Allen West: Social Security Is 'A Form Of Slavery'


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Native America
By Alana Horowitz

Rep. Allen West (R-Fla.) on Sunday called Social Security "a form of modern, 21st century slavery."

Responding to a question about the increase of Americans getting Social Security benefits, he said, "that is an unfortunate consequence of failing economic policies coming from the president so that now when people are running out of the unemployment benefits, now they are looking toward going on Social Security disability… so once again we are creating the sense of economic dependence, which to me is a form of modern, 21st century slavery."

This isn't the first time he's compared U.S. social programs to slavery. Last week, he said that President Obama "does not want you to have the self-esteem of getting up and earning, and having that title of American ... he'd rather you be his slave."

More: Allen West: Social Security Is 'A Form Of Slavery'
He has to say something to garner tea party support. His republican opponent is killing him for switching districts to run in 2012.
Granny says get it whilst ya can...
Should You Delay Taking Social Security?
8/06/12 --- Worried about their financial futures, baby boomers are working longer and postponing the day when they claim Social Security. Although most people are eligible to start receiving checks at age 62, a growing number are waiting until they are older than 65.
According to a study by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College, 50.7% of 62-year-olds claimed Social Security in 1995. By 2007, the figure had dropped to 37.6%. After spiking briefly during the financial crisis, the percentage of early claims has continued on its downward trend. Researchers give a variety of reasons for the changes. For starters, older people are working because they are living longer and staying healthier. Many of the older workers are women whose mothers were homemakers. "More women are in the workforce, and they are working longer," says Matthew Rutledge, a research economist at the Center for Retirement Research.

Many employees have no choice but to stay on the job at a time when wages are stagnating and the economy is sluggish. In 1995, 23.6% of men aged 62 to 64 earned wages at full-time jobs. By 2010, the figure had risen to 33.4%. About another 20% worked part-time or were self-employed. The changing shape of pensions has also played a role in employment markets. In the past, workers could retire earlier because they had traditional defined-benefit plans that provided guaranteed income for life. Once they reached retirement age, many workers had little incentive to stay on the job because the rich pensions paid almost as much as wages did.

But in recent years, the pensions have vanished, replaced by 401(k) plans that come with no guarantees. Now many employees must keep working to stash more money into their retirement plans. Changes in Social Security are also pushing people to delay retirement. In the past, 65-year-olds could claim full Social Security benefits. But to cut costs, Congress raised the normal retirement age. The full retirement age for those born from 1943 to 1954 is now 66. Those born in 1960 will have to wait until they are 67 to take full benefits.

No one likes the increase in disability recipients, but to me, it is expected with our aging society...people tend to get injured or sick or disabled later in life and with the Boomers at our doorstep, we have a lot more older people. It's not like it is easy peasy to get a disability claim through....most all that apply are denied the first time they apply, it takes appeals and lawyers to help people get a claim through the disability insurance program that people have paid all their life for....

I'd like to see the breakdown on age groups filing for disability, this could confirm or conflict with my theory on the aging population.
Allen West is the son of career government employees;

he was educated in public/government schools:

he has depended on government checks for his livelihood virtually his entire adult life.

I guess he doesn't deplore slavery as much as he claims.
SS is a form of slavery. You certainly do not get to choose whether you would like to participate, there is no guarantee you will receive benefits from participating and if you do not make it to the collection age, you get nothing at all for all the years you've put in.

Just like income taxation is a form of slavery. You have to pay it or the state will use violence and coercion to exact "justice" on you for noncompliiance. The same as a slave of the plantations was forced to plow, pick or what have you, or suffer the violence of the owner for noncompliance.

You just like your cage, that's all. You decorated it up real nice now and have no intentions of ever leaving.
SS is a form of slavery. You certainly do not get to choose whether you would like to participate, there is no guarantee you will receive benefits from participating and if you do not make it to the collection age, you get nothing at all for all the years you've put in.

Just like income taxation is a form of slavery. You have to pay it or the state will use violence and coercion to exact "justice" on you for noncompliiance. The same as a slave of the plantations was forced to plow, pick or what have you, or suffer the violence of the owner for noncompliance.

You just like your cage, that's all. You decorated it up real nice now and have no intentions of ever leaving.

A slave isn't allowed to leave. No one's stopping you.
That is true. Slavery is also not form specific. Slaves ran away all the time when slavery referred to a means of production. The point is it is the same thing.

I dont know about you, but "leaving" isn't an economic option for everyone. Nor is there a guarantee you will receive citizenship elsewhere.
SS is a form of slavery. You certainly do not get to choose whether you would like to participate, there is no guarantee you will receive benefits from participating and if you do not make it to the collection age, you get nothing at all for all the years you've put in.

Just like income taxation is a form of slavery. You have to pay it or the state will use violence and coercion to exact "justice" on you for noncompliiance. The same as a slave of the plantations was forced to plow, pick or what have you, or suffer the violence of the owner for noncompliance.

You just like your cage, that's all. You decorated it up real nice now and have no intentions of ever leaving.

A slave isn't allowed to leave. No one's stopping you.
Remember that if you and the rest of the 47% non-income-taxpaying adult citizens suddenly have to start paying the same rate on every dollar earned like every other citizen...

But the funny thing is that I can almost assuredly guarantee it will be a cry fest if you have equality in treatment.... "oh woe is me... I can't afford it"... and then if entitlements are slashed "oh woe is me.... I'm not getting things for my needs".... and all you have to remember is your own advice.. you can always leave
West is a total Teabagger psycho.

Yeah, He's a big sissy right? Not to be compared with Barney Fwank or Harry Reid..
or smuckmucker in NY or Sanders in Vt. Those are real men Right?

Lefties are so tough and cool too. :eusa_hand:

Bernie Sanders would chew Allen West into tiny pieces, eat his head and spit him out like a cheap meal from Chic-Fil-A.:lol:
That is true. Slavery is also not form specific. Slaves ran away all the time when slavery referred to a means of production. The point is it is the same thing.

I dont know about you, but "leaving" isn't an economic option for everyone. Nor is there a guarantee you will receive citizenship elsewhere.

Without taxes, Allen West's education and his jobs could not have existed. There would be no public schools without taxes; there would be no government run military without taxes.
West is a total Teabagger psycho.

Yeah, He's a big sissy right? Not to be compared with Barney Fwank or Harry Reid..
or smuckmucker in NY or Sanders in Vt. Those are real men Right?

Lefties are so tough and cool too. :eusa_hand: that's your prerequisite for your politicians? toughness? Brock Lesner for President! Of course, what can one expect from a guy with Batman as his avatar?

BTW...if it makes you feel better...Reid was a boxer.
try and sell that idea to the American people in a national election and see where that gets you

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