Amid the diversions, lets still remember the Russian investigation


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2015
Oh, no doubt Trump always manages to fill the day with more scandalous news on his "stellar" administration.......Charlottesville, resigning/firings of his staff, the disbanding of committees, fights with fellow republicans, etc.......BUT, Mueller trudges on with his meticulous investigations....

We all know how valuable Manafort was (and is) to Trump.....and the raid on his home on July 26th may be a bit damaging to not only Manafort, but also to Trump-junior.

The search warrant was wide-ranging and FBI agents working with special counsel Robert S. Mueller III departed the home with various records.

The Senate was originally unable to reach an agreement with Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, over the terms of his testimony, and issued a subpoena. However, that was withdrawn before his agreement to hold a discussion with committee staff.

Manafort’s history, which includes working for a series of dictators and autocrats, features a prominent role in working directly for pro-Russian forces to upend the government in Ukraine and put a pro-Putin candidate in power. Manafort also worked to generate disruptions that served as an excuse for the Russian takeover of Crimea, including an attack on US Marines and protests against NATO.

Despite his years of overseas work and lobbying for foreign governments in the United States, it wasn’t until June that Manafort finally registered as a foreign agent and admitted to millions in unreported payments. Manafort also maintained an office in Cyprus, and worked on what appeared to be money laundering schemes. Manafort’s efforts left him millions in debt to Russian.

Daily Kos......
Every day is opposite day for the three legged one.

OP is code for afraid adopted narratives have fallen. Seems you'd be used to that already OP, but keep up the fight.
Oh, no doubt Trump always manages to fill the day with more scandalous news on his "stellar" administration.......Charlottesville, resigning/firings of his staff, the disbanding of committees, fights with fellow republicans, etc.......BUT, Mueller trudges on with his meticulous investigations....

We all know how valuable Manafort was (and is) to Trump.....and the raid on his home on July 26th may be a bit damaging to not only Manafort, but also to Trump-junior.

The search warrant was wide-ranging and FBI agents working with special counsel Robert S. Mueller III departed the home with various records.

The Senate was originally unable to reach an agreement with Manafort, Trump’s former campaign chairman, over the terms of his testimony, and issued a subpoena. However, that was withdrawn before his agreement to hold a discussion with committee staff.

Manafort’s history, which includes working for a series of dictators and autocrats, features a prominent role in working directly for pro-Russian forces to upend the government in Ukraine and put a pro-Putin candidate in power. Manafort also worked to generate disruptions that served as an excuse for the Russian takeover of Crimea, including an attack on US Marines and protests against NATO.

Despite his years of overseas work and lobbying for foreign governments in the United States, it wasn’t until June that Manafort finally registered as a foreign agent and admitted to millions in unreported payments. Manafort also maintained an office in Cyprus, and worked on what appeared to be money laundering schemes. Manafort’s efforts left him millions in debt to Russian.

Daily Kos......

Hahaha...Yeah, yeah that fabricated Charlottesville bullshit isn't taking hold and is losing steam quickly....Now BACK TO RUSSIA!
Fucking hilarious you Loons are.
Cause: Liberals are very butt-hurt over the election results.

Effect: Liberals need a reason for their pain, and therefore Trump is a Russian Spy, and anything else they can invent to pamper said butt-hurt.

Cause: Liberals see their Russian Spy rhetoric is in decay.

Effect: Trump is a NAZI.
The OP has to bring up 'Russia' because the Liberal media has abandoned it as the debunked Fake News liberal failed ploy that it is and always was...
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Hahaha...Yeah, yeah that fabricated Charlottesville bullshit isn't taking hold and is losing steam quickly....Now BACK TO RUSSIA!

No. no Loser.......You are certainly free to talk MORE about Charlottesville...I mean, that worked so well for both trump and David Duke......LOL
the Liberal media has abandoned it as the debunked Fake News

REALLY???? Really?? "Abandoned it"???
Boy, the things one learns from right wing morons on here.....LOL
Trump has managed to ‘divert’ attention away from the Russia investigations and focus on the fact that he’s a failed ‘president’ and reprehensible bigot.

Well, to be "fair"....Trump has managed to divert attention from his being a Russian stooge....................To his being a "reprehensible bigot"........

Gotta give him "credit"................LOL
REALLY???? Really?? "Abandoned it"??? Boy, the things one learns from right wing morons on here.....LOL
...the snowflake equivalent of, "Oh're a poopy head."


Gnat is an escapee from the kids' table... :p
Muellers lead FBI investigator walked out on him.........

True.....Its been confirmed that the guy now has been "promoted" from lead investigator, to some filer in the FBI Human Resource Department.....

What could have gone wrong....??? LOL
In case you haven't gotten the "memo", Nat...the whole "Russian Collusion" has kind of died with a whimper! Mueller's now looking at Trump's finances hoping that might provide something illegal. If that doesn't work out I understand that Mueller will then be looking into whether Donald Trump wrote down the wrong score on his last round of golf! (eye roll)
...the snowflake equivalent of, "Oh're a poopy head."


Gnat is an escapee from the kids' table.

No, no, Queasy.....I am deeply indebted to you for informing us that the Liberal media has abandoned [the Russian investigation] as the debunked Fake News .......I mean, who knew???

Really, thanks for the update and well cited conclusion......LOL
In case you haven't gotten the "memo", Nat...the whole "Russian Collusion" has kind of died with a whimper!

Again, I am very grateful to learn from right wingers this bit of BREAKING NEWS...(could you share that "memo"with us???)................LOL

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