All The News Anti-Palestinian Posters Will Not Read Or Discuss

It is always Israeli military attacking Palestinian civilians.

I don't see how it's the Jihadi lowlives being attacked
when they're on a murder spree in a coffee shop.

So what was Arab supremacists' excuse,
before Israelis even had an army?
I don't see how it's the Jihadi lowlives being attacked
when they're on a murder spree in a coffee shop.

So what was Arab supremacists' excuse,
before Israelis even had an army?
The Zionists mooched Britain's army while they developed their own. They had a full blown army, including conscription, by December 1947.
The Zionists mooched Britain's army while they developed their own. They had a full blown army, including conscription, by December 1947.
Want to tell us whose side Arabs fought on,
that Britain could take over?

And with which arms did Arab armies fight
prior and upon Britain leaving?

Arab imperialists still make up
excuses to soften that humiliation.
Palestinian students mark the 74th anniversary of Nakba at 'Tel Aviv' university, which is built on the ruins of Palestinian villages of Yaffa city, 1948 occupied Palestinian lands.

It's what you people do.


Palestinian students mark the 74th anniversary of Nakba at 'Tel Aviv' university, which is built on the ruins of Palestinian villages of Yaffa city, 1948 occupied Palestinian lands.

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