Among the "humanitarian" aid found on the Gaza blockade runner...

Propaganda swallowed by fucking fools. Let's see....

None of the listed items are anything to get concerned about and all have defensive purposes more than offensive. Common sense intercedes yet again: medicinal gas masks could be used by doctors and other rescue workers to aid victims of a bombing. The prescription NVGs would be used by the same personnel and the bullet proof vests could have been on their way to iraq to help cover the shortage of them for our soldiers. Okay....maybe not. But the vests could be used by civilians during a rocket attack. None of these items are weapons nor offensive oriented.

Then we come to the "possible Jihad connections." Who the fuck buys this shit? it at all possible Israel is under the gun for murdering unarmed civilians so now they need to scramble and justify it? They also claim these individuals had envelopes of cash......yep! Anyone with cash is a terrorist suspect!

Let's inject common sense again.....this flotilla had been widely advertised prior to setting sail. These people wanted to make sure the world knew what they were doing and when they would be doing it. So, they thought, "Hey! This would be a great time to try and smuggle! We have very little chance of encountering any IDF along the way!"

If Israel claimed they found Saddam Hussein some dumbasses would repeat that to help try and justify the outright fucking murder.

Oh last point. The IDF keeps claiming the flotillas were "prepared" to engage the IDF in a violent clash. Ummm....yeah.....because we all know some chairs from a passenger boat are all you need upon entering a fire fight with a fucking naval force with air support.

This whole fucking thing is sick.

You are quite naive. And mistaken. Did you actually watch any of the videos? Do you read the reports?

Israel had every right to inspect the ship for missiles that are shot into Israeli cities by hamas.

Turkey and the turkey terrorists should be condemned for provoking the violent incident.

Next time Israel needs to use overwhelming force and just assume they will be violent a fain.

If Turkey is such a threat why has israel been selling them weapons?
but do you know why Palestinians would need bullet proof vest and gas masks?

they need them because their people are getting shot and killed everyday by the Israeli soldiers. and they are getting gassed as well.

so they have become a necessity for the people of Gaza.
but do you know why Palestinians would need bullet proof vest and gas masks?

they need them because their people are getting shot and killed everyday by the Israeli soldiers. and they are getting gassed as well.

so they have become a necessity for the people of Gaza.

Oh pooey! Israel says it only sends pizza and flowers to Gaza. Stop listening to the Palestinian controlled US media.
....therapeutic bullet-proof vests, medicinal gas masks, and prescription night-vision goggles.

During its searches of the Mavi Marmara on Tuesday, the military also discovered a cache of bulletproof vests and night-vision goggles, as well as gas masks. On Monday morning, at least nine foreign activists were killed during the navy’s takeover of the Mavi Marmara, which was trying to break Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip.

IDF: Global Jihad links on flotilla

I have to agree with curvelight. None of the items you mention are weapons, ergo there presence on the ships does not constitute grounds for an attack. In addition there is a term for attacking ships in international waters, it's called piracy and is punishable by death.

Never said that they were weapons.

But one thing that they are NOT is humanitarian aid. One thing they ARE, are objects with distinct military applications.
but do you know why Palestinians would need bullet proof vest and gas masks?

they need them because their people are getting shot and killed everyday by the Israeli soldiers. and they are getting gassed as well.

so they have become a necessity for the people of Gaza.

What? Do you realy believe that? Well in other board someone said that we sent HIV+ hookers to infect them with HIV- We dont.

Also in the last year we stop drinking innocent childern blood
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The prime minister's remarks followed IDF reports that a group of about 50 men – of the 700 on board – had been identified as being well-trained, and a ringleader who recruited them from the northwestern Turkey city of Bursa.

The group was split up into smaller squads that were distributed throughout the deck and communicated with one another with handheld communication devices. The men wore bulletproof vests and gas masks and laid an ambush for the Shayetet 13 soldiers as they rapelled onto the ship's deck from a helicopter.

The members of this violent group were not carrying identity cards or passports. Instead, each of them had an envelope in his pocket with about $10,000 in cash.

PM: Mercenaries aboard Gaza ship
The prime minister's remarks followed IDF reports that a group of about 50 men – of the 700 on board – had been identified as being well-trained, and a ringleader who recruited them from the northwestern Turkey city of Bursa.

The group was split up into smaller squads that were distributed throughout the deck and communicated with one another with handheld communication devices. The men wore bulletproof vests and gas masks and laid an ambush for the Shayetet 13 soldiers as they rapelled onto the ship's deck from a helicopter.

The members of this violent group were not carrying identity cards or passports. Instead, each of them had an envelope in his pocket with about $10,000 in cash.

PM: Mercenaries aboard Gaza ship

Was any of that illegal?

Did they do anything illegal?
but do you know why Palestinians would need bullet proof vest and gas masks?

they need them because their people are getting shot and killed everyday by the Israeli soldiers. and they are getting gassed as well.

so they have become a necessity for the people of Gaza.

What? Do you realy believe that? Well in other board someone said that we sent HIV+ hookers to infect them with HIV- We dont.

Also in the last year we stop drinking innocent childern blood

are you trying to tell me Palestinians aren't getting killed everyday by the Israeli army? and Im not talking about the extremist. im talking about civilian men,women and children.
but do you know why Palestinians would need bullet proof vest and gas masks?

they need them because their people are getting shot and killed everyday by the Israeli soldiers. and they are getting gassed as well.

so they have become a necessity for the people of Gaza.

What? Do you realy believe that? Well in other board someone said that we sent HIV+ hookers to infect them with HIV- We dont.

Also in the last year we stop drinking innocent childern blood

are you trying to tell me Palestinians aren't getting killed everyday by the Israeli army? and Im not talking about the extremist. im talking about civilian men,women and children.

Maybe they getting killed bc of that:

[ame=]YouTube - Hamas using children as human shield[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Israeli TV - 14 year old Suicide Bomber[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Hamas admits it uses human shields[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Hamas Exploitation of Civilians as Human Shields[/ame]
What? Do you realy believe that? Well in other board someone said that we sent HIV+ hookers to infect them with HIV- We dont.

Also in the last year we stop drinking innocent childern blood

are you trying to tell me Palestinians aren't getting killed everyday by the Israeli army? and Im not talking about the extremist. im talking about civilian men,women and children.

Maybe they getting killed bc of that:

[ame=]YouTube - Hamas using children as human shield[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Israeli TV - 14 year old Suicide Bomber[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Hamas admits it uses human shields[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Hamas Exploitation of Civilians as Human Shields[/ame]

[ame=]YouTube - Israeli War Crimes - Israeli Soldiers Shoot And Kill Gaza Farmer[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Testimony Israeli soldiers in Gaza shoot family, killing father and 4 year old boy, wounding others[/ame]
[ame=]YouTube - Gaza fishermen face daily dangers - 04 Feb 09[/ame]
The prime minister's remarks followed IDF reports that a group of about 50 men – of the 700 on board – had been identified as being well-trained, and a ringleader who recruited them from the northwestern Turkey city of Bursa.

The group was split up into smaller squads that were distributed throughout the deck and communicated with one another with handheld communication devices. The men wore bulletproof vests and gas masks and laid an ambush for the Shayetet 13 soldiers as they rapelled onto the ship's deck from a helicopter.

The members of this violent group were not carrying identity cards or passports. Instead, each of them had an envelope in his pocket with about $10,000 in cash.

PM: Mercenaries aboard Gaza ship

both sides are really fucked on this issue.....i saw the videos of the soldiers being beaten to death....this was hardly a peace mission...but again israel boarded the ship and sent the young men to their deaths...did israel spys not watch the damn ships the entire time...
israel prouds itself on its intell...why didnt they know this before hand...and if they did why did they allow the young men to descend that rope into hell?
For P F Tinmore:

Where in those vids you SEE israeli soldiers kill civilians? ? ? Im sure sadley that there are civilians who died or in injured by the armey BUT they was never a target. Accident happen, sad but its happen, in wars especially when civilians used as a human shield.
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....therapeutic bullet-proof vests, medicinal gas masks, and prescription night-vision goggles.

During its searches of the Mavi Marmara on Tuesday, the military also discovered a cache of bulletproof vests and night-vision goggles, as well as gas masks. On Monday morning, at least nine foreign activists were killed during the navy’s takeover of the Mavi Marmara, which was trying to break Israel’s blockade of the Gaza Strip.

IDF: Global Jihad links on flotilla

but... but.... but.... they were 'peace activists'.


oh, i'm sorry, did i laugh when i said that?
The prime minister's remarks followed IDF reports that a group of about 50 men – of the 700 on board – had been identified as being well-trained, and a ringleader who recruited them from the northwestern Turkey city of Bursa.

The group was split up into smaller squads that were distributed throughout the deck and communicated with one another with handheld communication devices. The men wore bulletproof vests and gas masks and laid an ambush for the Shayetet 13 soldiers as they rapelled onto the ship's deck from a helicopter.

The members of this violent group were not carrying identity cards or passports. Instead, each of them had an envelope in his pocket with about $10,000 in cash.

PM: Mercenaries aboard Gaza ship

both sides are really fucked on this issue.....i saw the videos of the soldiers being beaten to death....this was hardly a peace mission...but again israel boarded the ship and sent the young men to their deaths...did israel spys not watch the damn ships the entire time...
israel prouds itself on its intell...why didnt they know this before hand...and if they did why did they allow the young men to descend that rope into hell?

except that israel had the right to board the ship...

and had the right to keep weapons away from terrorists.

so, no, 'both sides' weren't ....
so jillian if intell knew....did israel have a right to send those men into that hell?

at this point i am simply beyond caring...the me is just amping the game up ...a notch at a time...

pretty soon we will here....its on like donkey kong...

only a matter of time...the fuse is set...the match is one can back down now...
For P F Tinmore:

Where in those vids you SEE israeli soldiers kill civilians? ? ? Im sure sadley that there are civilians who died or in injured by the armey BUT they was never a target. Accident happen, sad but its happen, in wars especially when civilians used as a human shield.

Video one Israel kills unarmed civilian farmer.

Did you miss that?

Video two Israel kills civilians including father and child. Shoots other women and children.

Did you miss that?

video three shows fisherman shot in the leg. It also states that 12 fishing boats have been destroyed, and 70 damaged.

Perhaps this one is better.
[ame=]YouTube - Fishing bullets in Gaza Strip 4/11/2008[/ame]

Some say this is not terrorism!
For P F Tinmore:

Where in those vids you SEE israeli soldiers kill civilians? ? ? Im sure sadley that there are civilians who died or in injured by the armey BUT they was never a target. Accident happen, sad but its happen, in wars especially when civilians used as a human shield.

Video one Israel kills unarmed civilian farmer.

Did you miss that?

Video two Israel kills civilians including father and child. Shoots other women and children.

Did you miss that?

video three shows fisherman shot in the leg. It also states that 12 fishing boats have been destroyed, and 70 damaged.

Perhaps this one is better.
[ame=]YouTube - Fishing bullets in Gaza Strip 4/11/2008[/ame]

Some say this is not terrorism!

I see them talk about but i didnt see that. Did you see the vids i post you can SEE what i talk about. and i will say again "Im sure sadley that there are civilians who died or in injured by the armey BUT they was never a target. Accident happen, sad but its happen, in wars especially when civilians used as a human shield"
For P F Tinmore:

Where in those vids you SEE israeli soldiers kill civilians? ? ? Im sure sadley that there are civilians who died or in injured by the armey BUT they was never a target. Accident happen, sad but its happen, in wars especially when civilians used as a human shield.

Video one Israel kills unarmed civilian farmer.

Did you miss that?

Video two Israel kills civilians including father and child. Shoots other women and children.

Did you miss that?

video three shows fisherman shot in the leg. It also states that 12 fishing boats have been destroyed, and 70 damaged.

Perhaps this one is better.
[ame=]YouTube - Fishing bullets in Gaza Strip 4/11/2008[/ame]

Some say this is not terrorism!

I see them talk about but i didnt see that. Did you see the vids i post you can SEE what i talk about. and i will say again "Im sure sadley that there are civilians who died or in injured by the armey BUT they was never a target. Accident happen, sad but its happen, in wars especially when civilians used as a human shield"

You need to get off that Israeli propaganda. It is rotting your brain.

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