Gold Member
Does this mean I am Jewish or this is a Jewish Person from Israel with the same name as me?
FirstName: Svetozar
Last name: Plemic
Country of origin: RS Serbia
Alternative country of origin: RS Serbia
Top countries of origin: RS Serbia, RS Serbia, ME Montenegro, HR Croatia, MD Moldova, SI Slovenia, SK Slovakia, IL Israel, BA Bosnia & Herzegovina, BG Bulgaria
Score: 0
Region of origin: Europe
Top region of origin: Europe
Sub region of origin: Southern Europe
Probability: 0.32420723254953965
Probability for alternative: 0.9103274558086741
FirstName: Svetozar
Last name: Plemic
Score: 14.186059928528627
Alternative ethnicity: Montenegrin
Ethnicity: Serbian
Lifted: false
Country code ISO2: US United States
Top ethnicities: Serbian, Montenegrin, Slovanian, Croat, Moldova, Bosniak, Jewish, Slovakian, Romanian, Czech
Probability: 0.6947833724529043
Probability for alternative: 0.7079707013586972
FirstName: Svetozar
Last name: Plemic
Country of origin: RS Serbia
Alternative country of origin: RS Serbia
Top countries of origin: RS Serbia, RS Serbia, ME Montenegro, HR Croatia, MD Moldova, SI Slovenia, SK Slovakia, IL Israel, BA Bosnia & Herzegovina, BG Bulgaria
Score: 0
Region of origin: Europe
Top region of origin: Europe
Sub region of origin: Southern Europe
Probability: 0.32420723254953965
Probability for alternative: 0.9103274558086741
FirstName: Svetozar
Last name: Plemic
Score: 14.186059928528627
Alternative ethnicity: Montenegrin
Ethnicity: Serbian
Lifted: false
Country code ISO2: US United States
Top ethnicities: Serbian, Montenegrin, Slovanian, Croat, Moldova, Bosniak, Jewish, Slovakian, Romanian, Czech
Probability: 0.6947833724529043
Probability for alternative: 0.7079707013586972
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