An Attack on the Constitution...


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
...from a likely source!

No longer satisfied with simply ignoring the Constitution, the sanctimonious windbag is attacking it....a full-on frontal assault!

1. "....six years into a presidency that hasn’t managed to get the economy producing jobs at anything like, say, the Reagan he’s blaming ... Roger Sherman.... the only signer of all four of America’s great state papers, the Continental Association (that set up the trade boycott with Britain), the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, and the Constitution.

2. Sherman’s greatest contribution was as architect of the so-called Connecticut Compromise. That was the breakthrough that gave popular representation to the House of Representatives and equal suffrage of the states to the Senate.

It is a core principle of our government.

3. All the more breathtaking, 225 years later, to hear the President of America carping about it .... Mr. Obama is “blaming his inability to move his agenda on the ‘disadvantage’ of having each state represented equally in the Senate.”

4. .... he told big donors that one of the hurdles facing the Democrats is the apportionment of two senators to each state.... he also blamed “demographics,” meaning the tendency of the Democrats to congregate in cities.

Yet his main assertion was that it is “some structural reasons” that explain “why, despite the fact that Republican ideas are largely rejected by the public, it’s still hard for us to break through.”

[An admission that his 'ideas' aren't accepted!]

5. ... watch an indicator here at the Sun called the H.Q., which stands for “hypocrisy quotient.” .... It turns out that this particular statement by Mr. Obama registers — at 1,11.9 — one of the highest hypocrisy quotients ever recorded in a presidential statement. ... this stems from the discord between his assertion that GOP ideas have been rejected by the public and the particulars of the current Congress.

6. It is, after all, the upper chamber, the one in which the small states have an equal vote with the more populous states, that is controlled by the Democrats. It is the lower chamber, the one that is apportioned according to population, that is controlled by the Republicans.

7. In other words, things are just 180 degrees opposite of what the president is trying to palm off ....

8. If left to the popularly elected House,
Obamacare would have been lifted from the economy long ago.
We would have tax cuts. We’d have audited the Federal Reserve a year or two ago.
We’d know how much gold it has, who owns it, and where it is.
We’d know what the Fed has been doing with foreign banks.
We’d have reciprocity among the states for concealed carry of pistols. Oooh, don’t get us started.

9. ... this exposes America’s constitutional bedrock. We’re in touch with the left-of-center scholars, such as, to name but one, the University of Texas law school sage Sanford Levinson, who has been hunting for ways to get around the fact that the equal suffrage of the states in the Senate is the one remaining part of the Constitution that is essentially impossible to amend...

10. We embrace this debate, even when we don’t agree. What we don’t embrace is the tendency to blame the rules — or the Founders. Smarmy is the word for the suggestion that the GOP lacks for standing with the people.

The party of Lincoln controls the people’s House because of the substance."
Obama’s Constitution - The New York Sun

Remember when there were simpletons who actually believed that the lecturer at the University of Chicago was some sort of constitutional scholar???

....or that he subscribed to the United States Constitution???
the constitution reigns in and controls government. it separates powers into three branches and limits what each can do. our runaway government sees that as an obstacle.
the constitution reigns in and controls government. it separates powers into three branches and limits what each can do. our runaway government sees that as an obstacle.

Yup....from Progressive Wilson to Progressive Obama...

In his 1890 essay, “Leaders of Men,” Wilson explained that a “true leader” uses the masses like “tools.” He must inflame their passions with little heed for the facts. “Men are as clay in the hands of the consummate leader.”

“No doubt a lot of nonsense has been talked about the inalienable rights of the individual, and a great deal that was mere sentiment and pleasing speculation has been put forward as fundamental principle,” wrote Wilson, attacking the very individual rights that have made America great.

He rejected the principles of “separation of powers” and “checks and balances” that are the foundation of American government: “Government does now whatever experience permits or the times demand….”
wrote Wilson in The State.
Republicans have gained power in more states that Democrats. By redistricting the Congressional districts they have ensured control of the House for a few more cycles. Pure politics. Of course they learned it from the Democrats.........
Republicans have gained power in more states that Democrats. By redistricting the Congressional districts they have ensured control of the House for a few more cycles. Pure politics. Of course they learned it from the Democrats.........

And that explains....

"There are a lot of interesting findings in the new Pew poll about the Affordable Care Act, released Sunday, but the most reliable and stark one: Americans really don’t like the law."
Pew Finds People Dislike Obamacare So Much, They Might Even Trust Republicans Now | National Review Online


"Poll: Obama’s disapproval rating hits a new high"
Poll: Obama?s disapproval rating hits a new high

....exactly how?
Where's the part where Obama said he wanted to change the Constitution?

Or...could it be he was just stating some political realities? Naaaaah...
Let us all know when he does away with the Constitution. Until then relax.

He did that 4 years ago junior (the federal government does not have the power to force citizens to purchase a good or service).

Where in the world have you been?!?

Yes they do. You are required to purchase all sorts of goods and services via your taxes.
Boehner said:

So today we are unveiling a Plan for America’s Job Creators that’s focused on creating lasting economic growth and job creation. It builds on our Pledge to America and the legislative action that we’re already taking this year to create jobs, which the Democrats continue to block.

“Helping Americans get back to work is our number one priority, and we’re going to do everything we can to help create jobs and to boost our economy.”


lets vote to defund Healthcare 55 times.
Republicans have gained power in more states that Democrats. By redistricting the Congressional districts they have ensured control of the House for a few more cycles. Pure politics. Of course they learned it from the Democrats.........

And that explains....

"There are a lot of interesting findings in the new Pew poll about the Affordable Care Act, released Sunday, but the most reliable and stark one: Americans really don’t like the law."
Pew Finds People Dislike Obamacare So Much, They Might Even Trust Republicans Now | National Review Online


"Poll: Obama’s disapproval rating hits a new high"
Poll: Obama?s disapproval rating hits a new high

....exactly how?

Thank god for political polls to tell us how we feel............
Republicans have gained power in more states that Democrats. By redistricting the Congressional districts they have ensured control of the House for a few more cycles. Pure politics. Of course they learned it from the Democrats.........

And that explains....

"There are a lot of interesting findings in the new Pew poll about the Affordable Care Act, released Sunday, but the most reliable and stark one: Americans really don’t like the law."
Pew Finds People Dislike Obamacare So Much, They Might Even Trust Republicans Now | National Review Online


"Poll: Obama’s disapproval rating hits a new high"
Poll: Obama?s disapproval rating hits a new high

....exactly how?

Thank god for political polls to tell us how we feel............

I believe you have answered the question.
We discussed this recently in another OP.

The original Big State Plan, the parts at which PC yells and apparently BHO likes, was proposed through proxies by Mr. Big Government Guy (at the time) James Madison, and was supported by John Adams and George Washington.

So PC would have been a Small State player, later an ani-federalist, which is cool. Madison eventually joined that side, while Adams and Washington did not.

PC is not accepting that we have always had a legitimate debate about representation from the beginning days of the Republic.

And that is OK.

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