An Assumption On My Part


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
Considering the saavy here, from both the right and left, I'm assuming that the readers are aware of the brouhaha regarding lefty blogs comments hoping and wailing at the failure to take out Cheney. If you missed them, some are saved here. The best discussion of what has transpired I found here.

Now it's not just the left, I know too many on the right that have wished death, destruction, incarceration, etc. on Clinton, Kerry, etc.

But as evidenced, it's not just the right wing either.
I think it is all cyber posturing. I certainly would never wish that anything bad befall the vice president of the united states, but I can understand how people might spout off like they would in a sort of badass partisan is just cyberspace, after all.
there is an old idiomatic expression that goes, "I wouldn't piss on him if he were on fire" I have used that expression to characterize my disdain for some people - Cheney included - from time to time, but clearly, if I came upon Dick Cheney ablaze, regardless of previous statements to the contrary, I definitely would be willing to take THAT step to put the flames out ;)
I think what happened here was just as wrong as those on the right that were celebrating the 'stroke like' attack of the Senator. Wrong on every front.
absolutely wrong...but many on either side do you know that come online to do anything other than insult their opponents? I mean really, that is all that RSR ever does.

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