America in 2071


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
What will America be like in 50 years?
Will we still be a free and prosperous country, or will we become an Orwellian Nightmare totalitarian police state?
Will we be able to change the direction that the Democrat Cult is taking our country?

The Democrat Cult has control of Entertainment, Education and the Press.
They are brainwashing our kids.
Fight back.

Even just one kid removed from public school is a way to fight back.

I do not do business with liberal democrats whenever possible. One dollar of mine that they do not get is a dollar that they do not get. I also do not sell to them -- they do not deserve the joy that my product/service brings.

Every tiny step counts. Just because we can't take back our country right now, all in one piece, doesn't mean that we should stop doing any small thing we can do to take away one dollar and one opportunity for joy and one child's mind from those who think they are going to succeed in killing America.
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The Left used to have high school students read "1984" and "Fahrenheit 451" to warn them that they are examples of fascist totalitarianism.
But nowadays they are examples of Liberalism, Climate Change cultism, Big Tech censorship and Woke cultism.
Nothing says "Liberals have kicked our fascist cult keisters" like a Trump cult group-weeping thread. It does the heart good to see them. And the Trump cult sore-losers never stop creating them.
Nothing says "Liberals have kicked our fascist cult keisters" like a Trump cult group-weeping thread. It does the heart good to see them. And the Trump cult sore-losers never stop creating them.
Glad to be of service. Enjoy it while you can.
Nothing says "Liberals have kicked our fascist cult keisters" like a Trump cult group-weeping thread. It does the heart good to see them. And the Trump cult sore-losers never stop creating them.
yep, you are the type that I am talking about
What will America be like in 50 years?
Will we still be a free and prosperous country, or will we become an Orwellian Nightmare totalitarian police state?
Will we be able to change the direction that the Democrat Cult is taking our country?

At least we'll be in it together
Nothing says "Liberals have kicked our fascist cult keisters" like a Trump cult group-weeping thread. It does the heart good to see them. And the Trump cult sore-losers never stop creating them.


The problem isn't really schools.

The problem is lazy "parents" that pop out these kids and sit them in front of the idiot box, video screen, internet monitor for 18 years, and then magically expect them to become civilized, intelligent, human beings that can rationally and intellectually converse on an enlightened and conscious level, without ever having to interact with them, teach them social skills, answer their questions, or even treat them like human beings or acknowledge their presence.
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The problem isn't really schools.

The problem is lazy "parents" that pop out these kids and sit them in front of the idiot box, video screen, internet monitor for 18 years, and then magically expect them to become civilized, intelligent, human beings that can rationally and intellectually converse on an enlightened and conscious level.
It's almost like we've allowed a society to develop where parents can't afford to be parents.
I have long wished that people were born with their reproductive capability in the "off" position, and could only have it switched on when they have proven that they are capable emotionally, intellectually, spiritually and financially of actually rearing successful, whole, mature, responsible children.
It's almost like we've allowed a society to develop where parents can't afford to be parents.

A comedian once stated in their routine...........

"This country if FUCKED UP! You have to get a license to get married. You have to get a license to drive. You even have to get a license to catch a fucking FISH.....but ANY GODDAMNED MORON CAN BREED without a license"!!!
A comedian once stated in their routine...........

"This country if FUCKED UP! You have to get a license to get married. You have to get a license to drive. You even have to get a license to catch a fucking FISH.....but ANY GODDAMNED MORON CAN BREED without a license"!!!
My favorite is "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that" by George Carlin
My favorite is "Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that" by George Carlin

George Carlin is GOD.

If I believe/believed in any religious icon, it would be George Carlin!! He had to have been God come down in human form to tell us how badly we are fucking up. I do not believe the man ever uttered a lie or untruth in his entire life.
What will America be like in 50 years?
Will we still be a free and prosperous country, or will we become an Orwellian Nightmare totalitarian police state?
Will we be able to change the direction that the Democrat Cult is taking our country?

Well, the way we're going, people will be living in virtual worlds. Most people won't have jobs. They'll just get their fix of 24/7 entertainment, be fed food through a tube while a powerful elite control everything and everyone.
Well, the way we're going, people will be living in virtual worlds. Most people won't have jobs. They'll just get their fix of 24/7 entertainment, be fed food through a tube while a powerful elite control everything and everyone.
Sounds like Hell.

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