Alicia Keys......Demonstrates left wing Moronic vapidity

I'm not sure why I should give rats ass what any entertainer thinks.. I mean, they're notorious for saying stupid shit. A LOT of them.
But you see Democrats are too stupid to know not to listen to these morons because many of these "entertainers" later become Democrat operatives on shit channels like CNN and MSNBC.

What was that?
None of those people are appearing regularly for political commentary.

You stupid fucks gave Al Sharpton his own show.

Nobody even knows or cares about this meeting.

You are a failure.

I care, you lose :badgrin:
I'm not sure why I should give rats ass what any entertainer thinks.. I mean, they're notorious for saying stupid shit. A LOT of them.

Scott Baio Opened your convention. You were saying?
Who gives a shit you hypocritical dick. Let me know how you feel about that arrogant bitch preaching about gun control (which always means confiscation and banning guns with you fucking marxists) while she lives with all of her wealth behind walls in a private guarded community.

You know what? Don't tell me. Go blow it out of your ass.
I'm not sure why I should give rats ass what any entertainer thinks.. I mean, they're notorious for saying stupid shit. A LOT of them.
But you see Democrats are too stupid to know not to listen to these morons because many of these "entertainers" later become Democrat operatives on shit channels like CNN and MSNBC.

What was that?

Who is that first guy? Yummy! :D

Well??? Who is that first guy? He is cuuuutttteee.
I'm not sure why I should give rats ass what any entertainer thinks.. I mean, they're notorious for saying stupid shit. A LOT of them.
But you see Democrats are too stupid to know not to listen to these morons because many of these "entertainers" later become Democrat operatives on shit channels like CNN and MSNBC.
He's a soap star.


What was that?

Who is that first guy? Yummy! :D

Well??? Who is that first guy? He is cuuuutttteee.
Yep, you libs sure have your heroes....
"Until we deal with gun control in America...we cannot claim to be the home of the brave."
This is what you get when you libs trot out ignorant living in a bubble celebrities to represent your side.
Let this bitch strap on a 100 lb O2 cylinder and gear and rush into a burning building.
Let her spend 13 weeks in basic training that the very people she dismisses must endure
in order to protect the blanket of freedom that allows her to make such outrageous and insulting statements.
Singer Alicia Keys Delivers The Most Ignorant Statement Of The DNC | The Sean Hannity Show

oh really, mister simpleton...? :itsok:

all citizens need to go thru military combat missions in order to have an opinion?

so tell us, what's your excuse for the millions of guys like mark kelly who share alicia keys' opinion?

Thank you, everyone. I speak to you tonight as the proud son of two New Jersey cops; as a veteran of 39 combat missions during Operation Desert Storm and of 25 years in the United States Navy. And as a former NASA astronaut who flew four missions to space.

My decades as a pilot, military officer, and astronaut gave me a unique perspective. From above, I saw our country at its best. I also saw humanity at its worst. I saw us lead an international coalition against the illegal invasion of Kuwait. I also saw the devastating human effects of war itself.

From orbit, I saw our planet as a perfect blue marble. But I also saw shrinking glaciers and rainforests. At war and in space, I saw American leadership on display. But I was always frustrated to return to a country that struggles to address some of our biggest problems here at home.

Just as Hillary is prepared to defend America, our values, and our freedom, Hillary is ready to take on one of our country’s greatest moral failures here on our soil: the gun violence that is tearing so many of our communities apart.

We have to do better — and Hillary knows we can. Hillary knows that we save lives by doing more to keep guns out of the wrong hands. We know that as President she’ll do the responsible thing: She’ll stand up to the Washington gun lobby that works to protect the shameful status quo.

So if you want our legacy to be that we left our kids and grandkids a country with less gun violence — not more — then we need to make Hillary our President!

Gabby Giffords & Mark Kelly - 2016 DNC Speech - 2016 Democratic National Convention
Who said anything implying that?

Hillary isn't going to stand up for anything except her own self interest.
How you cannot recognize a person who is owned and operated by their benefactors is a mystery.
But, you're a true believing left wing loon.....You'd vote for a piece of dog shit if a (D) followed it's name.

no you're just projecting, hater... you'd vote for a piece of shit as long it's not a Dem.

and yeah, your op did more than just imply such... i had even bolded it in red for you, idiot. ;)
Ahh..See, this is where you are so wrong.
I do not do the Jersey...I don't march in lockstep with party affiliation..
You are a very presumptuous individual. You must be a blast at parties and family gatherings.
You and your uncanny ability to make conclusions based on nothing.
Keys is an asshole. She is the one who is projecting.
You are just pissed off because a member of one of your protected classes got busted for speaking out and revealing your side's true feelings.
Are you going to plagiarize my subsequent posts? The old "I I know you are ,but what am I" response?
Grow up cupcake. You're out of your league here.
She's ghetto. This is what Democrats appeal to, that's why they want to flood our country with every low life on the planet.
Of course. Democrats have to appeal to their free shit base in order to keep getting elected.
How many that vote Democrat get welfare? How many people that vote GOP get welfare? Don't leave out the independent voters...
Safe spaces?...
If people want freedom from freedom of speech, they can move to Iran, Russia or China.
yeah..check this out...These libs sure are champions of the First Amendment.
Conservative writer Ben Shapiro: University invoking 'rioters' veto' nixing speaking gig | Fox News
DePaul Vice President of Facilities Operations Bob Janis wrote to the chapter in an email, "Given the experiences and security concerns that some other schools have had with Ben Shapiro speaking on their campuses, DePaul cannot agree to allow him to speak on our campus at this time."

Shapiro told Fox News' "The Kelly File," "What I love most about this situation is that they don't even say that what I'm saying is so terrible. Instead, what they say is that because I've been met with violence at other campuses, this raises security concerns. So in other words, they can't keep their own students from assaulting people... basically, we now have the rioters' veto."
Conservative writer Ben Shapiro: University invoking 'rioters' veto' nixing speaking gig | Fox News
Oh the drama. Another black singer says something and Republicans demand safe spaces
Black areas have gun doesn't work...Democrats have been pushing this for 100 + first it was to let the Klan lynch without reprisal......and it worked
100 years ago the KKK was populated by repubs and democrats...
Safe spaces?...
If people want freedom from freedom of speech, they can move to Iran, Russia or China.
yeah..check this out...These libs sure are champions of the First Amendment.
Conservative writer Ben Shapiro: University invoking 'rioters' veto' nixing speaking gig | Fox News
DePaul Vice President of Facilities Operations Bob Janis wrote to the chapter in an email, "Given the experiences and security concerns that some other schools have had with Ben Shapiro speaking on their campuses, DePaul cannot agree to allow him to speak on our campus at this time."

Shapiro told Fox News' "The Kelly File," "What I love most about this situation is that they don't even say that what I'm saying is so terrible. Instead, what they say is that because I've been met with violence at other campuses, this raises security concerns. So in other words, they can't keep their own students from assaulting people... basically, we now have the rioters' veto."
Conservative writer Ben Shapiro: University invoking 'rioters' veto' nixing speaking gig | Fox News

Yeah that's disgusting.......people.need to listen to others...the left is so retarded
Yep, you libs sure have your heroes....
"Until we deal with gun control in America...we cannot claim to be the home of the brave."
This is what you get when you libs trot out ignorant living in a bubble celebrities to represent your side.
Let this bitch strap on a 100 lb O2 cylinder and gear and rush into a burning building.
Let her spend 13 weeks in basic training that the very people she dismisses must endure
in order to protect the blanket of freedom that allows her to make such outrageous and insulting statements.
Singer Alicia Keys Delivers The Most Ignorant Statement Of The DNC | The Sean Hannity Show

oh really, mister simpleton...? :itsok:

all citizens need to go thru military combat missions in order to have an opinion?

so tell us, what's your excuse for the millions of guys like mark kelly who share alicia keys' opinion?

Thank you, everyone. I speak to you tonight as the proud son of two New Jersey cops; as a veteran of 39 combat missions during Operation Desert Storm and of 25 years in the United States Navy. And as a former NASA astronaut who flew four missions to space.

My decades as a pilot, military officer, and astronaut gave me a unique perspective. From above, I saw our country at its best. I also saw humanity at its worst. I saw us lead an international coalition against the illegal invasion of Kuwait. I also saw the devastating human effects of war itself.

From orbit, I saw our planet as a perfect blue marble. But I also saw shrinking glaciers and rainforests. At war and in space, I saw American leadership on display. But I was always frustrated to return to a country that struggles to address some of our biggest problems here at home.

Just as Hillary is prepared to defend America, our values, and our freedom, Hillary is ready to take on one of our country’s greatest moral failures here on our soil: the gun violence that is tearing so many of our communities apart.

We have to do better — and Hillary knows we can. Hillary knows that we save lives by doing more to keep guns out of the wrong hands. We know that as President she’ll do the responsible thing: She’ll stand up to the Washington gun lobby that works to protect the shameful status quo.

So if you want our legacy to be that we left our kids and grandkids a country with less gun violence — not more — then we need to make Hillary our President!

Gabby Giffords & Mark Kelly - 2016 DNC Speech - 2016 Democratic National Convention

If his opinion is that what Hillary is doing would keep guns out of the wrong hands, he needs to be tested to make sure he didn't have period of oxygen deprivation while in space.

I agree that guns need to be kept out of the hands of those that should't have them. What Hillary wants and what he supports won't do it.

I've asked many that believe like he does on this forum alone a question. I had a gun stolen from my locked vehicle while sitting on my private property. What law that Hillary supports would provide a background check on that thief that stole it?
The left's reaction is to enact legislation that would make it a felony to keep a gun in one's vehicle. This is how liberals operate. Punish the innocent to get to the guilty.
Safe spaces?...
If people want freedom from freedom of speech, they can move to Iran, Russia or China.
yeah..check this out...These libs sure are champions of the First Amendment.
Conservative writer Ben Shapiro: University invoking 'rioters' veto' nixing speaking gig | Fox News
DePaul Vice President of Facilities Operations Bob Janis wrote to the chapter in an email, "Given the experiences and security concerns that some other schools have had with Ben Shapiro speaking on their campuses, DePaul cannot agree to allow him to speak on our campus at this time."

Shapiro told Fox News' "The Kelly File," "What I love most about this situation is that they don't even say that what I'm saying is so terrible. Instead, what they say is that because I've been met with violence at other campuses, this raises security concerns. So in other words, they can't keep their own students from assaulting people... basically, we now have the rioters' veto."
Conservative writer Ben Shapiro: University invoking 'rioters' veto' nixing speaking gig | Fox News

Yeah that's disgusting.......people.need to listen to others...the left is so retarded
Eh, shit happens..
Maybe if white people were given an actual forum to express their feelings there would be less of that


Those poor whites, living in the shadows
More fascist, racist shit on here to draw smart white people away from the Democrats. I love it.

If a baby gif makes you walk away from political ideas......bye. You werent down from the start
Who is backing away?

I intend to use you and other idiots to obliterate this idea that white people are de-facto racists and non-whites "don't have the power" to be.

You are the one running as fast as you can from progressive values.

I'm black, you can't use me as an example of why WHITES AREN'T racist goofball
"I'm black".....Was that really necessary?
And who gives a shit?...
Identity is not required. And it gets you no mileage
Yep, you libs sure have your heroes....
"Until we deal with gun control in America...we cannot claim to be the home of the brave."
This is what you get when you libs trot out ignorant living in a bubble celebrities to represent your side.
Let this bitch strap on a 100 lb O2 cylinder and gear and rush into a burning building.
Let her spend 13 weeks in basic training that the very people she dismisses must endure
in order to protect the blanket of freedom that allows her to make such outrageous and insulting statements.
Singer Alicia Keys Delivers The Most Ignorant Statement Of The DNC | The Sean Hannity Show

oh really, mister simpleton...? :itsok:

all citizens need to go thru military combat missions in order to have an opinion?

so tell us, what's your excuse for the millions of guys like mark kelly who share alicia keys' opinion?

Thank you, everyone. I speak to you tonight as the proud son of two New Jersey cops; as a veteran of 39 combat missions during Operation Desert Storm and of 25 years in the United States Navy. And as a former NASA astronaut who flew four missions to space.

My decades as a pilot, military officer, and astronaut gave me a unique perspective. From above, I saw our country at its best. I also saw humanity at its worst. I saw us lead an international coalition against the illegal invasion of Kuwait. I also saw the devastating human effects of war itself.

From orbit, I saw our planet as a perfect blue marble. But I also saw shrinking glaciers and rainforests. At war and in space, I saw American leadership on display. But I was always frustrated to return to a country that struggles to address some of our biggest problems here at home.

Just as Hillary is prepared to defend America, our values, and our freedom, Hillary is ready to take on one of our country’s greatest moral failures here on our soil: the gun violence that is tearing so many of our communities apart.

We have to do better — and Hillary knows we can. Hillary knows that we save lives by doing more to keep guns out of the wrong hands. We know that as President she’ll do the responsible thing: She’ll stand up to the Washington gun lobby that works to protect the shameful status quo.

So if you want our legacy to be that we left our kids and grandkids a country with less gun violence — not more — then we need to make Hillary our President!

Gabby Giffords & Mark Kelly - 2016 DNC Speech - 2016 Democratic National Convention

If his opinion is that what Hillary is doing would keep guns out of the wrong hands, he needs to be tested to make sure he didn't have period of oxygen deprivation while in space.

I agree that guns need to be kept out of the hands of those that should't have them. What Hillary wants and what he supports won't do it.

I've asked many that believe like he does on this forum alone a question. I had a gun stolen from my locked vehicle while sitting on my private property. What law that Hillary supports would provide a background check on that thief that stole it?
The left's reaction is to enact legislation that would make it a felony to keep a gun in one's vehicle. This is how liberals operate. Punish the innocent to get to the guilty.
What bill is that?
Safe spaces?...
If people want freedom from freedom of speech, they can move to Iran, Russia or China.
yeah..check this out...These libs sure are champions of the First Amendment.
Conservative writer Ben Shapiro: University invoking 'rioters' veto' nixing speaking gig | Fox News
DePaul Vice President of Facilities Operations Bob Janis wrote to the chapter in an email, "Given the experiences and security concerns that some other schools have had with Ben Shapiro speaking on their campuses, DePaul cannot agree to allow him to speak on our campus at this time."

Shapiro told Fox News' "The Kelly File," "What I love most about this situation is that they don't even say that what I'm saying is so terrible. Instead, what they say is that because I've been met with violence at other campuses, this raises security concerns. So in other words, they can't keep their own students from assaulting people... basically, we now have the rioters' veto."
Conservative writer Ben Shapiro: University invoking 'rioters' veto' nixing speaking gig | Fox News

Yeah that's disgusting.......people.need to listen to others...the left is so retarded
Eh, shit happens..

No it's an orchestrated effort to turn colleges into Nazi youth disagreement allowed...hitler would be proud of these people.
If people want freedom from freedom of speech, they can move to Iran, Russia or China.
yeah..check this out...These libs sure are champions of the First Amendment.
Conservative writer Ben Shapiro: University invoking 'rioters' veto' nixing speaking gig | Fox News
DePaul Vice President of Facilities Operations Bob Janis wrote to the chapter in an email, "Given the experiences and security concerns that some other schools have had with Ben Shapiro speaking on their campuses, DePaul cannot agree to allow him to speak on our campus at this time."

Shapiro told Fox News' "The Kelly File," "What I love most about this situation is that they don't even say that what I'm saying is so terrible. Instead, what they say is that because I've been met with violence at other campuses, this raises security concerns. So in other words, they can't keep their own students from assaulting people... basically, we now have the rioters' veto."
Conservative writer Ben Shapiro: University invoking 'rioters' veto' nixing speaking gig | Fox News

Yeah that's disgusting.......people.need to listen to others...the left is so retarded
Eh, shit happens..

No it's an orchestrated effort to turn colleges into Nazi youth disagreement allowed...hitler would be proud of these people.
I'm not really sure what Shapiro has said to piss people off......
She's ghetto. This is what Democrats appeal to, that's why they want to flood our country with every low life on the planet.
Of course. Democrats have to appeal to their free shit base in order to keep getting elected.
How many that vote Democrat get welfare? How many people that vote GOP get welfare? Don't leave out the independent voters...
More than half.
Are you implying that democrats are not champions of the welfare state?
If people want freedom from freedom of speech, they can move to Iran, Russia or China.
yeah..check this out...These libs sure are champions of the First Amendment.
Conservative writer Ben Shapiro: University invoking 'rioters' veto' nixing speaking gig | Fox News
DePaul Vice President of Facilities Operations Bob Janis wrote to the chapter in an email, "Given the experiences and security concerns that some other schools have had with Ben Shapiro speaking on their campuses, DePaul cannot agree to allow him to speak on our campus at this time."

Shapiro told Fox News' "The Kelly File," "What I love most about this situation is that they don't even say that what I'm saying is so terrible. Instead, what they say is that because I've been met with violence at other campuses, this raises security concerns. So in other words, they can't keep their own students from assaulting people... basically, we now have the rioters' veto."
Conservative writer Ben Shapiro: University invoking 'rioters' veto' nixing speaking gig | Fox News

Yeah that's disgusting.......people.need to listen to others...the left is so retarded
Eh, shit happens..

No it's an orchestrated effort to turn colleges into Nazi youth disagreement allowed...hitler would be proud of these people.
spot on!!!!!!

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