Amazing....How Dare You! The Movie: Greta Thunberg Getting Hulu Documentary In 2020

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Always interesting to see how the DemonRATS , and the SOROS LEFTISTS come up with LEGAL SCHEMES to pay off their useful idiots to push their agendas WITHOUT having a direct connection to their payoffs....little actress will STAR and collect an OBUMA SIZED payday and a PUSH to become a Hollywood RISING STAR!


mrcNewsbusters ^ | Dec, 16, 2019, | Gabriel Hays

Oh, great, another super lefty is getting the fawning documentary treatment from Hulu in the near future. It was reported on Wednesday that everyone’s favorite diminutive doomsday cult leader Greta Thunberg will be immortalized via documentary by the streaming platform. Ugh, no more, please! Ahem, we mean, Yay! Greta Thunberg’s getting a movie everybody! She’s so awesome (because saying otherwise means we’re guilty of child abuse.)

The Hollywood outlet Deadline reported that the sixteen-year-old Swedish climate change activist who has inspired the collective panic attacks of millions worldwide is getting yet another media opportunity to spread her climate change hysteria. The site claimed, “Thunberg is the subject of Greta (working title), an original documentary, which will premiere on Hulu in 2020.”

Well, thank heavens, it’s not like we see her around much these days. Deadline detailed who was behind the project, stating that B-Reel Films’ Cecilia Nessen and Frederik Heinig are the film’s producers and Nathan Grossman is directing.

The production crew working on the film has been with Greta ever since her first ever “School Strike for Climate” in her home country and throughout all her subsequent world travels, like her famous visit to the UN Climate Action Summit in New York City this fall where she uttered her famous “How dare you?!” to delinquent world leaders.

Interestingly enough, Hulu has been involved with the project for some time now, with Deadline claiming that the streaming platform “had come on board the project awhile back and had been involved behind the scenes while deals were being made.” It’s like they had a hunch she would become Time’s “Person of The Year.” It’s not like she’s been groomed to be a progressive mascot, right?

Deadline then went through all her accomplishments to justify why we, the oversaturated consumer, need yet more elitist BS shoved down our throats. The site wrote, “Thunberg has been getting messages of support from Michelle Obama and has been embraced by Hollywood, with celebrities such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Leonardo DiCaprio and Woody Harrelson among her army of fans.” Though, earth to Deadline, the Hollywood and Michelle O endorsements aren’t selling the case.

Still, we must know, “The young activist has received numerous honors and awards, including a fellowship of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, as well as a nomination for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize.” They’re trying very hard to convince conservatives that there’s merit to the hysteria.

Overblown media productions intent on canonizing unsavory political figures will supposedly have a banner year in 2020. B-Reel Film’s Greta will be joining Hulu’s other 2020 documentary on an irksome lefty who won’t go away, Hillary. The bigger farce is that Deadline described these upcoming docs as “culturally relevant stories about the human experience.” Sure, because the lizard woman and the teenage doomsdayer are so relatable to the common man.

You go, girl!!!....BUT YOU NEED TO GET ANGRIER!!! Has Biden had the opportunity to SMELL YOUR HAIR, YET....He'd be all excited!
If there were just some way that you didn't have to watch a movie that you didn't want to see. How horrible for you that someone is going to force you to watch that. Is there any way that you could just change the channel, or does someone sit there with a gun to make you watch movies you don't like?
Well.... if you are going to be internationally stupid, you might as well soak some pathetic left-wingers for money over it.

I'd likely go for a movie too. Why not. Can't hurt taking stupid people's money, to learn about a childish international rant.
Always interesting to see how the DemonRATS , and the SOROS LEFTISTS come up with LEGAL SCHEMES to pay off their useful idiots to push their agendas WITHOUT having a direct connection to their payoffs....little actress will STAR and collect an OBUMA SIZED payday and a PUSH to become a Hollywood RISING STAR!


mrcNewsbusters ^ | Dec, 16, 2019, | Gabriel Hays

Oh, great, another super lefty is getting the fawning documentary treatment from Hulu in the near future. It was reported on Wednesday that everyone’s favorite diminutive doomsday cult leader Greta Thunberg will be immortalized via documentary by the streaming platform. Ugh, no more, please! Ahem, we mean, Yay! Greta Thunberg’s getting a movie everybody! She’s so awesome (because saying otherwise means we’re guilty of child abuse.)

The Hollywood outlet Deadline reported that the sixteen-year-old Swedish climate change activist who has inspired the collective panic attacks of millions worldwide is getting yet another media opportunity to spread her climate change hysteria. The site claimed, “Thunberg is the subject of Greta (working title), an original documentary, which will premiere on Hulu in 2020.”

Well, thank heavens, it’s not like we see her around much these days. Deadline detailed who was behind the project, stating that B-Reel Films’ Cecilia Nessen and Frederik Heinig are the film’s producers and Nathan Grossman is directing.

The production crew working on the film has been with Greta ever since her first ever “School Strike for Climate” in her home country and throughout all her subsequent world travels, like her famous visit to the UN Climate Action Summit in New York City this fall where she uttered her famous “How dare you?!” to delinquent world leaders.

Interestingly enough, Hulu has been involved with the project for some time now, with Deadline claiming that the streaming platform “had come on board the project awhile back and had been involved behind the scenes while deals were being made.” It’s like they had a hunch she would become Time’s “Person of The Year.” It’s not like she’s been groomed to be a progressive mascot, right?

Deadline then went through all her accomplishments to justify why we, the oversaturated consumer, need yet more elitist BS shoved down our throats. The site wrote, “Thunberg has been getting messages of support from Michelle Obama and has been embraced by Hollywood, with celebrities such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Leonardo DiCaprio and Woody Harrelson among her army of fans.” Though, earth to Deadline, the Hollywood and Michelle O endorsements aren’t selling the case.

Still, we must know, “The young activist has received numerous honors and awards, including a fellowship of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, as well as a nomination for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize.” They’re trying very hard to convince conservatives that there’s merit to the hysteria.

Overblown media productions intent on canonizing unsavory political figures will supposedly have a banner year in 2020. B-Reel Film’s Greta will be joining Hulu’s other 2020 documentary on an irksome lefty who won’t go away, Hillary. The bigger farce is that Deadline described these upcoming docs as “culturally relevant stories about the human experience.” Sure, because the lizard woman and the teenage doomsdayer are so relatable to the common man.

You mean you haven't bought your Greta Chia Head for your desk yet or your Greta Bobblehead for your car's dash complete with barometer to tell you if the climate is OK?

Then how about the Greta TV Climate Channel, a Greta slip-cover for your phone or the new Greta-Wheel ride at the amusement park that runs on solar power?

At the very least, buy some Greta tee-shirts at Walmart in the Greta Clothes section. It all goes to a good cause: funding more Greta! :uhh:
1). Don't watch the movie, I'm not going to.
2). How is it that a 16 year old who really has no influence on our country bothers anyone? I don't care what she says it has no effect on me.
3). Sometimes you have to let things go. Bwoq, a 16 year old getting people upset. About nothing
I imagine quite a few people are getting sick of the spoiled brat her scrunched up face and her rants. I know I am.

She should go inflict herself on Sweden though I'm sure they are a sick of her stupid ass as everyone else is.

To bad she doesn't disappear.

And Biden gets hell for sniffing hair, this old bastard has his hand up her skirt....but for what he is paying this little actress, he should be allowed to put his whole hand up there!
I wonder how much fossil fuel will be consumed in the making of Sweden's Got Talent?
I haven't been to the movie theater in almost seven years now. Thank you for letting me know what I haven't been missing out on. I love comedies and action suspense thrillers. I can't see a film about that girl being either kind of movie.

God bless you and her always!!!

Always interesting to see how the DemonRATS , and the SOROS LEFTISTS come up with LEGAL SCHEMES to pay off their useful idiots to push their agendas WITHOUT having a direct connection to their payoffs....little actress will STAR and collect an OBUMA SIZED payday and a PUSH to become a Hollywood RISING STAR!


mrcNewsbusters ^ | Dec, 16, 2019, | Gabriel Hays

Oh, great, another super lefty is getting the fawning documentary treatment from Hulu in the near future. It was reported on Wednesday that everyone’s favorite diminutive doomsday cult leader Greta Thunberg will be immortalized via documentary by the streaming platform. Ugh, no more, please! Ahem, we mean, Yay! Greta Thunberg’s getting a movie everybody! She’s so awesome (because saying otherwise means we’re guilty of child abuse.)

The Hollywood outlet Deadline reported that the sixteen-year-old Swedish climate change activist who has inspired the collective panic attacks of millions worldwide is getting yet another media opportunity to spread her climate change hysteria. The site claimed, “Thunberg is the subject of Greta (working title), an original documentary, which will premiere on Hulu in 2020.”

Well, thank heavens, it’s not like we see her around much these days. Deadline detailed who was behind the project, stating that B-Reel Films’ Cecilia Nessen and Frederik Heinig are the film’s producers and Nathan Grossman is directing.

The production crew working on the film has been with Greta ever since her first ever “School Strike for Climate” in her home country and throughout all her subsequent world travels, like her famous visit to the UN Climate Action Summit in New York City this fall where she uttered her famous “How dare you?!” to delinquent world leaders.

Interestingly enough, Hulu has been involved with the project for some time now, with Deadline claiming that the streaming platform “had come on board the project awhile back and had been involved behind the scenes while deals were being made.” It’s like they had a hunch she would become Time’s “Person of The Year.” It’s not like she’s been groomed to be a progressive mascot, right?

Deadline then went through all her accomplishments to justify why we, the oversaturated consumer, need yet more elitist BS shoved down our throats. The site wrote, “Thunberg has been getting messages of support from Michelle Obama and has been embraced by Hollywood, with celebrities such as Arnold Schwarzenegger, Leonardo DiCaprio and Woody Harrelson among her army of fans.” Though, earth to Deadline, the Hollywood and Michelle O endorsements aren’t selling the case.

Still, we must know, “The young activist has received numerous honors and awards, including a fellowship of the Royal Scottish Geographical Society, as well as a nomination for the 2019 Nobel Peace Prize.” They’re trying very hard to convince conservatives that there’s merit to the hysteria.

Overblown media productions intent on canonizing unsavory political figures will supposedly have a banner year in 2020. B-Reel Film’s Greta will be joining Hulu’s other 2020 documentary on an irksome lefty who won’t go away, Hillary. The bigger farce is that Deadline described these upcoming docs as “culturally relevant stories about the human experience.” Sure, because the lizard woman and the teenage doomsdayer are so relatable to the common man.


How will they make it? Every aspect of making a movie involves massive amounts of green house gases, and petroleum products.........
An honest movie about the machine behind Thunberg would be worth watching but then such a movie could never be made if it was honest.

What is it specifically about St. Greta that makes her an effective spokesperson for this fabricated contrived eco-crisis?
Clearly a manufactured crisis needs a manufactured front person.
If there were just some way that you didn't have to watch a movie that you didn't want to see. How horrible for you that someone is going to force you to watch that. Is there any way that you could just change the channel, or does someone sit there with a gun to make you watch movies you don't like?

Nowhere in the OP is it suggested that anyone will be forced to see this stupid movie.

It’s a commentary on how leftwing propaganda is bought and paid for, despite the fact that no one is going to pay to see this garbage. It’s a Quid Pro Quo, we’ll pay for your activist movement and the media gets to push the propaganda as being relevant. This has always been bought and paid for propaganda, in the guise of being a “grassroots” movement.
If there were just some way that you didn't have to watch a movie that you didn't want to see. How horrible for you that someone is going to force you to watch that. Is there any way that you could just change the channel, or does someone sit there with a gun to make you watch movies you don't like?

Nowhere in the OP is it suggested that anyone will be forced to see this stupid movie.

It’s a commentary on how leftwing propaganda is bought and paid for, despite the fact that no one is going to pay to see this garbage. It’s a Quid Pro Quo, we’ll pay for your activist movement and the media gets to push the propaganda as being relevant. This has always been bought and paid for propaganda, in the guise of being a “grassroots” movement.

If nobody is making you watch it, the mind your own business.
If there were just some way that you didn't have to watch a movie that you didn't want to see. How horrible for you that someone is going to force you to watch that. Is there any way that you could just change the channel, or does someone sit there with a gun to make you watch movies you don't like?

Nowhere in the OP is it suggested that anyone will be forced to see this stupid movie.

It’s a commentary on how leftwing propaganda is bought and paid for, despite the fact that no one is going to pay to see this garbage. It’s a Quid Pro Quo, we’ll pay for your activist movement and the media gets to push the propaganda as being relevant. This has always been bought and paid for propaganda, in the guise of being a “grassroots” movement.

If nobody is making you watch it, the mind your own business.

If only you had that same attitude for school Christmas shows.

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