Along Came A Spider...


American Mutt
Gold Supporting Member
Mar 23, 2008
Your Imagination
Each of the last three nights this big fellow has spun a beautiful web using my Jeep and a tree for the anchors. Every morning I drive off to work and leave him hanging.

He is huge - almost 2 inches across and I've never seen such a sticky and strong web.


Rep to anyone who can tell me what kind he is. :dunno:
Each of the last three nights this big fellow has spun a beautiful web using my Jeep and a tree for the anchors. Every morning I drive off to work and leave him hanging.

He is huge - almost 2 inches across and I've never seen such a sticky and strong web.


Rep to anyone who can tell me what kind he is. :dunno:

He is the kind I avoid.
Definitely an orbweaver - the web is a perfect circle. Using a flash like I did I couldn't get a shot that did justice to both the web and its creator.
Where's the bug spray?


Say it ain't so!

Aside from the beauty of the spider, his web is full of little white dots that used to be mosquitoes. Anything that size that consumes its weight in mini-vampires is a friend of mine.
Where's the bug spray?


Say it ain't so!

Aside from the beauty of the spider, his web is full of little white dots that used to be mosquitoes. Anything that size that consumes its weight in mini-vampires is a friend of mine.

Spiders give me the creeps especially if I don't know whether they are poisonous or not. Of course, I distinctly remember waking one morning to red streaks running up and down my right arm. Never found the culrpit either, but I know it was a spider!

Each of the last three nights this big fellow has spun a beautiful web using my Jeep and a tree for the anchors. Every morning I drive off to work and leave him hanging.

He is huge - almost 2 inches across and I've never seen such a sticky and strong web.


Rep to anyone who can tell me what kind he is. :dunno:

Does he look like this???


Or like this guy????

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