America as some smaller countries

Donald Polish

VIP Member
Nov 27, 2014
Kansas City
I have one idea to share with you. I suppose that the U.S.A. would be better in the form of 5 or 6 smaller nations because the priorities seem to vary so much by region, and smaller nations could act autonomously to pursue their own interests.
Does somebody like this idea?
How do you think it would look like?
Nope.............Had some idiots not fucked up the Constitution and kept it as local as wouldn't even be talking about this..........................

Our Gov't has grown too big for it's britches.
Its going to happen eventually anyways. I hope we get old CSA back but more than likely not.

South from Arkansas,Tennessee,NC and Va and down would be New Africa,Southern Florida would be New Cuba, Texas,Oklahoma,Colorado,All the way to California would be Aztlan,NYC and Long Island etc would be New Israel,The rest would be White America. :) That is until we annihilate the rest.
I can think of no benefits that would not be vastly overshadowed by economic loss and even armed conflict. Water rights alone would have us fighting each other before we even knew what happened. There would be mass migrations that boggle the mind as people try to decide what level of fascism/freedom they prefer or others run from new nations where they do not feel welcome.

It's all total Idiocy, only a dumbass would want to convert their homeland from the most economically powerful nation on earth to a much more easily dominated one. The US dollar is something special, the new confederate money would be no better than the Ruble.
Personally, I think it would be.

I would prefer a Federal Government, as envisioned by the funding fathers, but, a loose Confederacy (NO, NOT that Confederacy, folks....) of regions, with a central government, with extremely limited powers, would be better than the rush towards central planning that we currently have going down....
Hi Donald,

You might find Mr. Igor Panarin, a Russian academic's theory interesting. He's made a career out of forecasting the breakup of the U.S.A. If it were to happen, I don't think it will happen in the way Mr. Panarin thinks. From a distance, I don't think he gets how diverse our country is. He seems to think we are already Balkanized and the fractures will be clean and well defined.

The "Texas Republic" going back to Mexico is a bit out there--for this century.:cool-45: Not making any bets after that.

Like I said, you might find his theory interesting or amusing:

As if Things Weren t Bad Enough Russian Professor Predicts End of U.S. - WSJ

so much yes. i live in Seattle and feel like we in the northwest have such a vastly different outlook... but once you cross the cascades into eastern washington its like you're in the Alabama. Good idea indeed. New possibilities and wide horizons...
Its going to happen eventually anyways. I hope we get old CSA back but more than likely not.

South from Arkansas,Tennessee,NC and Va and down would be New Africa,Southern Florida would be New Cuba, Texas,Oklahoma,Colorado,All the way to California would be Aztlan,NYC and Long Island etc would be New Israel,The rest would be White America. :) That is until we annihilate the rest.

And would the CSA be burdened with say, the 13th or 14th amendment?
Personally, I think it would be.

I would prefer a Federal Government, as envisioned by the funding fathers, but, a loose Confederacy (NO, NOT that Confederacy, folks....) of regions, with a central government, with extremely limited powers, would be better than the rush towards central planning that we currently have going down....

My concern on that front would be abuses by the local governments. During the era of the founders and for about a century afterward, the Bill of Rights didn't apply to the States. And the States frequently abuses its citizens or the people in its boundaries. If the State trampled your rights, you had no recourse. As the federal government had no jurisdiction to protect your rights, even when the actions taken by the States would be flagrant violations of the Bill of Rights.

I don't see a return to that as a good thing. There are so many rights that certain States would love to strip their citizens of if the Federal Government didn't stop them.
Its going to happen eventually anyways. I hope we get old CSA back but more than likely not.

South from Arkansas,Tennessee,NC and Va and down would be New Africa,Southern Florida would be New Cuba, Texas,Oklahoma,Colorado,All the way to California would be Aztlan,NYC and Long Island etc would be New Israel,The rest would be White America. :) That is until we annihilate the rest.

And would the CSA be burdened with say, the 13th or 14th amendment?
Why would ANY of the new nations take a constitution that has miserably failed?
Its going to happen eventually anyways. I hope we get old CSA back but more than likely not.

South from Arkansas,Tennessee,NC and Va and down would be New Africa,Southern Florida would be New Cuba, Texas,Oklahoma,Colorado,All the way to California would be Aztlan,NYC and Long Island etc would be New Israel,The rest would be White America. :) That is until we annihilate the rest.

And would the CSA be burdened with say, the 13th or 14th amendment?
Why would ANY of the new nations take a constitution that has miserably failed?

So no to the 13th and 14th amendment? Does that mean slavery is legal again in your new Confederate States of America?
Take all northern, northeastern, and western border states and make them their own nation. Then the rest of America can live in normalcy again.
Its going to happen eventually anyways. I hope we get old CSA back but more than likely not.

South from Arkansas,Tennessee,NC and Va and down would be New Africa,Southern Florida would be New Cuba, Texas,Oklahoma,Colorado,All the way to California would be Aztlan,NYC and Long Island etc would be New Israel,The rest would be White America. :) That is until we annihilate the rest.

And would the CSA be burdened with say, the 13th or 14th amendment?
Why would ANY of the new nations take a constitution that has miserably failed?

So no to the 13th and 14th amendment? Does that mean slavery is legal again in your new Confederate States of America?
Nope Won't be any non whites around to enslave. Biggest damn mistake that was ever made bringing non whites to America.
Its going to happen eventually anyways. I hope we get old CSA back but more than likely not.

South from Arkansas,Tennessee,NC and Va and down would be New Africa,Southern Florida would be New Cuba, Texas,Oklahoma,Colorado,All the way to California would be Aztlan,NYC and Long Island etc would be New Israel,The rest would be White America. :) That is until we annihilate the rest.

And would the CSA be burdened with say, the 13th or 14th amendment?
Why would ANY of the new nations take a constitution that has miserably failed?

So no to the 13th and 14th amendment? Does that mean slavery is legal again in your new Confederate States of America?
Nope Won't be any non whites around to enslave. Biggest damn mistake that was ever made bringing non whites to America.

So where would all the black folks in the 'Confederate States of America' go? And does your solution involve camps?
Its going to happen eventually anyways. I hope we get old CSA back but more than likely not.

South from Arkansas,Tennessee,NC and Va and down would be New Africa,Southern Florida would be New Cuba, Texas,Oklahoma,Colorado,All the way to California would be Aztlan,NYC and Long Island etc would be New Israel,The rest would be White America. :) That is until we annihilate the rest.

And would the CSA be burdened with say, the 13th or 14th amendment?
Why would ANY of the new nations take a constitution that has miserably failed?

So no to the 13th and 14th amendment? Does that mean slavery is legal again in your new Confederate States of America?
Nope Won't be any non whites around to enslave. Biggest damn mistake that was ever made bringing non whites to America.

So where would all the black folks in the 'Confederate States of America' go? And does your solution involve camps?
I don't think another CSA is possible...WAY to many blacks and mexicans in the south now. We would have to get a foothold somewhere else first. Reservations filled with drugs,whores,food etc.As each non white is put on their immigration they will be given full physicals including a shot that makes sure they can never reproduce. :) Its the cleanest way to fix things. Not the quickest so for 100 years or so we will have to use a large military presence to keep them in check.
And would the CSA be burdened with say, the 13th or 14th amendment?
Why would ANY of the new nations take a constitution that has miserably failed?

So no to the 13th and 14th amendment? Does that mean slavery is legal again in your new Confederate States of America?
Nope Won't be any non whites around to enslave. Biggest damn mistake that was ever made bringing non whites to America.

So where would all the black folks in the 'Confederate States of America' go? And does your solution involve camps?
I don't think another CSA is possible...WAY to many blacks and mexicans in the south now.

Blacks have been in the South as long as we've had a United States. Much longer, actually. So where would this non-white free 'country' of yours be, exactly?

We would have to get a foothold somewhere else first. Reservations filled with drugs,whores,food etc.As each non white is put on their immigration they will be given full physicals including a shot that makes sure they can never reproduce.

And what if they refused the treatment or their interment in to camps?
Why would ANY of the new nations take a constitution that has miserably failed?

So no to the 13th and 14th amendment? Does that mean slavery is legal again in your new Confederate States of America?
Nope Won't be any non whites around to enslave. Biggest damn mistake that was ever made bringing non whites to America.

So where would all the black folks in the 'Confederate States of America' go? And does your solution involve camps?
I don't think another CSA is possible...WAY to many blacks and mexicans in the south now.

Blacks have been in the South as long as we've had a United States. Much longer, actually. So where would this non-white free 'country' of yours be, exactly?

We would have to get a foothold somewhere else first. Reservations filled with drugs,whores,food etc.As each non white is put on their immigration they will be given full physicals including a shot that makes sure they can never reproduce.

And what if they refused the treatment or their interment in to camps?
Blacks have been here since we started bringing them here I know that. Doesn't matter to me. Some want it in the PNW some want entire US,Some want NE US and Canada,some want Old CSA,Personally I want the entire world under the banner of Creativity.

They won't have a choice. Lol...fight and die. Do as you are told live a long life with drugs,food,homes,etc and no one to bother you. Just no breeding since they will all be sterilized.
So no to the 13th and 14th amendment? Does that mean slavery is legal again in your new Confederate States of America?
Nope Won't be any non whites around to enslave. Biggest damn mistake that was ever made bringing non whites to America.

So where would all the black folks in the 'Confederate States of America' go? And does your solution involve camps?
I don't think another CSA is possible...WAY to many blacks and mexicans in the south now.

Blacks have been in the South as long as we've had a United States. Much longer, actually. So where would this non-white free 'country' of yours be, exactly?

We would have to get a foothold somewhere else first. Reservations filled with drugs,whores,food etc.As each non white is put on their immigration they will be given full physicals including a shot that makes sure they can never reproduce.

And what if they refused the treatment or their interment in to camps?
Blacks have been here since we started bringing them here I know that. Doesn't matter to me. Some want it in the PNW some want entire US,Some want NE US and Canada,some want Old CSA,Personally I want the entire world under the banner of Creativity.

There are all sorts of non-whites in the pacific north west. Especially the fertile land west of the Cascades.

And the 'banner of Creativity' with a capital C? You'll have to elaborate. I'm not familiar with Stormfront lingo.

They won't have a choice. Lol...fight and die. Do as you are told live a long life with drugs,food,homes,etc and no one to bother you. Just no breeding since they will all be sterilized.

So non-whites go to the camps and are sterilized....or you kill them.

No wonder you want to scrap the Constitution. It would never allow you to do this.

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