Alveda King: Bernie Sanders’ Population Control Will Target Black Communities

The Purge

Platinum Member
Aug 16, 2018
Proving once again just what leftists really think about the black community!

A “population control” proposal pushed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will target “black and brown” people, unborn children, the sick, and elderly people, said Dr. Alveda King, director of Priests for Life’s Civil Rights for the Unborn project and the niece of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., in a Friday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour and special guest host Rick Manning. During a Wednesday “town hall” hosted by CNN regarding “climate change,” Sanders accepted the premise of population growth on Earth being “unsustainable,” requiring government controls over procreation.

Sanders’s proposal, said King, reminded her of the 1973 dystopian science fiction film Soylent Green, in which overpopulation and poverty was addressed through euthanization of the elderly and processing their remains into food.

“In light of the shocking [statements] that we just heard about population control and all of that, cannibalism, many years ago, I watched a movie with Charlton Heston,” recalled King. “It was called Soylent Green, and they were concerned about population growth and all that and the old people were living too long, so they came up with this delicious wafer that they began to feed the public with, and it turns out that Soylent Green was people, the older people, and they were told that they were going to Nirvana… and then they processed them and put them in this little green wafer, and I thought about that when I heard this particular report, and I said, ‘My God, they’re turning us into cannibals.'”


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I didn't realize that Sanders had a "pop control" plan but then it was inevitable for a socialist. It worked for Stalin and Mao and maybe Castro and about a dozen other emerging African socialists.
Proving once again just what leftists really think about the black community!

Legalized abortion was always originally intended to destroy the black population

Targeting Black America: The Abortion Industry, with its Roots in Eugenics, Disproportionately Preys on African-American Women and Their Babies

What do Republicans call women who do not have abortions?
Welfare Queens
And here we thought that they were called MOTHERS.....The woman most of us LOVE!

Seven years after Martin Luther King, Jr. referred to George Wallace as “perhaps the most dangerous racist in America today,” a young Bernie Sanders praised the segregationist Alabama governor.​

In an interview with the Brattleboro Reformer in 1972, Sanders said Wallace “advocates some outrageous approaches to our problems, but at least he is sensitive to what people feel they need.”​

Sanders, now a Vermont senator and 2020 Democrat, said, “What we need are more active politicians working for the people.”​

The 1972 remarks surprised the interviewer at the time, who wrote that “even though Sanders has been labeled a ‘leftist radical’ by some persons, Sanders had some praise for Wallace.”​

This wasn’t the craziest thing that Sanders believed in 1972.
Proving once again just what leftists really think about the black community!

A “population control” proposal pushed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) will target “black and brown” people, unborn children, the sick, and elderly people, said Dr. Alveda King, director of Priests for Life’s Civil Rights for the Unborn project and the niece of Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., in a Friday interview on SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Tonight with hosts Rebecca Mansour and special guest host Rick Manning. During a Wednesday “town hall” hosted by CNN regarding “climate change,” Sanders accepted the premise of population growth on Earth being “unsustainable,” requiring government controls over procreation.

Sanders’s proposal, said King, reminded her of the 1973 dystopian science fiction film Soylent Green, in which overpopulation and poverty was addressed through euthanization of the elderly and processing their remains into food.

“In light of the shocking [statements] that we just heard about population control and all of that, cannibalism, many years ago, I watched a movie with Charlton Heston,” recalled King. “It was called Soylent Green, and they were concerned about population growth and all that and the old people were living too long, so they came up with this delicious wafer that they began to feed the public with, and it turns out that Soylent Green was people, the older people, and they were told that they were going to Nirvana… and then they processed them and put them in this little green wafer, and I thought about that when I heard this particular report, and I said, ‘My God, they’re turning us into cannibals.'”


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Tell it to IM2. He is the friend of those who kill blacks.

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