Along Came A Spider...

When I lived in the Bronx I found a Black Widow that spun is web in a nearby park. She had the distinctive red hourglass marking. My memory is a little vague but I thought it was in a storm sewer pipe and I was standing on the grating looking down into the pipe to spot it (I know what the fuck was I doing looking down the pipe in the park? (You see why my use of mind altering drugs would be completely redundant))

It was around the 4th of July and I dropped a few light firecrackers down until one caught on the web and she came over to check on her catch.
My son! He would absolutely adore it! Maybe if we ALL work on it, we could get it done?

On second thought...I just checked out the directions and they make no sense to me. I need step by step, with pictures. Just showing the template and the measurements doesn't do it for me, I need directions on how to do the strips (with pictures) I don't think we'll be doing this one any time soon.

But it is beautiful.
They're the easiest quilt in the world to make. I bought a big box of quilter's junk from an antique store for $20 once, and there were 2 or 3 spiderweb squares sewn by hand onto a newspaper. It really is a no brainer. You don't need all the stuff this lady uses. Just set your sewing machine needle to a short stitch (20 to the inch or 1.5mm):

[ame=""]Make a Spiderweb Quilt with the Wacky Web Template - YouTube[/ame]

I'll try and make sure my next charity quilt is a spiderweb, koshergrl. It will likely be green. I'll start on it this weekend after I finish putting froggies around the green brick quilt. :lmao:
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This square will be made into a support pillow for a senior citizen and given locally to a needy senior who has feet problems and needs a prop that won't mush down. I place my scraps into the pillow forms that I make by quilting extra sturdily, then make the tops into a sham that can be removed and laundered from time to time. Seniors have feet swelling issues, and propping them up as they spend long amounts of time reclining do help them continue their ability to walk on feet not so stiffened by swelling.

Thanks to AVG-Joe for the inspiration this thread has been to entomologists in participants, shock for some, hilarity for others, and just a good fun, entertaining all-around thread at USMB.

May God bless all earth's creatures, great and small, and keep the recluses far away from us! :)


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[ame=]I Dont Like Spiders and Snakes jim stafford - YouTube[/ame]
Each of the last three nights this big fellow has spun a beautiful web using my Jeep and a tree for the anchors. Every morning I drive off to work and leave him hanging.

He is huge - almost 2 inches across and I've never seen such a sticky and strong web.


Rep to anyone who can tell me what kind he is. :dunno:

from this pic its hard to tell. what colors is he?
Each of the last three nights this big fellow has spun a beautiful web using my Jeep and a tree for the anchors. Every morning I drive off to work and leave him hanging.

He is huge - almost 2 inches across and I've never seen such a sticky and strong web.


Rep to anyone who can tell me what kind he is. :dunno:

from this pic its hard to tell. what colors is he?
He's likely white, and from this image appears somewhat fluorescent against the backdrop of night. It's a great pic, don't you think?
Each of the last three nights this big fellow has spun a beautiful web using my Jeep and a tree for the anchors. Every morning I drive off to work and leave him hanging.

He is huge - almost 2 inches across and I've never seen such a sticky and strong web.


Rep to anyone who can tell me what kind he is. :dunno:

from this pic its hard to tell. what colors is he?
He's likely white, and from this image appears somewhat fluorescent against the backdrop of night. It's a great pic, don't you think?

yes it is, but i was thinking that coloring may have come from a flash
from this pic its hard to tell. what colors is he?
He's likely white, and from this image appears somewhat fluorescent against the backdrop of night. It's a great pic, don't you think?

yes it is, but i was thinking that coloring may have come from a flash
We talked about this spider some time back, and everyone was bringing back white spider pics that looked similar. I think we determined it may have been a spider that hitched a ride on a nearby boat port (?) Can't remember exactly what we decided it was, but that may have been someone's guess.

Speaking of yukky spiders, I ran across an Amazonian cave spider that makes me gulp and hope to never see one planning to bite me. :D

With some of the spiders pictured, with legs outstretched, they had to be placed in 9.5" frames. :wtf:
He's likely white, and from this image appears somewhat fluorescent against the backdrop of night. It's a great pic, don't you think?

yes it is, but i was thinking that coloring may have come from a flash
We talked about this spider some time back, and everyone was bringing back white spider pics that looked similar. I think we determined it may have been a spider that hitched a ride on a nearby boat port (?) Can't remember exactly what we decided it was, but that may have been someone's guess.

Speaking of yukky spiders, I ran across an Amazonian cave spider that makes me gulp and hope to never see one planning to bite me. :D

With some of the spiders pictured, with legs outstretched, they had to be placed in 9.5" frames. :wtf:

when that gets a hold of its prey it isn't getting away for sure
<USMB Nannychat: You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.> :eusa_eh:

Thanks, spoonman! I love crochet stuff & so does Miss Dabs. Where's she been lately, anyways? :confused:

i don't know, i haven't really talked to her since i've been back
I think Ms. Dabs is more into fun than politickin' anyway. I always knew she was smarter than me! :D

i've been avoiding that here. i do too much of it on other boards
What kind it is?

Freakin' nasty big-assed kind that I would smash with a brick after I used an entire can of Raid to choke the bugger to death.

What kind it is?

Freakin' nasty big-assed kind that I would smash with a brick after I used an entire can of Raid to choke the bugger to death.


when we were first married we had this big assed spider in the house. we didn't want to kill it so i flipped it onto a newspaper opened the door and tossed it outside. the only problem was it was mid winter and it was like 16 degrees out. so anyway this spider starts booking across the porch. but with every step it got a little slower and slower and slower..... until after like 8 feet it finally came ot a complete stop and just sat there. my wife and i looked at each other. well the spider ended up back in the house .
What kind it is?

Freakin' nasty big-assed kind that I would smash with a brick after I used an entire can of Raid to choke the bugger to death.


when we were first married we had this big assed spider in the house. we didn't want to kill it so i flipped it onto a newspaper opened the door and tossed it outside. the only problem was it was mid winter and it was like 16 degrees out. so anyway this spider starts booking across the porch. but with every step it got a little slower and slower and slower..... until after like 8 feet it finally came ot a complete stop and just sat there. my wife and i looked at each other. well the spider ended up back in the house .
One thing about letting spiders survive is that they do eat their weight in bugs on a daily basis. :)

Just be sure their specie is not recluse or black widow, because they can and do think of humans as their food, too, and their venom can certainly make you sick. There may be spiders in some parts whose venom has the property of dissolving flesh. I'm not an entomologist, though. I'll have to look that one up.
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What kind it is?

Freakin' nasty big-assed kind that I would smash with a brick after I used an entire can of Raid to choke the bugger to death.


I always spray them with Raid first in case they see the shoe or whatever weapon I had handy and are faster than me. That way they die one way or another just faster with the shoe.


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