Alter On ObamaCare: "If We Elect Romney, A Lot Of People Will Die"


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011

Alter On ObamaCare: "If We Elect Romney, A Lot Of People Will Die" | RealClearPolitics

But MORE will die if Obama is re-elected !

Obama wants a single payer health system.. he's said so!
This means the 400,000 employees of the 1,400 health insurance companies Obama wants to be out of business ("single-payer means just that!)
will be unemployed and therefore losing their coverage. Some of whom will die.

AND using England's national health program.. here is their stipulation as to why they allow people to die...

Sentenced to death for being old: The NHS denies life-saving treatment to the elderly, as one man's chilling story reveals

‘We went back to the urologist and asked about radiotherapy. I also wanted to know why my father could not have an operation to relieve his urinary symptoms.
‘The doctor said that as my father was 78, these treatments would not be appropriate because he was “too old”.
In desperation, the family found nearly £3,000 to pay for private tests and a second opinion from a consultant in Birmingham.

Sentenced to death for being old: The NHS denies life-saving treatment to the elderly, as one man's chilling story reveals | Mail Online

SO WHAT the f...k good is NATIONAL health system if it won't cover people that are too old?

So HOW MANY MORE people like this 78 year old be sentenced to DEATH in the USA because of a "single-payer" system like England???
Here's the statist's dream:

[ame=]The Obsolete Man - YouTube[/ame]

Indeed. The Medicaid expansion alone (to say nothing of the expansion of private coverage through new marketplaces) will save lives, yet Romney proposes to pull the rug out from under it.

Our study documents that large expansions of Medicaid eligibility in three states were associated with a significant decrease in mortality during a 5-year follow-up period, as compared with neighboring states without Medicaid expansions. Mortality reductions were greatest among adults between the ages of 35 and 64 years, minorities, and residents of poor counties. These findings may influence states' decisions with respect to Medicaid expansion under the ACA.

Our estimate of a 6.1% reduction in the relative risk of death among adults is similar to the 8.5% and 5.1% population-level reductions in infant and child mortality, respectively, as estimated in analyses of Medicaid expansions in the 1980s.3,4 Our results correspond to 2840 deaths prevented per year in states with Medicaid expansions, in which 500,000 adults acquired coverage.15 This finding suggests that 176 additional adults would need to be covered by Medicaid in order to prevent 1 death per year.
Boil it down. Having health insurance is a good thing. Obamacare makes it so more of our fellow American citizens has health insurance. Simple. It is a good thing.

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