An American Tragedy

"On January 20, 2017, we will bid farewell to the first African-American President—a man of integrity, dignity, and generous spirit—and witness the inauguration of a con who did little to spurn endorsement by forces of xenophobia and white supremacy."

integrity, dignity, and generous spirit..."
Bullshit! The man has been has been a total asshole bigot and muslim sympathizer whose only legacy is one of corruption and attempted tyranny. Good riddance! The People have spoken.

A prognosticator I see.

Where we're those fortune telling skills when you told us Trump would lose?

I didn't believe him when he said the elections were rigged. He also lost the maj vote.
Anytime someone brings up he didn't get the majority vote, you do know that they sound like an idiot, right?

It makes you sound like you don't understand how the Republic and the Great Compromise work. It's like you don't give a shit about folks that live in rural areas, and the only places in the nation that matter to you, are places with high population density. So the issues that are important to small towns shouldn't matter, mob rule, and all that? The principles of Republican democracy, fuck all that? As long as you get what you want, right?

The electoral college needs to be done away with. The election was rigged. The GOP is not a democracy.
It was not rigged, remember Hillary a very big way. People just did not want her enough to effectuate electing her.
A prognosticator I see.

Where we're those fortune telling skills when you told us Trump would lose?

I didn't believe him when he said the elections were rigged. He also lost the maj vote.
Anytime someone brings up he didn't get the majority vote, you do know that they sound like an idiot, right?

It makes you sound like you don't understand how the Republic and the Great Compromise work. It's like you don't give a shit about folks that live in rural areas, and the only places in the nation that matter to you, are places with high population density. So the issues that are important to small towns shouldn't matter, mob rule, and all that? The principles of Republican democracy, fuck all that? As long as you get what you want, right?

The electoral college needs to be done away with. The election was rigged. The GOP is not a democracy.

Basically what you are saying is; Montana and Wyoming should be colonies of NY and California.

How very imperialist of you. Nice to see you would like to bring back slavery and make fellow Americans into your slaves.

I've noticed how SJW's are more concerned with microagressions than they are about the perpetual war that this administration has been carrying out for the past eight years.

Fucking insane. You get all hot and bothered about the rights of someone with a dick to be able to use women's bathrooms, but you just don't give a shit about your lefty president who was given the noble peace prize, while he is bombing innocent brown women and children.

No wonder they anti-war left abandoned you for Stein in your hour of need. You deserved it. :lmao:

Your own hypocrisy stinks.

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