'America is a bomb waiting to explode' - A Foreigners View of American Weakness

They are assholes just like you, that's why you'll agree. You are the American version of the very same Taliban...Full text: bin Laden's 'letter to America'

Wow, to want immigration laws enforced means one is American Taliban.

I have now heard it all and can go to bed and asleep.
You want to like in goddamned Whitey Jesusville, so give it a rest.
Why are your ratings so fucking low...Stupidity...fer sure!
You want to like in goddamned Whitey Jesusville, so give it a rest.

Idiot, all these illegals and refugees have far more commitment to believing in the God of Abraham than the main stream Protestant denominations of this country.

With a fast growing hispanic population over-taking the Anglo population, we are seeing Catholicism grow while the WASPS die off. We are seeing reactionary Muslims displace their eternal enemy liberal Jews. The hispanic Catholic population is a huge source of *white* converts to Pentecostal and evangelical faiths, while the Muslims here are increasingly neutralizing the cultural liberalism once so suffocating.

For conservatives, this is a win-win kind of thing bubba.
The OP should spend more time with young people. Our future is bright.
It amazes me at how quickly you liberals can convince yourself that everything is copacetic by dismissing reams of data with the wave of a 'glass half full' wand of magic.

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