America: Don't Repeat Europe's Mistake, A Message from a Gay Man


Diamond Member
Sep 24, 2010

Defeat the ISIS instead of importing it, so that Hilly could have more criminals (her strongest demographic) voting for her. Vote Trump!
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Hillary wants to bring lots of "refugees" into the country. That would be such and easy and legal way to bring thousands of terrorists into the country at American taxpayers expense and make it so much easier for terrorists to kill as many American people as they want. One terrorist in Nice killed hundreds of civilians on his truck, without any weapons, remember? Do you want that in your country, your neighborhood, your family?

Vote Trump, save your country!
Defeat the ISIS instead of importing it
Hey dumbshit. We ARE defeating ISIS.

We are importing people running AWAY from ISIS, you utterly dumb fuck.

That you conflate terrorists with the victims of terrorism will earn you a special place in hell.

Defeat the ISIS instead of importing it, so that Hilly could have more criminals (her strongest demographic) voting for her. Vote Trump!

I salute your courage in coming out......but is this really the optimal place, norm?
Defeat the ISIS instead of importing it
Hey dumbshit. We ARE defeating ISIS.

We are importing people running AWAY from ISIS, you utterly dumb fuck.

That you conflate terrorists with the victims of terrorism will earn you a special place in hell.

How did the terrorist end up in Germany then, explain that one you moron! And of course, these people, at least many of them think gay people should be executed so... not the best of people to have in anyone's country.

Defeat the ISIS instead of importing it, so that Hilly could have more criminals (her strongest demographic) voting for her. Vote Trump!

I salute your courage in coming out......but is this really the optimal place, norm?

Milo only associates himself with black boyfriends. I am disqualified...
You know, considering that there are a lot of people that apply to come here to America, but out of those that apply, only half are accepted. Out of those that are accepted, they are screened as best as they can be, and about another half of those are disqualified as well. The whole process to come here as a refugee takes around 18 to 24 months.

The remaining people? They wait for a place to come here, and when they arrive, they are subject to surveillance for a while.

Out of all the refugees who have come here, ZERO have committed any acts of terrorism.


If you want to actually do something about terrorists in this country, you should look at how we give visas to people. All the terror attacks in this country that are linked to ISIL are committed by people who (a) are already US born citizens who became radicalized, (b) naturalized US citizens who become radicalized, or (c) people who come here on visas from other countries. Not refugees.

But, saying that the refugees are going to take over the country is a good scare tactic, I see why the GOP is using it so much.
Fifty years ago the word "gay" indicated happiness. After they hijacked the word for some reason homosexuals are afraid to use the "H" word but I digress. Why would somebody assume that their sexual preference would carry more weight in an argument about foreign policy?
LGBT's days are numbered in America.

Hillary has taken millions from Muslim nations, sold access to nations that murder homosexuals.

This administration - Barry and Hillary - are changing the make-up of this country by importing hundreds of thousands Muslims who murder homosexuals where they come from, where that is accepted where they come from.

And if you haven't noticed, when they get here they don't try to assimilate - they try to bring where they come from with them, try to make HERE like it was THERE.

And once the genie is let out of the bottle, as France/Britain/Germany are finding out, it's almost impossible to put it back in.

We are importing the demise of our own country, not just the illegals/'refugees' but also the culture/beliefs/practices/agendas they bring with them that they are determined to institute here. For example, honor killings happen here, they have tried to institute Sharia law / courts... How long before homosexuals are attacked...murdered...and the very earliest stages of that - by liberal choice - are happening now.

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