All it takes is one.


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
On either spectrum of the proverbial isle. In this case, it's two. I noticed there are not alot of blacks living here in this old folks apt. But today, I learned there are two black ladies living here. One has been here for some time but never comes out of her apt. The other one is very new, like 2 days here. And like my "welcome" where I am too loud, too strong willed, too this or too that, this lady was greeted with "there goes the neighborhood" mentality as well as VERBALLY being said in front of her. So now SHE won't leave her apt either. I'm DYIN' to find out which old batty fucktard gossip biddies said that. And I will find out. Guaranteed.

Meanwhile, my neighbor and I are trying to lure her out. The lady wants to find a church. I passed the word out to a few who heard the bullshit comments to let the new lady know there IS a 99% black church not far from here. She WAS going to go with another lady but now won't come out of her apt much less attend a church full of white people who may have the same idiotic mentality. So...since she refuses company or anyone knocking on her door, my friend/neighbor and I are going to leave some welcome gifts at her door.

And when I said "all it takes is one", that goes the other way too. My friend Q, who is a caregiver here, is black. I adore her. SHE has helped me tremendously to NOT pile everyone in one box with a label. She is the ONE. But she encompasses much ground for me to wander around in with her sharing her own experiences.

Then we have the Angry Ones, who make those who want to understand and help, pull away and run the opposite direction. We have a few here like that, and y'all know who I mean, too.

So. Yeah. One. Or Two. Isles. Angry, Adored. Assholes. Kindness. All lumped into the world. Just gotta find the sane ones and cling to them.

And...I am off to do some detective work. I WILL find out what old hags said such a thing. Bank on it.
On either spectrum of the proverbial isle. In this case, it's two. I noticed there are not alot of blacks living here in this old folks apt. But today, I learned there are two black ladies living here. One has been here for some time but never comes out of her apt. The other one is very new, like 2 days here. And like my "welcome" where I am too loud, too strong willed, too this or too that, this lady was greeted with "there goes the neighborhood" mentality as well as VERBALLY being said in front of her. So now SHE won't leave her apt either. I'm DYIN' to find out which old batty fucktard gossip biddies said that. And I will find out. Guaranteed.

Meanwhile, my neighbor and I are trying to lure her out. The lady wants to find a church. I passed the word out to a few who heard the bullshit comments to let the new lady know there IS a 99% black church not far from here. She WAS going to go with another lady but now won't come out of her apt much less attend a church full of white people who may have the same idiotic mentality. So...since she refuses company or anyone knocking on her door, my friend/neighbor and I are going to leave some welcome gifts at her door.

And when I said "all it takes is one", that goes the other way too. My friend Q, who is a caregiver here, is black. I adore her. SHE has helped me tremendously to NOT pile everyone in one box with a label. She is the ONE. But she encompasses much ground for me to wander around in with her sharing her own experiences.

Then we have the Angry Ones, who make those who want to understand and help, pull away and run the opposite direction. We have a few here like that, and y'all know who I mean, too.

So. Yeah. One. Or Two. Isles. Angry, Adored. Assholes. Kindness. All lumped into the world. Just gotta find the sane ones and cling to them.

And...I am off to do some detective work. I WILL find out what old hags said such a thing. Bank on it.
Hey Gracie, you keep mentioning isles. What do islands have to do with the topic?

The correct word is "aisle" like in a grocery store.
Hey Gracie, you keep mentioning isles. What do islands have to do with the topic?

The correct word is "aisle" like in a grocery store.
I have you on iggie but thought MAYBE you became human. Nope.

You, mister, are a HUGE asshole. I imagine you as a young man, out doing your thing, laughing, having fun and also doing whatever duty you had to do for yourself or your family IF you even have one. Then you got old. And now? Now you are just a fucking disgusting old man whose only enjoyment in life is to be hall monitor at the spelling club. You see nothing. Hear nothing. All you can compute in that fucked up diseased old brain of yours is SPELLING and GRAMMAR mistakes and calling everyone out on it.
It must really suck to be you.
Congrats on your old age of being a dickhead nobody likes.:clap:

Stay on iggie. Kick the bucket. Whatever. You aren't worth further attention.

I have you on iggie but thought MAYBE you became human. Nope.

You, mister, are a HUGE asshole. I imagine you as a young man, out doing your thing, laughing, having fun and also doing whatever duty you had to do for yourself or your family IF you even have one. Then you got old. And now? Now you are just a fucking disgusting old man whose only enjoyment in life is to be hall monitor at the spelling club. You see nothing. Hear nothing. All you can compute in that fucked up diseased old brain of yours is SPELLING and GRAMMAR mistakes and calling everyone out on it.
It must really suck to be you.
Congrats on your old age of being a dickhead nobody likes.:clap:

Stay on iggie. Kick the bucket. Whatever. You aren't worth further attention.


Why don't you admit that is not a spelling mistake because I happen to believe you just don't know how the word is supposed to be used?

Ever notice I am equal opportunity offender because I hate stupid? Your continued harassment of other posters just proves how truly stupid you are!
I know. Bad Gracie. But DAYUM that guy is annoying. What a sad ending of his long life being a spell checker on a fucking message board and hated by 95% of the people he spell checks.

My bad. I met the lady today. Took her a bunch of really nice items everyone donated from the floor I am on. Some, hand knitted or crochet pot holders, towels (NEW) and other odds and ends. She wanted nothing that was made of material because "covid" and/or pet hairs and maybe fleas were attached. Yes, she said that. And as she picked thru the boxes of stuff, I had the distinct feeling she was not open to the intent others were showing that she is very welcome here. Just the vibes I was getting. And I was not invited in either. I stood in the hallway as she gingerly picked thru what people lovingly donated to a woman in need. (Her apt is completely empty. And I mean EMPTY). Then she told me there were too many here with animals. She HATES animals. That was an immediate turn off for me. People who hate animals have something wrong with them in my opinion. And it has nothing to do with the color of her skin either. It was the attitude.

So...I plan to do nothing further. She is on her own as far as I am concerned. *humph*

I will be polite, nod and greet her when I see her, but I will not take it any further than that.
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Why can't some whites who get angry about things they make up and then expect everybody to be mad with them, understand how blacks who have endured lifetimes of racism by whites could be angry?
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I have you on iggie but thought MAYBE you became human. Nope.

You, mister, are a HUGE asshole. I imagine you as a young man, out doing your thing, laughing, having fun and also doing whatever duty you had to do for yourself or your family IF you even have one. Then you got old. And now? Now you are just a fucking disgusting old man whose only enjoyment in life is to be hall monitor at the spelling club. You see nothing. Hear nothing. All you can compute in that fucked up diseased old brain of yours is SPELLING and GRAMMAR mistakes and calling everyone out on it.
It must really suck to be you.
Congrats on your old age of being a dickhead nobody likes.:clap:

Stay on iggie. Kick the bucket. Whatever. You aren't worth further attention.

Is your nickname "Sunshine"?
My bad. I met the lady today. Took her a bunch of really nice items everyone donated from the floor I am on. Some, hand knitted or crochet pot holders, towels (NEW) and other odds and ends. She wanted nothing that was made of material because "covid" and/or pet hairs and maybe fleas were attached. Yes, she said that. And as she picked thru the boxes of stuff, I had the distinct feeling she was not open to the intent others were showing that she is very welcome here. Just the vibes I was getting. And I was not invited in either. I stood in the hallway as she gingerly picked thru what people lovingly donated to a woman in need. (Her apt is completely empty. And I mean EMPTY). Then she told me there were too many here with animals. She HATES animals. That was an immediate turn off for me. People who hate animals have something wrong with them in my opinion. And it has nothing to do with the color of her skin either. It was the attitude.

So...I plan to do nothing further. She is on her own as far as I am concerned. *humph*

I will be polite, nod and greet her when I see her, but I will not take it any further than that.

Hi, Gracie. Have you investigated whether or not your resident county has a Health and Human Services Agency offering Mental Health Services for senior citizens?

mental health too.jpg

Why can't some whites who get angry about things they make up and then expect everybody to be mad with them, understand how blacks who have endured lifetimes of racism by whites could be angry?
And why can't angry blacks understand that if it weren't for the WHITE PEOPLE who started, ran, assisted in the underground railroad because not all whites are mean and ugly and hateful any more than the people in this apt complex are ALL bad? A black girl tried to beat me up in school. That was back in wagon wheel days and I don't hold all black girls like that one bully I encountered, as bad.

You like holding on to that anger and carry a grudge. But no worries. You have someone that thinks you are a minion of satan and worships you. Strollingbones is a great leader for ya. Hang on to that old bat.
whites who get angry about things they make up
So you think I made it up? Ok. Whatever floats yer boat. At least I have the common sense to understand when am not wanted around her.....too bad you don't here at usmb.

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