If you live in the DC area don't miss out on seeing some incredible films and powerful documentaries that honor the sheer sacrifices and dedication of our men and women in uniform. May 13-17,2009. The line up this year will blow your mind and American's need to see these films. You'll see films that accurately portray our brave soldiers with the respect they deserve...NOT the reckless vigilantes, drugies, and thugs that mainstream Hollywood would have you believe is real. See for yourself and GIfilmfestival.com. Senators, big movie stars, military families and friends, VET's of all ages, and a weekend at the movies. If you can't make it, you can even sponsor an American Soldier that would really appreciate it.
I'd also invite you to the premiere of SEAL Team VI showing May 16th at 3:30pm in the main theater. The American People care about our soldiers...our warriors...the real heroes. 100 people were turned away at the West Coast Permiere and I'd bet the DC screening won't be any different. It's a powerful film.
God Bless our troops and those who served before them.
I'd also invite you to the premiere of SEAL Team VI showing May 16th at 3:30pm in the main theater. The American People care about our soldiers...our warriors...the real heroes. 100 people were turned away at the West Coast Permiere and I'd bet the DC screening won't be any different. It's a powerful film.
God Bless our troops and those who served before them.