America’s global influence has dwindled under Donald Trump

Dr Grump

Platinum Member
Apr 4, 2006
From the Back of Beyond
For all its flaws, America has long been the greatest force for good in the world, upholding the liberal order and offering an example of how democracy works. All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves. By putting “America First”, he makes it weaker, and the world worse off.
For all its flaws, America has long been the greatest force for good in the world, upholding the liberal order and offering an example of how democracy works. All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves. By putting “America First”, he makes it weaker, and the world worse off.
The Economist? Really? The globalist, open-borders (((shills))). LOL, you are as dumb as a post. The US started losing respect when Israel took over our foreign policy, when we bombed our natural ally, Serbia, on behalf of Muslims under Clinton, when we were ((shnookered)) into Gulf Wars I & II under Bushs Scum and Scummier, when we Arab Springed the Middle East to death under Clinton/Obama. Trump may be the only person in the world who can right this sinking ship, which is why (((Deep State))) and the (((media))) hate him so much.
Amen to all the initial responses.

The only reason why the World dislikes Trump is he's making
them kiss our ass again, rather than the other way around like that p.o.s.
For all its flaws, America has long been the greatest force for good in the world, upholding the liberal order and offering an example of how democracy works. All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves. By putting “America First”, he makes it weaker, and the world worse off.
For all its flaws, America has long been the greatest force for good in the world, upholding the liberal order and offering an example of how democracy works. All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves. By putting “America First”, he makes it weaker, and the world worse off.

Yes, the DPRK is waiting for a rain of missiles, Iran is waiting to see what we will do to the DPRK, China is waiting for a possible end to the American market, Russia is broke, and Europe is wondering if we will rearrange our security stance.

Perhaps they should listen up. America First is the new wave.
For all its flaws, America has long been the greatest force for good in the world, upholding the liberal order and offering an example of how democracy works. All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves. By putting “America First”, he makes it weaker, and the world worse off.

Trump is a foreign policy disaster.

His gutting of the State Department being one of many examples.
An American president is SUPPOSED to put American interests first, that's his sworn fucking job, for Chrissakes! It really tells me the treasonous, self-hating nature of liberals when they act like prioritizing American interests is such an alien concept.
For all its flaws, America has long been the greatest force for good in the world, upholding the liberal order and offering an example of how democracy works. All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves. By putting “America First”, he makes it weaker, and the world worse off.
I miss the days of Obama's "Red Lines" and eyeing Putin in the face and telling him to "knock it off", very sternly of course.
For all its flaws, America has long been the greatest force for good in the world, upholding the liberal order and offering an example of how democracy works. All that is imperilled by a president who believes that strong nations look out only for themselves. By putting “America First”, he makes it weaker, and the world worse off.

Trump is a foreign policy disaster.

His gutting of the State Department being one of many examples.
Not sure what 'Global Influence' means. Does it mean constant meddling in other nations' internal affairs and never-ending war? I'm perfectly fine with the US scaling the Empire-Building back bigtime. It's time to come home. If Trump's trying to do that, good on em. It's about time.

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