Americans Strongly Dislike PC Culture

The left are too afraid to cut off the radicals on the far left. They’ve let their political party be high jacked. They are now the party of neo-Marxists and Mao admirers.
It's funny how, among your insincere railing against all forms of “bigotry”, that you cannot help yourself, as far as constantly outing yourself as a far worse bigot that what you are constantly falsely accusing others of being.

Naw, man, you can't be a 'bigot' on religion. Either you accept that Joseph Smith was talking to God, or you realize he was a con man who was fucking little girls.

There's really not a middle ground.

But the fact is, your cult called Dark Skin a curse from God, it's in your holy books, dude. And you didn't let black folks become members until 1978 when they thought the Federal Government might yank your tax exemptions. These are historical facts.
I say shell shocked & PTSD. I also say black instead of African American. Why? Because this is America.

Bigots can be bigots. Why? Because America has free speech & 300 million different personalities. With that many people potentially being offended by speech, the PC culture will eventually make it illegal to do anything but walk around grunting & pointing. But then my Grandma said it ain’t polite to point. And grunting might offend pigs.

I guess what I’m trying to say is, Fuck PC. God I love America!

Being compared to you might offend Pigs.

The day when Homophobes like you can express your insecurities openly are coming to an end, buddy. Get used to it.
I don't have to support Sarah Sanders' political ideas or job, to stand up and tell some jackass harassing her at a restaurant to shut the fuck up while I am eating. If they want to get ugly about it, I don't have to call the police to fix things. If the situation doesn't improve, I can let the management know my meal will be complementary.

I think you are a little confused here, buddy. The Management threw Sarah Goebbels out, and a good thing, too.

Because honestly, kids being thrown into concentration camps is a lot more offensive than some lying pig not being able to eat a meal.
That's the point.

Authoritarians know that if you control the language you control the debate. Keep your target on the defensive and you can avoid the issue at hand.

It's the opposite of liberalism. These people aren't liberals.

Still waiting for Stormy to tell us what point he can't make without being accused of being a bigot. That is without outing himself as a bigot.
If this is true, why is it that those who are so quick to leverage PC are also so willing to personally insult, attack, belittle and mock those who dare to disagree with them?

Does your "be nice to each other" rule not apply to them?

Because you really can't be "nice" to a bigot, racist or homophobe. They aren't nice people.

As President Obama recently said, wisely, How difficult is it to say Nazis are bad?
Say Trump 2020 on World of Warcraft forums and you paid subscribed account will get perma banned for a first ever infraction.

Say Hillary 2020 and genocide racist white people and you'll become a community moderator of World of Warcraft General Discussion forums.

Btw...that for all non-political forums and messageboards today, not just world of warcraft. LOLOLOLOL

World of Warcraft if a private company. Not seeing the problem here.
Say Trump 2020 on World of Warcraft forums and you paid subscribed account will get perma banned for a first ever infraction.

Say Hillary 2020 and genocide racist white people and you'll become a community moderator of World of Warcraft General Discussion forums.

Btw...that for all non-political forums and messageboards today, not just world of warcraft. LOLOLOLOL

Liar. You are just making shit up now because you have nothing else.
..if you truly support free speech then you must defend PC speech......

if you have a right to say FUCK PC then they have a right to say "PC ALL THE WAY"....

else you are no better.....

Ok. Clearly you don’t equate PC with clamping down on free speech. I do. People have a right to SAY “PC all the way”. They don’t have a right to force others to curb their speech to support that mantra.

See how that works?

(Welcome to America!)
Say Trump 2020 on World of Warcraft forums and you paid subscribed account will get perma banned for a first ever infraction.

Say Hillary 2020 and genocide racist white people and you'll become a community moderator of World of Warcraft General Discussion forums.

Btw...that for all non-political forums and messageboards today, not just world of warcraft. LOLOLOLOL
except on political forums. you can get banned for resorting to the fewest fallacies.
...."According to the report, 25 percent of Americans are traditional or devoted conservatives, and their views are far outside the American mainstream. Some 8 percent of Americans are progressive activists, and their views are even less typical. By contrast, the two-thirds of Americans who don’t belong to either extreme constitute an “exhausted majority.” Their members “share a sense of fatigue with our polarized national conversation, a willingness to be flexible in their political viewpoints, and a lack of voice in the national conversation.”

Most members of the “exhausted majority,” and then some, dislike political correctness. Among the general population, a full 80 percent believe that “political correctness is a problem in our country.” Even young people are uncomfortable with it, including 74 percent ages 24 to 29, and 79 percent under age 24. On this particular issue, the woke are in a clear minority across all ages"
.... Source

Hollywood and the entertainment media are the ones behind pushing the PC culture. This is followed by a heavy hand from politicians and others to forcefully conform to a new order. However well intentioned as it may seem to be, I don't like to be forced to do, think or say anything. Some things are common sense; don't say hurtful things to people. Be kind to people. But when it comes to forcing me, or anyone else for that matter, to accept things they don't agree with in the name of political correctness, that's going to cause blowback. The election tump is one example of this.

I may lean left but that hardly means I'm going to roll over for PC, especially if I feel it's being forced.

Let me test you....
How do you feel about straight up asking Blacks and Mexicans to be less criminal, have fewer babies and be less dependent on good American taxpayers?
Does that scare the shit out of you or make you feel uncomfortable?
If you pretend you didn’t see this post I’ll understand.
Millions of whites committed crimes.
Most mass shootings are comitted by whites
The financial melt down cause mostly by whites
Most wars the US got into was ordered by whites.
Most politicians and top counts in this country are white.
The pussy grabber is white
The nazis are white
The mafia are white
The priests that molested kids are mostly whites.
But keep blaming mexicans and blacks.

no one is blaming Mexicans and blacks for crimes committed by white people. Why aren't Mexicans and blacks responsible for the crimes that they commit?
so, corporations are inherently evil? evil and they want to destroy the country? without the country corporations could not exist and shareholders would lose their money. Your real issue is envy and jealousy of people who have more than you do. Why cant you admit that?

What, are you on drugs or something?
Please point to where I said all corporations are evil, and inherently so.
After not being able to do that, please convince me that our government is not corrupted by the larger corporations and their interest. To a point, that they absolutely now represent them more than us.

here is what you said
"All of this is encouraged by the establishment who very much want to keep Americans divided and fighting each other rather than paying attention to the real enemy: Corporatism. WHich has now wholly corrupted the federal government and the media."

feel free to correct it if you misspoke, otherwise own it. where in that do you find that I am saying all corporations are inherently evil?
Are you unfamiliar with the term Corporatism?
Let me help...

noun: corporatism
  1. the control of a state or organization by large interest groups.

I fully understand the definition of corporatism. You implied that the government was corrupt because of corporate control. I think it is corrupt because to the greed of the lifetime politicians who are milking the corporations and the taxpayers. What we need is term limits, age limits, and income limits for all elected officials. Corporatism is the result, not the cause.

I agree with all of your measures, only I believe it is a mutual corruption...better word would be collusion between the two.

corporations exist for one reason and one reason only, to make money for their stock holders. There is nothing evil or corrupt about that. Whats evil and corrupt is when government "employees" trade influence for money. Do you ever wonder how so many congresspersons are multi millionaires on a salary of less than 200K per year?
The left are too afraid to cut off the radicals on the far left. They’ve let their political party be high jacked. They are now the party of neo-Marxists and Mao admirers.


It is the party of Mao ornaments on the Obama White House Christmas tree, and of James Hodgkinson, and of Communist Bernie Sanders, of pretend genders.
]A primary symptom of the affliction.
You have to admit, when it comes to PC, tump has zeroed in on a unified fraction that are into "identity politics". Identity politics blows off the model of traditional quid pro quo politics, presupposing instead that the most important thing about us is that we are white, black, male, female, straight, gay, and so on. While this is true for both left and white, I see it has a greater stranglehold on the right. This self/group identity mode is so powerful now, it is poised to crush PC and unfortunately along with it, many common courtesies.

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