Alleged U.S. hate crimes surge 20% in 2016, but generally only in liberal states/cities.


Platinum Member
Feb 26, 2017
Democratic People's Republique de Californie
U.S. hate crimes up 20 percent in 2016 fueled by election campaign-report

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Hate crimes in nine U.S. metropolitan areas rose more than 20 percent last year, fueled by inflamed passions during the presidential campaign and more willingness for victims to step forward, a leading hate crimes researcher said on Monday.

Bias crimes appeared to increase in some cities following the Nov. 8 election of President Donald Trump, a trend that has extended into this year with a wave of bomb threats and desecrations at synagogues and Jewish cemeteries, according to California researcher Brian Levin.

The White House could not be reached immediately for comment on the research.

Levin collected data as director of the nonpartisan Center for the Study of Hate & Extremism at California State University, San Bernardino, where he is a professor of criminal justice. The new numbers, collected from police departments, reverse a trend toward fewer hate crimes in many of the cities in recent years.

Among U.S. cities, New York reported the greatest number of hate crimes at 380, a 24 percent increase from 2015, while Washington, D.C., had the largest percentage rise at 62 percent to 107 incidents.

Overall, there were 1,037 incidents, a 23.3 percent increase from the previous year in the nine areas researched: New York; Washington; Chicago; Philadelphia; Montgomery County, Maryland; Columbus, Ohio; Seattle; Long Beach, California; and Cincinnati.

Trump in recent weeks has more forcefully denounced the anti-Semitic and other racially motivated incidents, notably at the start of his address to Congress on Feb. 28....

...In New York City alone, there were 55 anti-Semitic crimes reported from Jan. 1 to March 5 this year, up 189 percent from 19 such incidents in the same period of 2016, the data showed....

How convenient that the surge is basically happening in liberal states/cities. The story raises some obvious questions:

1. How many of these hate crimes were committed by the alleged victims?
2. How many of these hate crimes were a result of violent leftists attacking centrist or conservative Americans?
3. How many of these hate crimes were funded by George Soros and/or the Deep State?

How much of hate crime stats depend on
1. what is CONSIDERED a hate crime to begin with and what doesn't count
2. what gets REPORTED or gets national attention and what doesn't


Agreed. For example, those Black people who live streamed their torture of that White disabled guy on Facebook were charged with a hate crime. But are crimes like that included in the hate crimes statistics?
How much of hate crime stats depend on
1. what is CONSIDERED a hate crime to begin with and what doesn't count
2. what gets REPORTED or gets national attention and what doesn't


What constitute a hate crime?

What ever the far left claims it is, just like they tried with Zimmerman, the cop in Ferguson, Freddie Graves, etc.

You have to prove it was hate, which is nearly Impossible!
How much of hate crime stats depend on
1. what is CONSIDERED a hate crime to begin with and what doesn't count
2. what gets REPORTED or gets national attention and what doesn't


What constitute a hate crime?

What ever the far left claims it is, just like they tried with Zimmerman, the cop in Ferguson, Freddie Graves, etc.

You have to prove it was hate, which is nearly Impossible!
Well being as Americans tend to Hate too is probably True
Alleged U.S. hate crimes surge 20% in 2016, but generally only in liberal states/cities

Really? Assuming you/The Times are correct, why the hell, then, did Pence do his "dog and pony" show in a Missouri graveyard? It seems to me that if the current administration were of a mind to reach out to liberals and show that they represent all people, they'd have done that event in a liberal state.

Alleged U.S. hate crimes surge 20% in 2016, but generally only in liberal states/cities

Dude, WTH? Did you read the first sentence in your cited article? It says, "Hate crimes in nine U.S. metropolitan areas rose more than 20 percent last year." Petty much all locales that can rightly be called a metropolis (see aso: Settlement hierarchy - Wikipedia) are primarily Democratic.
Of course hate crimes will go up everywhere the Democratic Party and its media outlets hold the most influence, as they have been enthusiastically promoting hate crimes for years now, and of course most hate crimes don't count, as they are committed against white people and thus the AG's under Obama and most urban Democratic governments will not call them hate crimes.
Alleged U.S. hate crimes surge 20% in 2016, but generally only in liberal states/cities

Really? Assuming you/The Times are correct, why the hell, then, did Pence do his "dog and pony" show in a Missouri graveyard? It seems to me that if the current administration were of a mind to reach out to liberals and show that they represent all people, they'd have done that event in a liberal state.

They did reach out to liberals, that's why Trump won by a landslide in the popular vote as well. faux 'progressive' racists and street thugs are not liberals, and neither are the BLM, criminal illegal aliens, deviants and pedo-friendlies, baby killers, and the assorted scum on the left that voted for Hillary and Obama before her; those are the Deportables, not liberals. They're neo-fascist vermin.
Trump lost the PV by millions, although millions illegally voted for him.
Trump lost the PV by millions, although millions illegally voted for him.

God damn that's stupid even for you.
Says the non-sentient The Breeze. She beat him by three or four million votes, and that is with Trump trying to rig the election. Even with the illegal voting for Trump, he fell way short in the PV.

No sale, Jake, just fake news from the fever swamp. We know why 'the big recount' suddenly got called off, Jake; it was because of fear the criminal illegal alien vote would be made public knowledge. Trump won the legal vote by 12 to 20 million at the least.
No proof of "criminal illegal alien vote" whatsoever, even when Trump was asked to put up or run away. The coward ran. Like you do.
How much of hate crime stats depend on
1. what is CONSIDERED a hate crime to begin with and what doesn't count
2. what gets REPORTED or gets national attention and what doesn't


What constitute a hate crime?

What ever the far left claims it is, just like they tried with Zimmerman, the cop in Ferguson, Freddie Graves, etc.

You have to prove it was hate, which is nearly Impossible!
Well being as Americans tend to Hate too is probably True

Yes the far left does have a track record of hatred, by they are not just located in the US..
No proof of "criminal illegal alien vote" whatsoever, even when Trump was asked to put up or run away. The coward ran. Like you do.

All kinds of proof for it, Jake. too bad there is nothing you or the Democrat criminal syndicates can do to keep that fact from the public.
Is this a surprise? Righty hate states aren't reporting hate crimes because their racists righty leaders are part of the problem.

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