Americans Begging The Government To Take Their Rights

Really, I saw a report, they were marching grades 5-8 out of the schools to join this crap. There is no way they understand the issues involved.

Maybe you were stupid as a kid, by 7th & 8th graders are probably smarter than Trump voters.
My grandmother, who went to school until she was 13, was better educated than the *teachers* in charge of our kids today.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.
That's not what's happening liar.

America is demanding our children not be hunted.

Of course Republicans don't understand. They use sick and disabled children as bargaining chips.


It's a shame that Republicans bizarre sense of humor sees these school shootings as some kind of entertainment. Try to explain to them how devastated these families are that have been victimized and the Republicans just don't get it.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.

Dear OKTexas
From some interviews I heard of supporters,
some of them just wanted to show support for students in Florida
and schools nationwide. It was more a solidarity thing,
and trying to connect where a gaping hole was torn in hearts across the country.

People need a sense of connection and belonging,
to unify communities. I also prefer they not use anger to mobilize,
but compassion. I think it was Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh
who said that a lot of American activism is focused on "anger" as
a motivation to get people to take action; but sustainable
motivation for real change comes from compassion.

People are basically taking or projecting their concern
and compassion, and channeling it into either prayer vigils
or protests and anger. People grieve in different ways,
and are not all in the same stages of recovery and change.

You will see all kinds of people and statements coming out
of these events, so it's not like "all these people are begging
to give up more control to govt". Many participants want to
express public and personal support for students and schools
and wanting CHANGE in general, whatever that turns out to be.

You might want to watch the coverage, this has been hijacked by the left, they were spewing hard left wing talking points all the while claiming it's not political. Give me a break.


Did you go to one? Do you have any children that participated? or are you just relying on second hand information?
I know I won't participate in the exploitation of kids. Just dems do that.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.

Dear OKTexas
From some interviews I heard of supporters,
some of them just wanted to show support for students in Florida
and schools nationwide. It was more a solidarity thing,
and trying to connect where a gaping hole was torn in hearts across the country.

People need a sense of connection and belonging,
to unify communities. I also prefer they not use anger to mobilize,
but compassion. I think it was Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh
who said that a lot of American activism is focused on "anger" as
a motivation to get people to take action; but sustainable
motivation for real change comes from compassion.

People are basically taking or projecting their concern
and compassion, and channeling it into either prayer vigils
or protests and anger. People grieve in different ways,
and are not all in the same stages of recovery and change.

You will see all kinds of people and statements coming out
of these events, so it's not like "all these people are begging
to give up more control to govt". Many participants want to
express public and personal support for students and schools
and wanting CHANGE in general, whatever that turns out to be.

You might want to watch the coverage, this has been hijacked by the left, they were spewing hard left wing talking points all the while claiming it's not political. Give me a break.


Did you go to one? Do you have any children that participated? or are you just relying on second hand information?
I know I won't participate in the exploitation of kids. Just dems do that.
dems will exploit anyone. Even DACA. It's amazing.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.

Dear OKTexas
From some interviews I heard of supporters,
some of them just wanted to show support for students in Florida
and schools nationwide. It was more a solidarity thing,
and trying to connect where a gaping hole was torn in hearts across the country.

People need a sense of connection and belonging,
to unify communities. I also prefer they not use anger to mobilize,
but compassion. I think it was Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh
who said that a lot of American activism is focused on "anger" as
a motivation to get people to take action; but sustainable
motivation for real change comes from compassion.

People are basically taking or projecting their concern
and compassion, and channeling it into either prayer vigils
or protests and anger. People grieve in different ways,
and are not all in the same stages of recovery and change.

You will see all kinds of people and statements coming out
of these events, so it's not like "all these people are begging
to give up more control to govt". Many participants want to
express public and personal support for students and schools
and wanting CHANGE in general, whatever that turns out to be.

You might want to watch the coverage, this has been hijacked by the left, they were spewing hard left wing talking points all the while claiming it's not political. Give me a break.


Did you go to one? Do you have any children that participated? or are you just relying on second hand information?
I know I won't participate in the exploitation of kids. Just dems do that.
Using them for target practice is exploitation.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.

My son, who is in High School, joined in the walk out. We had told him it was up to him and he would have to face the consequences from the school. Neither he nor the rest of his schoolmates were protesting the 2nd Amendment. I am a gun owner and 90% of the time we go shooting now is because my son wants to, as I have kind of grown tired of the experience.

I think being a part of such things is a good learning experience, education is about much more than just books and test. As others have pointed out, this was a great example of the proper use of the 1st Amendment, which is just as vital as the 2nd.

My son and I do not see eye to eye on politics, I voted for Gary Johnson and my son was a Bernie fan, as are many kids his age that pay attention to these things.

The point of the walkout was to call attention to the inaction by us adults in keeping our children safe in their schools.

Funny how they chose to do it during school hours instead of on their own time and their own dime. And if you look at the organizers that bussed kids to DC, they were all hard left, just like the politicians that joined in.

I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.

Dear OKTexas
From some interviews I heard of supporters,
some of them just wanted to show support for students in Florida
and schools nationwide. It was more a solidarity thing,
and trying to connect where a gaping hole was torn in hearts across the country.

People need a sense of connection and belonging,
to unify communities. I also prefer they not use anger to mobilize,
but compassion. I think it was Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh
who said that a lot of American activism is focused on "anger" as
a motivation to get people to take action; but sustainable
motivation for real change comes from compassion.

People are basically taking or projecting their concern
and compassion, and channeling it into either prayer vigils
or protests and anger. People grieve in different ways,
and are not all in the same stages of recovery and change.

You will see all kinds of people and statements coming out
of these events, so it's not like "all these people are begging
to give up more control to govt". Many participants want to
express public and personal support for students and schools
and wanting CHANGE in general, whatever that turns out to be.

You might want to watch the coverage, this has been hijacked by the left, they were spewing hard left wing talking points all the while claiming it's not political. Give me a break.


Did you go to one? Do you have any children that participated? or are you just relying on second hand information?
I know I won't participate in the exploitation of kids. Just dems do that.
dems will exploit anyone. Even DACA. It's amazing.
Oh yea, thank God Republicans don't exploit anyone.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.

Dear OKTexas
From some interviews I heard of supporters,
some of them just wanted to show support for students in Florida
and schools nationwide. It was more a solidarity thing,
and trying to connect where a gaping hole was torn in hearts across the country.

People need a sense of connection and belonging,
to unify communities. I also prefer they not use anger to mobilize,
but compassion. I think it was Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh
who said that a lot of American activism is focused on "anger" as
a motivation to get people to take action; but sustainable
motivation for real change comes from compassion.

People are basically taking or projecting their concern
and compassion, and channeling it into either prayer vigils
or protests and anger. People grieve in different ways,
and are not all in the same stages of recovery and change.

You will see all kinds of people and statements coming out
of these events, so it's not like "all these people are begging
to give up more control to govt". Many participants want to
express public and personal support for students and schools
and wanting CHANGE in general, whatever that turns out to be.

You might want to watch the coverage, this has been hijacked by the left, they were spewing hard left wing talking points all the while claiming it's not political. Give me a break.


Did you go to one? Do you have any children that participated? or are you just relying on second hand information?
I know I won't participate in the exploitation of kids. Just dems do that.
Using them for target practice is exploitation.
funny, they say they don't feel safe in school and the teachers triple down on their safety and expose them to all kinds of nasty shit on a walk out, all out of control. Anything could have happened, hit by a car, walk into a gang, all kinds of nasty shit. I guess they really aren't scared at school to take that leap. Those who listened to the left's political speeches were in the presence of all kinds of military weapons. You don't think their secret security wasn't there? I do laugh at the stupid that is a leftist.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.

My son, who is in High School, joined in the walk out. We had told him it was up to him and he would have to face the consequences from the school. Neither he nor the rest of his schoolmates were protesting the 2nd Amendment. I am a gun owner and 90% of the time we go shooting now is because my son wants to, as I have kind of grown tired of the experience.

I think being a part of such things is a good learning experience, education is about much more than just books and test. As others have pointed out, this was a great example of the proper use of the 1st Amendment, which is just as vital as the 2nd.

My son and I do not see eye to eye on politics, I voted for Gary Johnson and my son was a Bernie fan, as are many kids his age that pay attention to these things.

The point of the walkout was to call attention to the inaction by us adults in keeping our children safe in their schools.

Funny how they chose to do it during school hours instead of on their own time and their own dime. And if you look at the organizers that bussed kids to DC, they were all hard left, just like the politicians that joined in.


They did it at the time the attack took place. That is not a hard one to figure out.
Dear OKTexas
From some interviews I heard of supporters,
some of them just wanted to show support for students in Florida
and schools nationwide. It was more a solidarity thing,
and trying to connect where a gaping hole was torn in hearts across the country.

People need a sense of connection and belonging,
to unify communities. I also prefer they not use anger to mobilize,
but compassion. I think it was Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh
who said that a lot of American activism is focused on "anger" as
a motivation to get people to take action; but sustainable
motivation for real change comes from compassion.

People are basically taking or projecting their concern
and compassion, and channeling it into either prayer vigils
or protests and anger. People grieve in different ways,
and are not all in the same stages of recovery and change.

You will see all kinds of people and statements coming out
of these events, so it's not like "all these people are begging
to give up more control to govt". Many participants want to
express public and personal support for students and schools
and wanting CHANGE in general, whatever that turns out to be.

You might want to watch the coverage, this has been hijacked by the left, they were spewing hard left wing talking points all the while claiming it's not political. Give me a break.


Did you go to one? Do you have any children that participated? or are you just relying on second hand information?
I know I won't participate in the exploitation of kids. Just dems do that.
dems will exploit anyone. Even DACA. It's amazing.
Oh yea, thank God Republicans don't exploit anyone.
illegal aliens each and everyone, that isn't exploitation that is an olive branch. You don't like it, See ya, get the fk out of my country. you wish to be ungrateful then leave.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.

Dear OKTexas
From some interviews I heard of supporters,
some of them just wanted to show support for students in Florida
and schools nationwide. It was more a solidarity thing,
and trying to connect where a gaping hole was torn in hearts across the country.

People need a sense of connection and belonging,
to unify communities. I also prefer they not use anger to mobilize,
but compassion. I think it was Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh
who said that a lot of American activism is focused on "anger" as
a motivation to get people to take action; but sustainable
motivation for real change comes from compassion.

People are basically taking or projecting their concern
and compassion, and channeling it into either prayer vigils
or protests and anger. People grieve in different ways,
and are not all in the same stages of recovery and change.

You will see all kinds of people and statements coming out
of these events, so it's not like "all these people are begging
to give up more control to govt". Many participants want to
express public and personal support for students and schools
and wanting CHANGE in general, whatever that turns out to be.

You might want to watch the coverage, this has been hijacked by the left, they were spewing hard left wing talking points all the while claiming it's not political. Give me a break.


Did you go to one? Do you have any children that participated? or are you just relying on second hand information?
I know I won't participate in the exploitation of kids. Just dems do that.

Yet you sit here and let yourself be exploited by your party masters. Sort of sad really.

Nobody was exploiting my son, he made a choice and followed through with it.
Dear OKTexas
From some interviews I heard of supporters,
some of them just wanted to show support for students in Florida
and schools nationwide. It was more a solidarity thing,
and trying to connect where a gaping hole was torn in hearts across the country.

People need a sense of connection and belonging,
to unify communities. I also prefer they not use anger to mobilize,
but compassion. I think it was Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh
who said that a lot of American activism is focused on "anger" as
a motivation to get people to take action; but sustainable
motivation for real change comes from compassion.

People are basically taking or projecting their concern
and compassion, and channeling it into either prayer vigils
or protests and anger. People grieve in different ways,
and are not all in the same stages of recovery and change.

You will see all kinds of people and statements coming out
of these events, so it's not like "all these people are begging
to give up more control to govt". Many participants want to
express public and personal support for students and schools
and wanting CHANGE in general, whatever that turns out to be.

You might want to watch the coverage, this has been hijacked by the left, they were spewing hard left wing talking points all the while claiming it's not political. Give me a break.


Did you go to one? Do you have any children that participated? or are you just relying on second hand information?
I know I won't participate in the exploitation of kids. Just dems do that.
Using them for target practice is exploitation.
funny, they say they don't feel safe in school and the teachers triple down on their safety and expose them to all kinds of nasty shit on a walk out, all out of control. Anything could have happened, hit by a car, walk into a gang, all kinds of nasty shit. I guess they really aren't scared at school to take that leap. Those who listened to the left's political speeches were in the presence of all kinds of military weapons. You don't think their secret security wasn't there? I do laugh at the stupid that is a leftist.

Clearly you did not go to one or know anyone that did. At the one's in the local area nothing was out of control and there was a designated space fro them to go to, and a higher than normal police presence to keep everything in line.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.

My son, who is in High School, joined in the walk out. We had told him it was up to him and he would have to face the consequences from the school. Neither he nor the rest of his schoolmates were protesting the 2nd Amendment. I am a gun owner and 90% of the time we go shooting now is because my son wants to, as I have kind of grown tired of the experience.

I think being a part of such things is a good learning experience, education is about much more than just books and test. As others have pointed out, this was a great example of the proper use of the 1st Amendment, which is just as vital as the 2nd.

My son and I do not see eye to eye on politics, I voted for Gary Johnson and my son was a Bernie fan, as are many kids his age that pay attention to these things.

The point of the walkout was to call attention to the inaction by us adults in keeping our children safe in their schools.

Funny how they chose to do it during school hours instead of on their own time and their own dime. And if you look at the organizers that bussed kids to DC, they were all hard left, just like the politicians that joined in.


They did it at the time the attack took place. That is not a hard one to figure out.
and exposed themselves to all kinds of shit. dude, there is no logic in what occurred yesterday, there were more threats to life yesterday times ten than any school shooting. just saying. Some were near potentially risky situations. but eh, no big deal. the big deal is the school itself right? you enjoy taking policy advice from kids I see. Any left ever makes another comment about waiting on adults, can go march with the kids again. you choose their company over adults.
I watched as events unfolded today and couldn't believe my eyes, there were 10s of thousands of Americans begging the government to take their constitutional rights from them. I can't think of a thing that would be more un-American.

Literally millions have laid their lives on the line to protect the rights these people just want to piss away. What the hell are they teaching in the government halls of indoctrination as a pretense for education? It damn sure isn't American values.

Your thoughts.

Dear OKTexas
From some interviews I heard of supporters,
some of them just wanted to show support for students in Florida
and schools nationwide. It was more a solidarity thing,
and trying to connect where a gaping hole was torn in hearts across the country.

People need a sense of connection and belonging,
to unify communities. I also prefer they not use anger to mobilize,
but compassion. I think it was Buddhist Monk Thich Nhat Hanh
who said that a lot of American activism is focused on "anger" as
a motivation to get people to take action; but sustainable
motivation for real change comes from compassion.

People are basically taking or projecting their concern
and compassion, and channeling it into either prayer vigils
or protests and anger. People grieve in different ways,
and are not all in the same stages of recovery and change.

You will see all kinds of people and statements coming out
of these events, so it's not like "all these people are begging
to give up more control to govt". Many participants want to
express public and personal support for students and schools
and wanting CHANGE in general, whatever that turns out to be.

You might want to watch the coverage, this has been hijacked by the left, they were spewing hard left wing talking points all the while claiming it's not political. Give me a break.


Did you go to one? Do you have any children that participated? or are you just relying on second hand information?
I know I won't participate in the exploitation of kids. Just dems do that.

Yet you sit here and let yourself be exploited by your party masters. Sort of sad really.

Nobody was exploiting my son, he made a choice and followed through with it.
no I don't. you're just a wost wittle puppy with no home. You come in here and bully and attack like you're some big old bad guy/girl, but you're just wost!!! I feel sowwy for you.
You might want to watch the coverage, this has been hijacked by the left, they were spewing hard left wing talking points all the while claiming it's not political. Give me a break.


Did you go to one? Do you have any children that participated? or are you just relying on second hand information?
I know I won't participate in the exploitation of kids. Just dems do that.
Using them for target practice is exploitation.
funny, they say they don't feel safe in school and the teachers triple down on their safety and expose them to all kinds of nasty shit on a walk out, all out of control. Anything could have happened, hit by a car, walk into a gang, all kinds of nasty shit. I guess they really aren't scared at school to take that leap. Those who listened to the left's political speeches were in the presence of all kinds of military weapons. You don't think their secret security wasn't there? I do laugh at the stupid that is a leftist.

Clearly you did not go to one or know anyone that did. At the one's in the local area nothing was out of control and there was a designated space fro them to go to, and a higher than normal police presence to keep everything in line.
dude, they were walking down streets in neighborhoods they had never been in before all without enough parental attention. it's cool, I get it you take policy advice from kids, I get it. you can't wait for their next lexture at school to the teachers who they are puppeteering. I get it. don't worry.
and exposed themselves to all kinds of shit. dude, there is no logic in what occurred yesterday, there were more threats to life yesterday times ten than any school shooting. just saying. Some were near potentially risky situations. but eh, no big deal. the big deal is the school itself right? you enjoy taking policy advice from kids I see. Any left ever makes another comment about waiting on adults, can go march with the kids again. you choose their company over adults.

You keep parroting your party talking points even though they are dead wrong, you are such a sheep. There was no exposure to anything but the sunlight and and understanding of their 1st Amendment rights, which is probably what scares people like you the most.
and exposed themselves to all kinds of shit. dude, there is no logic in what occurred yesterday, there were more threats to life yesterday times ten than any school shooting. just saying. Some were near potentially risky situations. but eh, no big deal. the big deal is the school itself right? you enjoy taking policy advice from kids I see. Any left ever makes another comment about waiting on adults, can go march with the kids again. you choose their company over adults.

You keep parroting your party talking points even though they are dead wrong, you are such a sheep. There was no exposure to anything but the sunlight and and understanding of their 1st Amendment rights, which is probably what scares people like you the most.
like what? name one thing I've parroted.
dude, they were walking down streets in neighborhoods they had never been in before all without enough parental attention. it's cool, I get it you take policy advice from kids, I get it. you can't wait for their next lexture at school to the teachers who they are puppeteering. I get it. don't worry.

Not in this area they were not.

Most of the teachers were against it, some gave out after school detention to everyone that walked out. My son's teacher gave a "pop" quiz to those that stayed behind and those that walked out lost the points.

You are clueless and just keep parroting the party talking points.
dude, they were walking down streets in neighborhoods they had never been in before all without enough parental attention. it's cool, I get it you take policy advice from kids, I get it. you can't wait for their next lexture at school to the teachers who they are puppeteering. I get it. don't worry.

Not in this area they were not.

Most of the teachers were against it, some gave out after school detention to everyone that walked out. My son's teacher gave a "pop" quiz to those that stayed behind and those that walked out lost the points.

You are clueless and just keep parroting the party talking points.
and yet it never made the news. how would anyone know that? that was not the agenda. See it's agenda driven and exploiting kids was the agenda. not punishing them. wow. good for that school I'll say.
and yet it never made the news. how would anyone know that? that was not the agenda. See it's agenda driven and exploiting kids was the agenda. not punishing them. wow. good for that school I'll say.

What didn't make the news? The school left it up to the individual teachers to make the decision. My son made a choice and had a consequences of it, that is what happens sometimes when you exercise your 1st Amendments rights. That lesson was more valuable than anything he might have learned during the 17 minute walkout.

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