American Communists join with left wing DemonRATS ~plan Trump 2020 takedown

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Can there be any doubt in any INDEPENDENTS MIND that the current DemonRAT party of INFANTICIDE is joined at the hip with AMERICAS ARCH ENEMIES????...These 2 will do ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING....LIE, CHEAT, AND STEAL in order to bring down America, the WORLDS only protector of what is good, ethical and right in the world today!!....Our forefathers are turning in their graves today!!!!!

America’s Communist Party concluded its national convention here seemingly united around two themes: that they are a significant ally of the increasingly powerful left-wing in the Democratic Party and that there remains a viable future for the party.

As to the question of whether the CPUSA emerges in control or is instead absorbed into the broader socialism movement already peppering the platforms of Democrats running for president in 2020, officials expressed confidence the red star of their party will continue burning.

But in the meantime, all goals should be subsumed by one: beating the dreaded President Donald Trump, CPUSA Chairman John Bachtell said in his keynote address.

“The aim is to oust Trump and the Republican Senate majority, defend the Democratic House majority, and break the GOP domination of governorships and state legislatures,” Mr. Bachtell said.

Since the day of Vladimir Lenin, the still-revered father of Bolshevism, Communists have reveled in the vitriol they hurl at political opponents, and Mr. Bachtell did not disappoint.

“He has no morality, no heart and no soul,” he told the roughly 300 delegates who gathered here for the Party’s national convention. “Trump is a gangster masquerading as president.”

In a wide-ranging interview with The Washington Times, Mr. Bachtell reiterated that the modern CPUSA is not seeking a violent revolution.

“I feel very strongly it has to be peaceful, it has to be accomplished politically,” he said.

Such views appear to clash with The Communist Manifesto and its explicit call for the “violent overthrow of the bourgeoisie.”

With a rueful smile, Mr. Bachtell conceded there were some hardliners within the Party who would relish some broken glass and bloodshed, devout Communists who think the current line is somehow a bit squeamish.

Birds of a feather...

Trump plans to take himself down ?

Mr America Salutes Communists.

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