America Died on November 8 2016

Carl in Michigan

Diamond Member
Aug 15, 2016
Interesting insight into the mind of the liberal. This explains how they can excuse violence.

Projection is strong with the Liberal. But what else would you expect from Bill Moyer's:

The virus that kills democracy is extremism because extremism disables those codes. Republicans have disrespected the process for decades. They have regarded any Democratic president as illegitimate. They have proudly boasted of preventing popularly elected Democrats from effecting policy and have asserted that only Republicans have the right to determine the nation’s course. They have worked tirelessly to make sure that the government cannot govern and to redefine the purpose of government as prevention rather than effectuation. In short, they haven’t believed in democracy for a long time, and the media never called them out on it.

Democracy can’t cope with extremism. Only violence and time can defeat it. The first is unacceptable, the second takes too long
Farewell, America -
Interesting insight into the mind of the liberal. This explains how they can excuse violence.

Projection is strong with the Liberal. But what else would you expect from Bill Moyer's:

The virus that kills democracy is extremism because extremism disables those codes. Republicans have disrespected the process for decades. They have regarded any Democratic president as illegitimate. They have proudly boasted of preventing popularly elected Democrats from effecting policy and have asserted that only Republicans have the right to determine the nation’s course. They have worked tirelessly to make sure that the government cannot govern and to redefine the purpose of government as prevention rather than effectuation. In short, they haven’t believed in democracy for a long time, and the media never called them out on it.

Democracy can’t cope with extremism. Only violence and time can defeat it. The first is unacceptable, the second takes too long
Farewell, America -

America has been "dying" for a long time. It's strange that a country can be dying and grow at the same time. The British Empire also did this.
Trump becoming President has been a joke about America dying for decades. We finally pulled the trigger and became a parody of ourselves.

I don't know what to do. Trump's election makes me wonder if whatever we have is worth fighting for, or if the experiment is over.
Trump's election and the liberal reaction to it just tells the story of how desperately the country needs to break up.
Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama, the DNC, and even the Washington Establishment Pro-Status-Quo Conservative Leadership has / had become like a Cancer. A scalpel could not be used to wipe out this much cancer - 'Chemo was / is needed. Donald Trump is like the introduction of Chemotherapy in an attempt to defeat / kill off the cancer. It may very well kill the cancer, but it will leave the patient ill, vomiting, chills, loss of hair, etc. The patient, America, is in for a long hard road no matter what.

The cancer has already begun to fight, declaring it is going no where and will cause even more trouble so the 'host'/'patient' will give in and allow the cancer free reign. The cancer will blame all the problems it is causing on the Chemotherapy. It was the fault of the cancer that the patient ever got so bad as to need something as drastic as Chemo. And now, when threatened, the cancer is attempting to claim it is the victim, not the patient being the victim, and warning that the Chemo, not the cancer, will kill the patient.
Democracy died because their choice was rejected?

How is that even possible when we are a republic?

And isn't the fact that another person can win a vital spent to legitimate elections?

Republicans have been declaring democrat presidents illegitimate for decades? Really? because most painfully acknowledged Obama. And no one declared Clinton or Carter illegitimate.

And we aren't supposed to exercise our rights to check the power of bad presidents? Our republic was specifically designed to divide power to prevent evil men from rolling over the people. It's a system of checks and balances.

Who is this fool and why should we listen to someone who so clearly has no understanding how our government works and refuses to deal with reality?
Democracy was dealt a mortal blow - one that could be seen by the entire nation - when self-appointed ruler Nancy Pelosi declared to the American people they had no RIGHT to know what was in the ACA edict until the Liberal Betrayal of America was complete, when they had successfully rammed the minority-supported Socialist piece of Legislation down the throats of the majority of Americans who opposed it.

Again, this election, Democrats / the DNC openly demonstrated they have no use for 'Democracy':

Many partisan-blind liberals are too stupid - as Jonathon Gruber opined - to comprehend and care that the Democratic Party in 2016 RIGGED their Primary - not trusting their supporters and taking the decision of electing the DNC nominee from their hands. The DNC conspired against not only the other candidate, Bernie Sanders, but also against their own party members / voters. Election / Voter fraud was rampant in favor of Hillary during the DNC Primaries. Democracy? What Democracy? Liberals were 'HANDLED'...and not one DNC Leader has apologized to them for doing so. And sure enough, Liberals took it, didn't bat an eye, and kept marching to the DNC drumbeat against the GOP, STILL not realizing - or caring - what their own party had just done to them.

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