Americans who hate Mexicans and hide behind bullshit arguments.

Let me see if I understand this. A 15 yo career criminal gets shot while attacking LEOs, and the people that point out he was attempting to injure or kill those LEOs are racist. What does that make the smugglers who actually lured him into this criminal activity, human rights activists?

If you want to blame someone for this blame the people that put that child out there, and made him think that dealing drugs is something to be proud of.

15 year old criminal doing what? something that warranted deadly force?

who blamed anyone? oh yeah, the people I listed blamed the victim while applauding the death of a 15 year old Mexican who broke a few minor laws.

poor people go to dealing drugs. others do too, but most drug dealing activity takes place in poor neighborhoods. Happens every day in America.

Applauding the shooting death (may have been warranted, but there is nothing that suggested that when the ugliness was posted), of a 15 year old, while calling him a criminal, as if all criminals deserve death, is not an American value.

Applauding this shit and then lying about the motives of the haters does nothing to help secure support for securing the border.

go troll elsewhere. this is not the type of thread you are used to spouting your shit in.
So why on earth do you make a thread about other threads?

That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. Just go and argue in THOSE threads.

That's because he is an Archivist]

[quote] [FONT="Microsoft Sans Serif"][I][SIZE="2"]Archivist saves and squirrels away each and every discussion forum message. Do you remember having a bad day back in 1996 when in one of your messages you may have said a few things that were...well, perhaps a little...hasty? Don't worry, Archivist still has it and will post it to the forum if you begin to get the upper hand in battle. Archivist can be a very effective and fearsome Warrior.[/SIZE][/I][/FONT] [/quote][/QUOTE]

yeah, except this isn't a post meant to stem a losing hand,. this is a thread. no one got an upper hand on any argument. the thread is not a reply to a post in an argument. It is a archival thread to highlight the haters and their hate.
I don't hate Mexicans. I hate illegal Mexican aliens who sneak into this country illegally and think they have the right to be here. I also hate people like you who coddle them. This kid that got himself shot was a known criminal and he had been deported many times. He got exactly what he deserved. I hope this sends a very loud and clear message to all of Mexico. Oh yeah - I'm not a member of the Tea Party crowd so don't lump me in with them. However, I do support many of the things they believe in.
15 year old criminal doing what? something that warranted deadly force?

who blamed anyone? oh yeah, the people I listed blamed the victim while applauding the death of a 15 year old Mexican who broke a few minor laws.

poor people go to dealing drugs. others do too, but most drug dealing activity takes place in poor neighborhoods. Happens every day in America.

Applauding the shooting death (may have been warranted, but there is nothing that suggested that when the ugliness was posted), of a 15 year old, while calling him a criminal, as if all criminals deserve death, is not an American value.

Applauding this shit and then lying about the motives of the haters does nothing to help secure support for securing the border.

go troll elsewhere. this is not the type of thread you are used to spouting your shit in.

Are you aware that ICE agents are authorized to fire on people who throw rocks at them because they have been seriously injured by people throwing rocks at them in the past? That this happened at night, and the agents were did not have a vehicle to retreat to for shelter. They had no idea how many people were throwing the rocks either. Do you think that justifies deadly force?

Was it a tragedy? Yes. But you turning it into a racism just makes you look like an extremist idiot.
I don't hate Mexicans. I hate illegal Mexican aliens who sneak into this country illegally and think they have the right to be here. I also hate people like you who coddle them. This kid that got himself shot was a known criminal and he had been deported many times. He got exactly what he deserved. I hope this sends a very loud and clear message to all of Mexico. Oh yeah - I'm not a member of the Tea Party crowd so don't lump me in with them. However, I do support many of the things they believe in.

Going after those who applaud the shooting death of a 16 year old for minor criminal offenses is not coddling illegals.

It isn't hateful to say somebody who breaks immigration laws deserves to be shot dead?

15 year old criminal doing what? something that warranted deadly force?

who blamed anyone? oh yeah, the people I listed blamed the victim while applauding the death of a 15 year old Mexican who broke a few minor laws.

poor people go to dealing drugs. others do too, but most drug dealing activity takes place in poor neighborhoods. Happens every day in America.

Applauding the shooting death (may have been warranted, but there is nothing that suggested that when the ugliness was posted), of a 15 year old, while calling him a criminal, as if all criminals deserve death, is not an American value.

Applauding this shit and then lying about the motives of the haters does nothing to help secure support for securing the border.

go troll elsewhere. this is not the type of thread you are used to spouting your shit in.

Are you aware that ICE agents are authorized to fire on people who throw rocks at them because they have been seriously injured by people throwing rocks at them in the past? That this happened at night, and the agents were did not have a vehicle to retreat to for shelter. They had no idea how many people were throwing the rocks either. Do you think that justifies deadly force?

Was it a tragedy? Yes. But you turning it into a racism just makes you look like an extremist idiot.

The scenario and aspects you add here were not in the hateful posts. You are going outside of what I started to highlight.

I think my words inferred when deadly force is called for I have no issue with it. Justified use of deadly force is to be supported, especially when the lives of US personnel, or citizens, or others are under threat.

I did not turn it into racism. I do not support illegal aliens, Mexican or others. I have supported illegal individuals I've known. Most people who have worked around them have. We see the racism. We hear the code phrases. We feel the hate.

follow the links to the threads. read the posts. people I listed in their own words.
here is another view of what was going on with the haters and racists:

Wow, I don't know if something major's happened within the past 6 or so months that I stopped coming here often, but this has got to be one of the most retrograde set of posts I've ever seen. Not one single source outside of this Fox News "anonymous" official has stated this FIFTEEN YEAR OLD was a smuggler.

More heinous still, this Fox News article does not even mention the fact that this boy was not even in the United States. He was in the Mexican side of the border, you retards.

I can't even imagine what would happen if a Mexican border officer shot an unarmed 15-year-old American who was IN America. You pieces of shit would probably be calling for the officer's body to be dragged through the streets of America.

But hey, I get it. It's no big deal. One less dirty wetback in the world, right? God bless America, land of the free, home of the brave, where all men were created equal with liberty and justice for all.

well libturd you had the perfect oppotunity to post a relieabel source and you did not..

Ugh, fine, good point "conturd" (you really love that word, dont you? libturd... libturd.... libtrud...)

Questions over U.S. Border Patrol agent's fatal shooting of Mexican teen raised by new video

Conflicting Reports Over Border Death - Photo Journal - WSJ

UPI NewsTrack TopNews -

Mexico-US tensions rise as video emerges of boy just before being shot | World news | The Guardian

The Guardian said:
US authorities say the agent was acting in self-defence as he sought to repel a group of would-be migrants hurling rocks. The boy's family claim Hernández was innocently playing with friends. Neither version of the events has been confirmed by multiple eyewitness accounts reported on each side of the border.

UPI said:
A video apparently contradicts an FBI account of events when a U.S. Border Patrol agent in El Paso, Texas, fatally shot a boy in Juarez, Mexico, CNN reported.

To be fair, I have read now that the kid did have something to do with smuggling. So if that merits a summary execution for you, I hope you guys remain quite pleased. Doesn't change the facts that 1) the FBI lied, the agent was not "surrounded", 2) The kid WAS NOT EVEN IN THE UNITED STATES; he was in MEXICO and 3) This is a FIFTEEN YEAR OLD KID GETTING SHOT IN THE HEAD BY A POLICE OFFICER FROM 20 METERS AWAY. Nobody has confirmed that it was this kid was throwing rocks in the first place, just that some people were throwing rocks, which in any case does not warrant a death sentence.
15 year old criminal doing what? something that warranted deadly force?

who blamed anyone? oh yeah, the people I listed blamed the victim while applauding the death of a 15 year old Mexican who broke a few minor laws.

poor people go to dealing drugs. others do too, but most drug dealing activity takes place in poor neighborhoods. Happens every day in America.

Applauding the shooting death (may have been warranted, but there is nothing that suggested that when the ugliness was posted), of a 15 year old, while calling him a criminal, as if all criminals deserve death, is not an American value.

Applauding this shit and then lying about the motives of the haters does nothing to help secure support for securing the border.

go troll elsewhere. this is not the type of thread you are used to spouting your shit in.

Are you aware that ICE agents are authorized to fire on people who throw rocks at them because they have been seriously injured by people throwing rocks at them in the past? That this happened at night, and the agents were did not have a vehicle to retreat to for shelter. They had no idea how many people were throwing the rocks either. Do you think that justifies deadly force?

Was it a tragedy? Yes. But you turning it into a racism just makes you look like an extremist idiot.

The scenario and aspects you add here were not in the hateful posts. You are going outside of what I started to highlight.

I think my words inferred when deadly force is called for I have no issue with it. Justified use of deadly force is to be supported, especially when the lives of US personnel, or citizens, or others are under threat.

I did not turn it into racism. I do not support illegal aliens, Mexican or others. I have supported illegal individuals I've known. Most people who have worked around them have. We see the racism. We hear the code phrases. We feel the hate.

follow the links to the threads. read the posts. people I listed in their own words.

I do not care what they said, I am not defending them. I am attacking your post.

Going after those who applaud the shooting death of a 16 year old for minor criminal offenses is not coddling illegals.

It isn't hateful to say somebody who breaks immigration laws deserves to be shot dead?


Those minor criminal offenses included assault on a licensed LEO of the federal government.
Going after those who applaud the shooting death of a 16 year old for minor criminal offenses is not coddling illegals.

It isn't hateful to say somebody who breaks immigration laws deserves to be shot dead?


Those minor criminal offenses included assault on a licensed LEO of the federal government.

I didn't know deadly force was called for in simple assault cases. That's a new one.
Going after those who applaud the shooting death of a 16 year old for minor criminal offenses is not coddling illegals.

It isn't hateful to say somebody who breaks immigration laws deserves to be shot dead?


Those minor criminal offenses included assault on a licensed LEO of the federal government.

I didn't know deadly force was called for in simple assault cases. That's a new one.

Let me see if I understand this. A 15 yo career criminal gets shot while attacking LEOs, and the people that point out he was attempting to injure or kill those LEOs are racist. What does that make the smugglers who actually lured him into this criminal activity, human rights activists?

If you want to blame someone for this blame the people that put that child out there, and made him think that dealing drugs is something to be proud of.

it wasn't drugs he was smuggling, it was human beings,, which is more than I can call dante smante. he's just an asswipe.
Guilty as charged, dante.

isn't there a baby pigeon nearby you can pull the wings off of?


If that baby pigeon pooped on me, I may.:lol: I know you are not comparing baby pigeons to illegal aliens.:cuckoo:

Let me put it to you this way. Dante. This country is my home and has been the home of my ancestors. It is hard to love someone who broke into my home, (that my ancestors worked hard for) made themselves at home, destroyed my property and stole from me and when I call law enforcement they tell me I have to love him, let him stay and take care of him?
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Let me see if I understand this. A 15 yo career criminal gets shot while attacking LEOs, and the people that point out he was attempting to injure or kill those LEOs are racist. What does that make the smugglers who actually lured him into this criminal activity, human rights activists?

If you want to blame someone for this blame the people that put that child out there, and made him think that dealing drugs is something to be proud of.

it wasn't drugs he was smuggling, it was human beings,, which is more than I can call dante smante. he's just an asswipe.

smuggler of illegals at 16 years old? oh yeah, deserves to be shot dead. :cuckoo:
Let me see if I understand this. A 15 yo career criminal gets shot while attacking LEOs, and the people that point out he was attempting to injure or kill those LEOs are racist. What does that make the smugglers who actually lured him into this criminal activity, human rights activists?

If you want to blame someone for this blame the people that put that child out there, and made him think that dealing drugs is something to be proud of.

it wasn't drugs he was smuggling, it was human beings,, which is more than I can call dante smante. he's just an asswipe.

smuggler of illegals at 16 years old? oh yeah, deserves to be shot dead. :cuckoo:

He was not shot because he was a smuggler, he was shot because he was among a group of people who were throwing rocks with the intent to harm LEOs who elected to defend themselves rather than die. It was a tragedy, but the responsibility for his death lies with the people who put him in that position, not the agents who shot him.

Good to know I am now a part of the tea patty :lol: And considering you listed my profile, do you really think the pic fits the tea party profile?

Sorry idiot you couldn't be more wrong.

And for the record my post you neg rept'ed me for had nothing to do with hating mexicans or racism.
it wasn't drugs he was smuggling, it was human beings,, which is more than I can call dante smante. he's just an asswipe.

smuggler of illegals at 16 years old? oh yeah, deserves to be shot dead. :cuckoo:

He was not shot because he was a smuggler, he was shot because he was among a group of people who were throwing rocks with the intent to harm LEOs who elected to defend themselves rather than die. It was a tragedy, but the responsibility for his death lies with the people who put him in that position, not the agents who shot him.

If what you say is true, that may be. But the people who posted the hateful racist crap posted without this kind of attitude. Were you one of them? I have to check my own list. That's how much the hateful pricks and twats mean to me. Garbage.

The securing of our southern borders will never get the support it needs as long as the loudest and highest profile border proponents overshadow the rest of the people. Racists rants and angry hateful posts and comments in the media turn off potential and much needed supporters.

And blaming the victim just makes people think of you as a loser too.

sorry, but some times the fact suck

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