ALERT: Coronavirus merges with Trump Derangement Syndrome


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
ALERT: Coronavirus merges with Trump Derangement Syndrome
A pandemic tanking the stock market may be Democrats’ best hope for winning in 2020, and they can barely contain their glee

ALERT: Coronavirus merges with Trump Derangement Syndrome
24 Feb 2020 ~~ By William A. Jacobson
The way things have been going, the economy was on target to remain powerful through Election Day 2020, giving Trump a strong likelihood of reelection. Reflecting that reality, a record percentage of Americans are satisfied with their lives.Enter coronavirus and the potential for a pandemic that causes worldwide suffering and economic damage tanking the stock market and the U.S. economy. The Trump administration has been very proactive, even though China has rebuffed help, including just requesting $2.5 billion specifically targeted at coronavirus response.
Enter Trump Derangement Syndrome, where the number one priority is defeating Trump. And if devastation to the stock market due to coronavirus is needed, well, Democrats and media supporters are practically giddy at placing the blame on Trump.The stock market plunged today! 2020 is looking better and better for Democrats.Ted Lieu tried to blame Trump for cuts to the Centers for Disease Control that have not taken place and would not have affected coronavirus response anyway.

You would and should expect Progressive Marxist/Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists, that when this countryis faced with a national emergency politics can be placed on the back burner and Americans could all work together regardless of ideology and overcome the diversty facing this country. Not so, PMS/DSA Dem Leftists find it the right time to pull dirty tricks on their opponents regardless of the dangers facing the country with hopes of destroying their primary adversary Donald J. Trump.
Both Schumer and Pelosi began their The sky is falling! The sky is falling! routine yesterday.
This is already backfiring on them especially after the press conference this evening with actions pointed out by DJT bolstering methods of treatment, immigration control, jobs and the economy through this sensitive time.
And the TDS riddled filth on this board STILL support the democrats matter how many americans it kills!

It shouldn't surprise me...they love it that illegals murder 4,000 americans every year.
He bitch slapped polosi and schrumer really hard during the press conference. [emoji1787]

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Never mind Trump in all of this, who is dealing with the dirty communists? These cowardly animals who like to abuse their own citizens are responsible for this outbreak. The entire bat argument is suspect, especially considering the location of their only level 4 biological research lab.

I hope when Trump wins re-election he puts the boots to them. China is limping right now, the rest of the world waking up. In a second term, Trump could be our Reagan. I would love to see him succeed on behalf of America and the West.
I regret the nation's zealous Democrat Representatives and Democrat Senators blame President Trump in his decisions for this and other tough calls he has had to make in the past. May their false narratives fall to the earth, sink into the ground, with lime sprinkled on top to take away the smell in such a way that they harm no one who loves this nation as much as President Donald Trump does.
Never mind Trump in all of this, who is dealing with the dirty communists? These cowardly animals who like to abuse their own citizens are responsible for this outbreak. The entire bat argument is suspect, especially considering the location of their only level 4 biological research lab.

I hope when Trump wins re-election he puts the boots to them. China is limping right now, the rest of the world waking up. In a second term, Trump could be our Reagan. I would love to see him succeed on behalf of America and the West.

"Our"? Remember you're pretending to be Canadian?
ALERT: Coronavirus merges with Trump Derangement Syndrome
A pandemic tanking the stock market may be Democrats’ best hope for winning in 2020, and they can barely contain their glee

ALERT: Coronavirus merges with Trump Derangement Syndrome
24 Feb 2020 ~~ By William A. Jacobson
The way things have been going, the economy was on target to remain powerful through Election Day 2020, giving Trump a strong likelihood of reelection. Reflecting that reality, a record percentage of Americans are satisfied with their lives.Enter coronavirus and the potential for a pandemic that causes worldwide suffering and economic damage tanking the stock market and the U.S. economy. The Trump administration has been very proactive, even though China has rebuffed help, including just requesting $2.5 billion specifically targeted at coronavirus response.
Enter Trump Derangement Syndrome, where the number one priority is defeating Trump. And if devastation to the stock market due to coronavirus is needed, well, Democrats and media supporters are practically giddy at placing the blame on Trump.The stock market plunged today! 2020 is looking better and better for Democrats.Ted Lieu tried to blame Trump for cuts to the Centers for Disease Control that have not taken place and would not have affected coronavirus response anyway.

You would and should expect Progressive Marxist/Socialist/DSA Democrat Leftists, that when this countryis faced with a national emergency politics can be placed on the back burner and Americans could all work together regardless of ideology and overcome the diversty facing this country. Not so, PMS/DSA Dem Leftists find it the right time to pull dirty tricks on their opponents regardless of the dangers facing the country with hopes of destroying their primary adversary Donald J. Trump.
Both Schumer and Pelosi began their The sky is falling! The sky is falling! routine yesterday.
This is already backfiring on them especially after the press conference this evening with actions pointed out by DJT bolstering methods of treatment, immigration control, jobs and the economy through this sensitive time.

Yes.....Corona virus mutated from bats and dogs to people to now people suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome........their weakened mental state made it possible for them to easily be infected by the democrat party induced can also add Never Trump republicans to those effected by the hysteria of corona virus........

Meanwhile, thousands are dead due to regular flu......

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