All 5 living ex-presidents to appear at Texas hurricane benefit show — without Trump

He needs to donate kleenex to the democratic party.

I've never heard so much crybaby whining in my life.

"We're closer to war than we've ever been." Yea.....because this fucking president is standing up to that little fat NK bastard, the others ones didn't. Kinda like if you stand up to the school bully, yea you're probably closer to a fight than anyone else, because you're fucking standing up for yourself.

Liberals can't stand for shit. They couldn't fight their way out of wet paper bag.
Oh my, Trump excluded.

Obama, Bush, and Clinton continue their Trump-free tour with Texas concert

They've become quite the posse. Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and George Bush, the ex-president crew that have been seen golfing together and promising Harvey relief with no Trump in sight, are set to continue their benevolent bromance with a headline appearance at a Texas benefit concert.

Come on! You'd just bitch about the cost of the trip! You know you would!
The liberals are still stuck on the irrelevant figure of popular vote. They must of run out of

All living Presidents are united against Trump

They recognize a danger to our nation
All the living ex-presidents HARMED our nation. Immensely.

Actually in last 10 months.
We are closer to nuclear war than ever.
Made us the laughingstock, ignorant, racist and arrogant around the globe.
Trump is a total disgrace to this country.

Just wondering what he has done to have all these impressions when his supporters are declining.

How do you know his support is declining? Oh, that's right! The same polls that showed Hillary would win in an electoral landslide!
Oh my, Trump excluded.

Obama, Bush, and Clinton continue their Trump-free tour with Texas concert

They've become quite the posse. Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and George Bush, the ex-president crew that have been seen golfing together and promising Harvey relief with no Trump in sight, are set to continue their benevolent bromance with a headline appearance at a Texas benefit concert.

All of them are disgraces to the a minimum, they are giving credibility to clinton, the rapist.......the harvey weinstein of politics....that is nothing to brag about.

Really? You may want to read the the real news. Dude You’ve been watching too much of Hannity. Look at the chaos just about every week coming from his unfiltered and coward attitude or mouth. Dude it’s like a real kid. Always doing something dumb or saying something stupid.
I’m very proud of Obama well respected here and around the world.
Compared to this crap president. Nah! Cannot even come close.

Did they respect him when they saw him bow before them?
Hardly......Bush 43 harmed the country. The others were generally good
Good for illegal alien job stealing economy raiders.

Good for Mexico, China, India, et al.

Good for jihadists >> ISIS, Al Qaeda, the Taliban, Al Shabbab, Boko Haram, Hamas, etc.

Good for Affirmative Action racial discriminators.

Good for criminals.

Good for Democrat traitors.

And tell us almighty. What did this lousy president has done so far?

Traitors? Really? What did these ex president done to be called traitors? You are forgetting something bro. Russian interfered into our election invaded our democracy and Trump the traitor keep protecting the Russians.

He blasted just about everyone his party, his attorney general and his Secretary of State in public———— but NOT the Russians.

What's the matter? Not enough money left over from your welfare check to pay attention?
Do you guys really think that if Hillary had lost the popular vote but won the electoral college, that liberals would be standing up and screaming that Trump should be president?

Raise your hand if you think they'd do that.

My hands are in my pockets.
Actually in last 10 months.
We are closer to nuclear war than ever.
Made us the laughingstock, ignorant, racist and arrogant around the globe.
Trump is a total disgrace to this country.

Just wondering what he has done to have all these impressions when his supporters are declining.
1. We're not close to nuclear war. The Chinese are muscling NK to act wild to stop tariffs on Chinese exports to the US.

2. Lots of silly race carders don't make Trump into a racist.

3. Nothing ignorant about us. If you think you know of something we're ignorant about, let's hear it.

4. What you call "arrogant" is actually strength, against countries (Mexico, China, et al who've abused us) in contrast to the shameful weakness of Obama and his administration.

4. Trump is the best president we've had since Eisenhower.

4. Really? Like what? Trump do not eeeeeeeven deserve to be called POTUS. Let alone compare him to any president. Hitler maybe. He has proven himself unfit to lead this country.

3. Arrogant, Hypocrite, Pathological Liar. During campaign he blasted Obama for signing too many EO. In his first 10 months signed total of 50 compared to Obama’s 26.

One of his motto Buy Americans Hire Americans——— Really? His products are made from China, Mexico, Bangladesh etc etc. He continuously hire foreigners for his Maralago golf club and wineries. A total Hypocrite.
He was asked about the 4 soldiers killed in Niger——- out of nowhere he cowardly lied and injected Obama.

Trump Isn’t Playing 8-D Chess

Donald Trump offers only gloom, insults and arrogance – and America loves him for it | The Spectator

2. Trump is a racist dog. Please update yourself.

1. We are closer to war than ever since this dude took over.
Tillerson is trying to make a diplomatic solution to North Korean crisis. Undermining his own SOS he is wasting his time. All Trump knows is go to war. What a MORON.

Trump: Tillerson 'wasting his time' negotiating with NK - CNNPolitics

Trump threatened to "totally destroy" North Korea. I asked 8 experts how worrisome that is.

Thank you for numbering your lies! We now know you lied at least 4 times!
Oh my, Trump excluded.

Obama, Bush, and Clinton continue their Trump-free tour with Texas concert

They've become quite the posse. Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and George Bush, the ex-president crew that have been seen golfing together and promising Harvey relief with no Trump in sight, are set to continue their benevolent bromance with a headline appearance at a Texas benefit concert.

Come on! You'd just bitch about the cost of the trip! You know you would!
Speak for yourself. :rolleyes:
Liberals would be stupid enough to say that buying a Kia or Hyundai isn't buying American. I guess they never noticed the big ass manufacturing plants on the side of the interstate in Alabama that employ thousands of AMERICANS to assemble these "foreign" cars.

Or the huge Nissan plant in Canton, MS.

Or the huge Mercedes plant.....
Oh my, Trump excluded.

Obama, Bush, and Clinton continue their Trump-free tour with Texas concert

They've become quite the posse. Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and George Bush, the ex-president crew that have been seen golfing together and promising Harvey relief with no Trump in sight, are set to continue their benevolent bromance with a headline appearance at a Texas benefit concert.

All of them are disgraces to the a minimum, they are giving credibility to clinton, the rapist.......the harvey weinstein of politics....that is nothing to brag about.

Really? You may want to read the the real news. Dude You’ve been watching too much of Hannity. Look at the chaos just about every week coming from his unfiltered and coward attitude or mouth. Dude it’s like a real kid. Always doing something dumb or saying something stupid.
I’m very proud of Obama well respected here and around the world.
Compared to this crap president. Nah! Cannot even come close.

Did they respect him when they saw him bow before them?
How dare Obama bow – but it’s fine for Bush and Nixon
Oh my, Trump excluded.

Obama, Bush, and Clinton continue their Trump-free tour with Texas concert

They've become quite the posse. Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and George Bush, the ex-president crew that have been seen golfing together and promising Harvey relief with no Trump in sight, are set to continue their benevolent bromance with a headline appearance at a Texas benefit concert.

Come on! You'd just bitch about the cost of the trip! You know you would!
Speak for yourself. :rolleyes:

No. You and your lib firends would simply bitch that:

a) Trump showed up to grandstand.
b) the trip would be too expensive.
c) he really wanted those people to drown.
d) he hates Blacks and Mexican.

Take your pick, because I am certain all of these would have come up had he attended. You libs can't help yourself!

The stupidity refuses to be kept locked inside those heads.
Oh my, Trump excluded.

Obama, Bush, and Clinton continue their Trump-free tour with Texas concert

They've become quite the posse. Barack Obama, Bill Clinton and George Bush, the ex-president crew that have been seen golfing together and promising Harvey relief with no Trump in sight, are set to continue their benevolent bromance with a headline appearance at a Texas benefit concert.

All of them are disgraces to the a minimum, they are giving credibility to clinton, the rapist.......the harvey weinstein of politics....that is nothing to brag about.

Really? You may want to read the the real news. Dude You’ve been watching too much of Hannity. Look at the chaos just about every week coming from his unfiltered and coward attitude or mouth. Dude it’s like a real kid. Always doing something dumb or saying something stupid.
I’m very proud of Obama well respected here and around the world.
Compared to this crap president. Nah! Cannot even come close.

Did they respect him when they saw him bow before them?
How dare Obama bow – but it’s fine for Bush and Nixon

Nice link!

So you are saying there is no difference in those photos?

Obama is practically genuflecting!

In many of those photos, they are not bowing at all. They are not bent at the waist.

Either you are blind or stupid. In view of past history, I am going with the latter.
Do you guys really think that if Hillary had lost the popular vote but won the electoral college, that liberals would be standing up and screaming that Trump should be president?

Raise your hand if you think they'd do that.

My hands are in my pockets.
She lost the electoral vote, and the AMERICAN popular vote (illegal aliens subtracted)
Trump is harming our nation. Immensely. Interesting that Obama's approvals went up as the election went on.
NO. Trump is cleaning up the terrible mess left by the previous presidents. Big job. Will take quite a bit of time.
Now, THAT is a funny comment. up a mess......LOL, lol,lol...


trump is a fucking brain-dead mess, on steroids.
It would be great if the president could go fly around the country doing benefits all the time, but it's unrealistic. The costs for the trip alone would outweigh what they could actually make at the event. Security issues are a nightmare too.

The Orange Asshole spends half of his time going on golfing trips, and the other half of his time masturbating in front of his adoring sheep at campaign events. trump is utterly worthless. No, make that Worthless.

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