America's real plague-higher education.

If a fraud election and the ridiculous claim that 80 million people voted for Joe Biden doesn't wake the people up, nothing will.
Yo Ray.
The indoctrination you receive from RW news has rotted your brain.
You talk about higher education, yet have NEVER taught, Probably never helped in a classroom.
Correct me if I'm wrong. I will certainly apologize if you have done one.

About the fraud election, does your own lack of education prevent you from understanding that as the USA population grows, people are living longer, and the successful procedure of getting non registered voters to register, ACTUALLY resulted in MILLIONS of new voters.

Put it all together Ray, using simple math:
1) Aging population of registered voters STILL voting, not dying and still voting.
2) The number of 14+years old that aged to 18 and became eligible to vote. LOGIC ray.
3) The, as I would call a successful (D) effort, to register past non-voters to register to vote.

You can actually understand the the total number of votes would increase. Right Ray?
You can understand that, right Ray?

Your false claim that Biden did not get 81 Million votes is 'weak sauce' ray.
Population increases, number of votes increases.

RIP Ray.
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On the contrary, if all this covid shit has proven anything, it's that remote learning is far inferior to learning in person.
Of course online remote learning is inferior to public school.
That's why I wonder why right wingers claim that public school is so pathetic, but crawl back quickly.
You cannot please these low IQ people that rail on public education.
Also, let's do homeschooling, because public education sucks, oh, until it happens, and you have to teach your child at home.

Conclusion, being a teacher in this current 'distant learning' thing, some students actually prefer it, as they are self motivated, and it is FREE.

So, I predict that many (what is many....10-20%) of students may choose to continue with 'distant learning' as long as the district pays for opposed to going a 'tutor' or 'for profit organization'.
If a fraud election and the ridiculous claim that 80 million people voted for Joe Biden doesn't wake the people up, nothing will.
Yo Ray.
The indoctrination you receive from RW news has rotted your brain.
You talk about higher education, yet have NEVER taught, Probably never helped in a classroom.
Correct me if I'm wrong. I will certainly apologize if you have done one.

About the fraud election, does your own lack of education prevent you from understanding that as the USA population grows, people are living longer, and the successful procedure of getting non registered voters to register, ACTUALLY resulted in MILLIONS of new voters.

Put it all together Ray, using simple math:
1) Aging population of registered voters STILL voting, not dying and still voting.
2) The number of 14+years old that aged to 18 and became eligible to vote. LOGIC ray.
3) The, as I would call a successful (D) effort, to register past non-voters to register to vote.

You can actually understand the the total number of votes would increase. Right Ray?
You can understand that, right Ray?

Your false claim that Biden did not get 81 Million votes is 'weak sauce' ray.
Population increases, number of votes increases.

RIP Ray.

There is probably no greater indication of a cognitive decline in America than the current movement in US education to impose holocaust methodology on Caucasian citizens. The majority of the people in the USA have white skin, therefore, all the sins of the world can be laid at their feet. Like the Jews at the dawn of the of the Nazi scourge, white Americans are in the crosshairs as convenient targets of opportunity. Like the Jews, their history and existence leaves them defenseless as obstacles to a fairer and more perfect world that they prevent simply by being alive.

As happened during the Nazi holocaust, there are sympathizers from the affected group that see a chance to get a better deal from the oppressors by owning false guilt and joining the wicked cause as allies. They are the PhD’s in our school systems that aid in the fomentation of hatred among the masses. They view the brave new world of groupism as a vehicle for the imposition of “state thought”. Only state thought is good; all other thought is bad and must be cancelled.

The bad children must be taught that they are bad by virtue of their birth markings. Their inferiority must be laid bare for all the world to see. Their culture and ways of life must be destroyed to build the all-good central state that will soon be a global monster. This is not new; it has been tried before and defeated.

This time it is much more powerful and widespread. American education is a crucial foundation for its success. The children must be exposed to second class teaching that dumbs them down. The bad must be extinguished for the good. I am the bad and so are you. They are coming for us with Washington traitors in their ranks. If you listen to these fools you are easy prey.
I am waiting for a counter argument.

So, I predict that many (what is many....10-20%) of students may choose to continue with 'distant learning' as long as the district pays for opposed to going a 'tutor' or 'for profit organization'.

Some aspects of remote learning will likely be retained and built in to the traditional school environment. Keep what works and all that.

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