that Peshawar school last December? What kind of threat are the Yazidis who are still living under imminent threat of rape and death? What kind of threat are the MILLIONS of Syrians who have been uprooted from their homes and lives for the honor and glory of some loon's Allah? Frankly, you have the right and the luxury of stuffing your head up your camel's ass until your goats come home but all you will get is more brain damage.
Not meaning to add fuel to the fire here...

But has anyone ever contemplated the meaning of "innocent" in terms of Islam?

Innocent--not condemned by the Quran

Try examining the word "peace" by way of the Quran. Then you will understand what is meant by "Islam is a peaceful religion".

It does not take much to realize secularism is condemned, hence caution is advised.

Some of the apologists may actually remember what we call "9/11."

This is what Muslims call 9:111

Indeed, Allah has purchased from the believers their lives and their properties [in exchange] for that they will have Paradise. They fight in the cause of Allah , so they kill and are killed. [It is] a true promise [binding] upon Him in the Torah and the Gospel and the Qur'an. And who is truer to his covenant than Allah ? So rejoice in your transaction which you have contracted. And it is that which is the great attainment.
Surat At-Tawbah 9 111 - The Noble Qur an -

Ah ... but for many of these apologists have convinced themselves that 9/11 was not perpetrated by Islamists "in the cause of Allah" but rather by Israel or the Jews or America. Convenient, eh?
The upshot is, most of these people only believe that it is moral to attack military or government targets that are a threat to their nations, religion, or cultural interests...

Really? What kind of threat were the kids at that Peshawar school last December? What kind of threat are the Yazidis who are still living under imminent threat of rape and death? What kind of threat are the MILLIONS of Syrians who have been uprooted from their homes and lives for the honor and glory of some loon's Allah? Frankly, you have the right and the luxury of stuffing your head up your camel's ass until your goats come home but all you will get is more brain damage.


Let's not be hyperbolic here. Wow.

The whole point of the thread is the nefarious claim that these incidents are reflective of the whole of all of Muslim society. My contention is that it isn't. We've used PC's own sources to bear out and prove that these aren't.

So then you want to take a few incidents by extremists, take a terrible civil war, exaggerate specious numbers of causalities and refugees, etc. and then use all of this as an excuse for US taxpayers and voters to get involved in conflicts way over on the other side of the planet that has nothing to do with us at all?

By using these incidents and then lashing out at me with abusive ad hominem attacks when I am the one using logic and persuasive language when you yourselves have been brainwashed, terrified and duped by MSM into believing that supporting an interventionist policy into the M.E. is good for America, when in fact, it will do nothing but create MORE radicalized extremists, shows just how little you grasp the very subtle intricacies and fine details of this topic.

The upshot is, most of these people only believe that it is moral to attack military or government targets that are a threat to their nations, religion, or cultural interests...

Really? What kind of threat were the kids at that Peshawar school last December? What kind of threat are the Yazidis who are still living under imminent threat of rape and death? What kind of threat are the MILLIONS of Syrians who have been uprooted from their homes and lives for the honor and glory of some loon's Allah? Frankly, you have the right and the luxury of stuffing your head up your camel's ass until your goats come home but all you will get is more brain damage.


Let's not be hyperbolic here. Wow.

The whole point of the thread is the nefarious claim that these incidents are reflective of the whole of all of Muslim society. My contention is that it isn't. We've used PC's own sources to bear out and prove that these aren't.

So then you want to take a few incidents by extremists, take a terrible civil war, exaggerate specious numbers of causalities and refugees, etc. and then use all of this as an excuse for US taxpayers and voters to get involved in conflicts way over on the other side of the planet that has nothing to do with us at all?

By using these incidents and then lashing out at me with abusive ad hominem attacks when I am the one using logic and persuasive language when you yourselves have been brainwashed, terrified and duped by MSM into believing that supporting an interventionist policy into the M.E. is good for America, when in fact, it will do nothing but create MORE radicalized extremists, shows just how little you grasp the very subtle intricacies and fine details of this topic.


Uh-huh ... anyone who doesn't agree with your twisted POV can only be duped by the MSM. Guess what, Princess ... you have yet to exhibit the ability to examine multiple sources and weed out the camel crap. I've read dozens of your Jews-did-it 9/11 CT BS posts and know everything you believe is viewed through that prism. In the case of Muslims, the enemy of your enemy is your friend.

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