Alien: Maze-Runner


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I've returned for one more work of fiction, inspired by the very dioramic and iconically dark Alien franchise, which I really hope you'll find dreamy!


Statesville Prison in Illinois the site of a great horror-tale, my friends. It involves the time I spent as an incarcerated prisoner in this handsome and spaced out complex in the USA. I was imprisoned for bank robbery. This is the story of a terrifying alien species which harbored in our prison complex, seeking to use the co-ed prison population as its first hub of speciation and colonization branching. This alien, the Xenomorph, was a larger-than-man-sized insectisoid dragon creature with fierce intelligence, corrosive acid for saliva and blood, and ravenous claws and a metallic jaw with razor-teeth. This is the story of how a handful of us inmates, men and women in Statesville Illinois, survived this ordeal. This prison complex is nothing short of perfect...for invasion!


My name's Isaac Satan. I was imprisoned in Statesville Illinois for bank robbery. I'm a master thief. I'm a great speed-runner too with good agility skills. I was a wide-receiver and long-distance runner in high-school. These skills came in handy in Statesville as we tried to avoid devastation and death at the claws of the Xenomorph alien. I wasn't alone in my struggle, which I'm relating to you in this short-story, but I truly felt alone.


We all felt alone. Even though Statesville is a relatively normal and friendly co-ed prison complex, this Xenomorph invasion trial was pure hell. My girlfriend, an inmate in Statesville named Ellen, didn't survive this ordeal. I'll always remember her as a fierce inmate and dear friend who exhibited great extra-human courage under fire. All us men and women in Statesville tried to avoid murder at the claws of the Xenomorph, and my inmate-girlfriend Ellen died while trying to save some of us others in the prison complex. She'll be missed, truly!


Another friend in Statesville was Evan. He's a biracial inmate incarcerated for manslaughter. Evan was a great figher and handy with the flame-thrower gun which we used liberally to fight the Xenomorph inside the maze-like labyrinth of Statesville. Evan didn't survive this ordeal either, as one of the Xenomorphs simply gnawed his head off. Ellen was decapitated too, but her experience was less painful and more quick. Evan helped us the most in escaping, the handful of us who did.


STATESVILLE WARDEN: Our prison complex is a well-maintained labyrinth with many aqueduct and underground tunnels!


As you can see from the group co-ed photos from Statesville, there're young and older men and women who share space in the prison complex. That's why the Xenomorph alien targeted our institution for first-colonization procedures. However, we managed to band together miraculously and burn it alive with our flame-thrower guns.


It all started with a dreary Saturday afternoon which was gray and cloudy. Surrounding our prison complex is an oil refinery and body of water. On that Saturday, there was a strange report of an unidentified space-craft which seemed to have crash-landed in the water right by Statesville.


The Warden told us that there's nothing to be curious about regarding this crash landing and that it was perhaps something related to the US government. However, we inmates continued to wonder what the landing meant and if there was a possibility that the spaceship was perhaps a UFO! There was much gossip inside our prison at that time.


The underground labyrinth beneath Satatesvile is where the alien Xenomorph who crash-landed in that space-craft hid and then began lurking and preying and laying eggs and beginning first-colonization procedures for its commander masters from the dark planet it came from that Saturday afternoon in Illinois. The labyrinth and tunnels make it easy for the Xenomorph to prowl around, but it also gave us inmates the opportunity to treat the mazes as a system of gaming and running and evasion and coordinated teamwork oriented run and chase with the alien. That's how we managed to eventually corner the dragon and burn it in these dark tunnels.


I offered our 'team' excellent thievery skills and hence coordinated and planned much of the evasions strategy and running and chasing sequences in the underground tunnels. The Warden handed us 'volunteers' flamethrower guns he acquired from the nearby refinery facility connected to the US government. These were our only weapons. I had the hunch that the government kept this all a secret despite some kind of prior knowledge. The nearby refinery and body of water was ideal for the Xenomorph to land and then crawl into our Statesville tunnels.


While my girlfriend Ellen scouted around with two other female inmates searching for signs in the tunnels of the Xenomorph crossings, Evan and I used flare-guns and our flamethrower guns to prepare to lure it with fight dares and then seek to run from it in opposite directions before turning around on it to fire the flames upon its body and head. It felt like a touch-football game from hell. Ellen was killed in one of these sad tunnels during our horrifying ordeal!


XENOMORPH: We'll colonize this puny planet, and there'll be no vestige of human defiance anywhere, even in Statesville.


WARDEN: Without those flame-throwing guns in Statesville, those poor inmates wouldn't have survived this faith-test.


What was most alarming about the horrifying Xenomorph alien was its refusal to 'discriminate' between men and women in its relentless march towards bloody murder. It simply killed whoever it could and whoever got in its way before spending off-time to lay fertilized eggs for its eventual colonization plans on Earth. However, it was Ellen who discovered the horrible alien's egg-laying lair or tunnel area, and Evan was the one who burned all the eggs. This success didn't come before the tragic death of multiple female inmates who're simply butchered by the Xenomorph in the tunnels as they sought to decode its stealthy and agile movements in Statesville.


I owe everything to Ellen, Evan, and the flame-throwing guns that eventually helped us burn the alien alive and all its evil eggs!


WARDEN: We'll always remember this faith-test in Statesville as an experience of superhuman dance.


"Money is everything" (Ecclesiastes)

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