Americans who trust conservative media outlets most likely to fall prey to COVID-19 misinformation


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Like fauci being proven a liar? and his emails showing he ignored things that didnt fit his narrative?
Media is a joke. All this left vs right just makes you people look like complete dumbfucks. As you are looking like a dumbfuck, the actual problem gets overlooked. Because you are dumbfucks and dont know any better.

Is anyone surprised? Do these conservative media outlets realize that by propagating misinformation about COVID or the vaccine they are putting the health of their devoted audience in danger?

Very Sad....

And you prefer to trust Fake News Media....Communist News Media/CNN and the rest?

Don't be a Leftard Sheeple.

Anyone who gets their medical information from anyone but a trained and trusted physician is a fool.

No one should rely on any single media source when it comes to important decisions concerning their health.
Just look at the stupid shit that gets posted to UMB on a daily basis. We're a forum of idiots.

The posters are lucky that only 1 out of 500 die from COVID. It's like the turkeys who look up and drown in the rain.
You people are part of the conservative media that is busy killing....wait for it...wait for it...those who read and believe your lies....YOUR CULT. You listen to Joe Rogan and Aaron Rodgers instead of Doctors and Scientist. The holidays are coming. DELTA is waiting...
Anyone who gets their medical information from anyone but a trained and trusted physician is a fool.

No one should rely on any single media source when it comes to important decisions concerning their health.
At this point, because of the global monopoly of the different industries? You can't even trust a lot of medical providers anymore.

A lot of times, there will even sit on the licensing boards, folks that don't know shit about medicine, like folks that ran the big pharma companies, or folks like Bill Gates. And if you don't toe the establishment line as a doctor? There goes your license. "Medical treatments," have become as much economic and political, as they are curative.

We now have death panels, not health care decision makers.

". . State medical boards are typically made up of volunteer physicians and members of the public who are, in most cases, appointed by the governor. In recent years, non-physician board members — often referred to as “public members” — have become common. The vast majority of boards in the United States now have public members.. . "

At this point, because of the global monopoly of the different industries? You can't even trust a lot of medical providers anymore.

A lot of times, there will even sit on the licensing boards, folks that don't know shit about medicine, like folks that ran the big pharma companies, or folks like Bill Gates. And if you don't toe the establishment line as a doctor? There goes your license. "Medical treatments," have become as much economic and political, as they are curative.

We now have death panels, not health care decision makers.

". . State medical boards are typically made up of volunteer physicians and members of the public who are, in most cases, appointed by the governor. In recent years, non-physician board members — often referred to as “public members” — have become common. The vast majority of boards in the United States now have public members.. . "

1. Find a doctor that you personally trust.

2. Don't take any medical treatment that you don't actually need.

Is anyone surprised? Do these conservative media outlets realize that by propagating misinformation about COVID or the vaccine they are putting the health of their devoted audience in danger?

Very Sad....
They are the ones prolonging the pandemic. All future waves are their fault.
You just make stuff up...that is a sigh of a deep mental impairment. Go get tested. Stand in line with Aaron.
Better that I should just make stuff up that accords with the empirical facts I see around me everyday, than believe the gas-lighting of the elite cabals which. . . really? I don't see as based on anything other than. . . BISS.

That is the sign of healthy rational thinking, TBH. I was in therapy for many, many years after my surgeries. I take no depression or anxiety meds, and I am as happy as a lark. I fear no future, good or bad, nor do I fear death.


That is called logical thinking, now that I am the one that am in control of whether or not I am to be happy. Nothing else can give me fear, anxiety, or depression anymore. . . I am free, truly free.

I can see, from the hate you post, nearly daily, that you are not. I feel, truly feel, sad for you. Your fear, anxiety, and depression, as you lash out at those who disagree with the fears you feel everyday? Ouch.

So sorry friend.

Prove it.
I did that months ago.

Find a doctor that you personally trust.
Every Dr. with integrity? They all retired after the COVID scam started.

I lost four of them within four months of this whole thing starting. And the rest? The younger ones? If they force the issue, I leave. The rest? They just don't want to talk about it.

. . . so I don't talk about it.
I did that months ago.

I don't even read their sh*t anymore. I know 90% of what they say is a lie. It sort of goes by in a fuzzy blur......

Yes, they are prolonging the pandemic. I think many see that if they refuse the vaccination, then the economy will not fully recover and Biden will suffer. Unfortunately, many of the vaccine hold outs will suffer, either by getting COVID or, sadly, dying. It is their call. "You can't fix stupid."

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