All the President's Debt

Not really. Trump has hidden a lot of his debt from public view, obfuscated when asked about his massive debt, and is clearly not that great a businessman....having filed for bankruptcy multiple times.

Forbes brought some of the debt into sharp focus in a recent article:

Yes...over $1B in debt is owed by Trump. And that is just what the experts at Forbes can find from the public disclosures which are murky at best. Murky by design no doubt. The multiple lenders (Deutsch, Ladder Financial, etc...) own most of his ass. But that's quite a bit of ass to own...there are a lot of harpoons in the whale.

Here are the top debts that he owes as described in the article....

View attachment 403160View attachment 403161View attachment 403162View attachment 403163View attachment 403164View attachment 403165View attachment 403166View attachment 403167View attachment 403168

So what's the debt to market value ratio? That would be the only way to know if he is over leveraged.


Owing a billion dollars--a lot of which will be coming due in the 2nd term is a national security risk to say the least.
Owing a billion dollars is irresponsible from any standpoint.
1st post
Not really. Trump has hidden a lot of his debt from public view, obfuscated when asked about his massive debt, and is clearly not that great a businessman....having filed for bankruptcy multiple times.

Forbes brought some of the debt into sharp focus in a recent article:

Yes...over $1B in debt is owed by Trump. And that is just what the experts at Forbes can find from the public disclosures which are murky at best. Murky by design no doubt. The multiple lenders (Deutsch, Ladder Financial, etc...) own most of his ass. But that's quite a bit of ass to own...there are a lot of harpoons in the whale.

Here are the top debts that he owes as described in the article....

View attachment 403160View attachment 403161View attachment 403162View attachment 403163View attachment 403164View attachment 403165View attachment 403166View attachment 403167View attachment 403168
Maybe he can send the kids off to china , ukraine and Russia and tell them you know hunter biden . He be debt free in no time .

Thery aren't worth that much.
Hunter was?
Not really. Trump has hidden a lot of his debt from public view, obfuscated when asked about his massive debt, and is clearly not that great a businessman....having filed for bankruptcy multiple times.

Forbes brought some of the debt into sharp focus in a recent article:

Yes...over $1B in debt is owed by Trump. And that is just what the experts at Forbes can find from the public disclosures which are murky at best. Murky by design no doubt. The multiple lenders (Deutsch, Ladder Financial, etc...) own most of his ass. But that's quite a bit of ass to own...there are a lot of harpoons in the whale.

Here are the top debts that he owes as described in the article....

View attachment 403160View attachment 403161View attachment 403162View attachment 403163View attachment 403164View attachment 403165View attachment 403166View attachment 403167View attachment 403168

So what's the debt to market value ratio? That would be the only way to know if he is over leveraged.


Owing a billion dollars--a lot of which will be coming due in the 2nd term is a national security risk to say the least.
Owing a billion dollars is irresponsible from any standpoint.

Care to answer the question or is all you have is deflection? The fact is you have no idea if that's too much debt compared to the value of the properties. Why don't you just admit that fact and STFU.

No, they seem to either not understand that or not acknowledge that fact. And hey...according to them...owing $1B is nothing to worry about.
Depends on how much you are worth... For example, California can sell everything it has and not pay off it's debt. Trump, worth more than he owes... OBVIOUSLY. He's not a government that will keep brining in cash and banks will keep giving it to him. You think banks don't look at his loans already on the books to see if they want to give him another one? A lot more than you people are giving him credit for... REMEMBER? Can't have it both ways.

Fuck'n stupid.

It's a no win argument for you. Please... lets make an issue of this.

Is that why he's filed for bankruptcy so many times...? LOL
He's never filed for bankruptcy... A few of his companies have... And yet... Until he was president he pretty much keeps getting richer.

I can't fix your stupid. I'll just happily let you go on this path. It only helps Trump. MORE POSTS ON THIS PLEASE, MORE THREADS.

He's filed for bankruptcy 6 times.

He’s never filed a personal BK.
The Trump Organization has owned and operated as many as 500 companies spanning multiple decades....Six insolvencies doesn’t seem like shit to me.
Successful business moguls are risk takers...simple shit

He filed bankruptcy six times and owes over a billion dollars.

Not too good.

Link us to the documents filed with the courts that show Donald J. Trump as the Debtor..they lie in public domain.
I’ll stand by waiting patiently.
Its in the OP.
They are not court documents...they are his personal financial disclosures.

haha...thought so.
Show us a legal document filed with a United States Court that shows Donald J. Trump as the debtor in a bankruptcy proceeding.
Show us legal documents that show Donald J. Trump as the borrower on these loan docs and or financial disclosures.

Standing by.
This shouldn't be hard to find.
Not really. Trump has hidden a lot of his debt from public view, obfuscated when asked about his massive debt, and is clearly not that great a businessman....having filed for bankruptcy multiple times.

Forbes brought some of the debt into sharp focus in a recent article:

Yes...over $1B in debt is owed by Trump. And that is just what the experts at Forbes can find from the public disclosures which are murky at best. Murky by design no doubt. The multiple lenders (Deutsch, Ladder Financial, etc...) own most of his ass. But that's quite a bit of ass to own...there are a lot of harpoons in the whale.

Here are the top debts that he owes as described in the article....

View attachment 403160View attachment 403161View attachment 403162View attachment 403163View attachment 403164View attachment 403165View attachment 403166View attachment 403167View attachment 403168

So what's the debt to market value ratio? That would be the only way to know if he is over leveraged.


Owing a billion dollars--a lot of which will be coming due in the 2nd term is a national security risk to say the least.
Owing a billion dollars is irresponsible from any standpoint.

Care to answer the question or is all you have is deflection? The fact is you have no idea if that's too much debt compared to the value of the properties. Why don't you just admit that fact and STFU.

Owing a billion dollars--a lot of which will be coming due in the 2nd term is a national security risk to say the least.
Owing a billion dollars is irresponsible from any standpoint.
5th post
No, they seem to either not understand that or not acknowledge that fact. And hey...according to them...owing $1B is nothing to worry about.
Depends on how much you are worth... For example, California can sell everything it has and not pay off it's debt. Trump, worth more than he owes... OBVIOUSLY. He's not a government that will keep brining in cash and banks will keep giving it to him. You think banks don't look at his loans already on the books to see if they want to give him another one? A lot more than you people are giving him credit for... REMEMBER? Can't have it both ways.

Fuck'n stupid.

It's a no win argument for you. Please... lets make an issue of this.

Is that why he's filed for bankruptcy so many times...? LOL
He's never filed for bankruptcy... A few of his companies have... And yet... Until he was president he pretty much keeps getting richer.

I can't fix your stupid. I'll just happily let you go on this path. It only helps Trump. MORE POSTS ON THIS PLEASE, MORE THREADS.

He's filed for bankruptcy 6 times.

He’s never filed a personal BK.
The Trump Organization has owned and operated as many as 500 companies spanning multiple decades....Six insolvencies doesn’t seem like shit to me.
Successful business moguls are risk takers...simple shit

He filed bankruptcy six times and owes over a billion dollars.

Not too good.

Link us to the documents filed with the courts that show Donald J. Trump as the Debtor..they lie in public domain.
I’ll stand by waiting patiently.
Its in the OP.
They are not court documents...they are his personal financial disclosures.

haha...thought so.
Show us a legal document filed with a United States Court that shows Donald J. Trump as the debtor in a bankruptcy proceeding.
Show us legal documents that show Donald J. Trump as the borrower on these loan docs and or financial disclosures.

Standing by.
This shouldn't be hard to find.

The disclosures are filed with the Solicitor General's office.
Trump's failed businesses and bankruptcies are well known facts. As a college drop out, even you should know that. LOL
Not really. Trump has hidden a lot of his debt from public view, obfuscated when asked about his massive debt, and is clearly not that great a businessman....having filed for bankruptcy multiple times.

Forbes brought some of the debt into sharp focus in a recent article:

Yes...over $1B in debt is owed by Trump. And that is just what the experts at Forbes can find from the public disclosures which are murky at best. Murky by design no doubt. The multiple lenders (Deutsch, Ladder Financial, etc...) own most of his ass. But that's quite a bit of ass to own...there are a lot of harpoons in the whale.

Here are the top debts that he owes as described in the article....

View attachment 403160View attachment 403161View attachment 403162View attachment 403163View attachment 403164View attachment 403165View attachment 403166View attachment 403167View attachment 403168

So what's the debt to market value ratio? That would be the only way to know if he is over leveraged.


Owing a billion dollars--a lot of which will be coming due in the 2nd term is a national security risk to say the least.
Owing a billion dollars is irresponsible from any standpoint.

Care to answer the question or is all you have is deflection? The fact is you have no idea if that's too much debt compared to the value of the properties. Why don't you just admit that fact and STFU.

Owing a billion dollars--a lot of which will be coming due in the 2nd term is a national security risk to say the least.
Owing a billion dollars is irresponsible from any standpoint.

You don't know that idiot. At this point your opinion is worthless because you have yet to back up a damn thing you've said. Prove it's irresponsible.

Not really. Trump has hidden a lot of his debt from public view, obfuscated when asked about his massive debt, and is clearly not that great a businessman....having filed for bankruptcy multiple times.

Forbes brought some of the debt into sharp focus in a recent article:

Yes...over $1B in debt is owed by Trump. And that is just what the experts at Forbes can find from the public disclosures which are murky at best. Murky by design no doubt. The multiple lenders (Deutsch, Ladder Financial, etc...) own most of his ass. But that's quite a bit of ass to own...there are a lot of harpoons in the whale.

Here are the top debts that he owes as described in the article....

View attachment 403160View attachment 403161View attachment 403162View attachment 403163View attachment 403164View attachment 403165View attachment 403166View attachment 403167View attachment 403168

So what's the debt to market value ratio? That would be the only way to know if he is over leveraged.


Owing a billion dollars--a lot of which will be coming due in the 2nd term is a national security risk to say the least.
Owing a billion dollars is irresponsible from any standpoint.

Care to answer the question or is all you have is deflection? The fact is you have no idea if that's too much debt compared to the value of the properties. Why don't you just admit that fact and STFU.

Owing a billion dollars--a lot of which will be coming due in the 2nd term is a national security risk to say the least.
Owing a billion dollars is irresponsible from any standpoint.

You don't know that idiot. At this point your opinion is worthless because you have yet to back up a damn thing you've said. Prove it's irresponsible.


Would you want to be a billion dollars in debt?

Lie to us and tell us yes.
Trump has a lot of stuff made in China...he probably owes them quite a bit too.
He has nothing made in China. Those were Hillary's lying TV ads. That ruse was debunked 4 years ago. You've been living in a closet since then ?
Trump is a fraud, failed businessman, and national security risk.

He is unfit to be president; we can’t be rid of Trump too soon.
I wouldn't mind being the kind of "failed businessman" who has raked in $1.9 BILLION over the past three years, without hardly doing anything to create that income.

All you're doing here is showing what a "failed" poster YOU are.

Trump is the embodiment of national security. Bringing the military back to full strength, stopping illegal immigration, stopping Muslim terrorist immigration and travel, upholding 2nd amendment, fighting back against Chinese economic domination, making us #1 in the world in energy production. Trump has raised our national security more in 3 years, than other presidents have done in 100.

If Biden gets elected, our national security will go right down the drain.
You got a little on your chin
Or those who expect favors from the President in return....
Americans have ALREADY gotten "favors" from the president, information-deprived liberal airheads are clueless about. That's what they get for watching CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, ad nauseum.
Its also the free pass your blob has given Putin. Russia owns the blob.
I'm not the idiot who hasn't figured out that if you buy a $8 million mansion and only owe $1 million on it that you are actually way ahead and that it is a good thing. Why can't you grasp the basics?
Because she's a leftist - ie clueless about money, business, law enforcement, guns, military, race discrimination, immigration harms, pandemic. Ho hum. Yawn****
Its also the free pass your blob has given Putin. Russia owns the blob.
Ha ha ha. The whole country has recovered from the Democrats' temporary Russian hoax scam, and now knows it was THEY (Hillary, Obama, Comey, Brennan, etc.) who perpetrated a Russian attack on our democracy, and this slow person is still babbling about Russia.

15th post
Let's see the president's taxes. He is the one in power.

Vice President Biden already released his.
I couldn't care less about his taxes. That is for information-deprived people, who are unaware of all the accomplishments of the past 3.7 years.

Asking about Trump's taxes, is like asking Tom Brady about what shoe polish he's using.

You want to know where Trump stands on foreign policy ? We know where he stands on China, Iran, North Korea, Mexico. That's good enough.

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