Alan Dershowitz files $300 million defamation suit against CNN


Platinum Member
Jul 30, 2010
Famed attorney and Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz filed a defamation suit against CNN on Tuesday seeking $300 million for what he called a "willful, deliberate, malicious effort to destroy my credibility."

Dershowitz told Fox News that CNN selectively edited a clip of his remarks from the Senate floor during President Trump's impeachment trial where he broke down the illegalities surrounding a "quid pro quo" as a member of the president's defense team.

The Constitutional scholar alleges in the lawsuit that the news outlet propagated a “sea of lies” by re-airing only part of his quote, which he believes was part of a deliberate effort "from the very top" to frame him for claiming “that the President of the United States could commit illegal acts as long as he thought it would help his reelection and that his reelection was in the public interest," The Wrap reported.

"What CNN did here, and it pains me to say this because, you know, I have friends over there. What they did is they just totally doctored the tape," Dershowitz told Sean Hannity on Tuesday.

Famed attorney and Harvard Law School professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz filed a defamation suit against CNN on Tuesday seeking $300 million for what he called a "willful, deliberate, malicious effort to destroy my credibility."

Dershowitz told Fox News that CNN selectively edited a clip of his remarks from the Senate floor during President Trump's impeachment trial where he broke down the illegalities surrounding a "quid pro quo" as a member of the president's defense team.

The Constitutional scholar alleges in the lawsuit that the news outlet propagated a “sea of lies” by re-airing only part of his quote, which he believes was part of a deliberate effort "from the very top" to frame him for claiming “that the President of the United States could commit illegal acts as long as he thought it would help his reelection and that his reelection was in the public interest," The Wrap reported.

"What CNN did here, and it pains me to say this because, you know, I have friends over there. What they did is they just totally doctored the tape," Dershowitz told Sean Hannity on Tuesday.

Dershowitz just fired a brod side of the big guns from the Big Mo battleship directly at CNN...
This is not a frivolous case and has merit. I'd love to see this go to trial, but CNN is too pussy and will attempt to settle out of court...
Yeah, but he is a kid fucker, right?
Did he actually fuck kids or just young women ?

16 is the age of consent so it isnt illegal but if an old perve like dershowitz is fucking a 16 or 17 year old they havent broken the law. But obviously we can all form a judgement on him based on that.
Shades of Rodney King and the KTLA doctored video tape. Left will do anything to get power. Some things never change.
Yeah, but he is a kid fucker, right?
Did he actually fuck kids or just young women ?

16 is the age of consent so it isnt illegal but if an old perve like dershowitz is fucking a 16 or 17 year old they havent broken the law. But obviously we can all form a judgement on him based on that.

No, 16 isn't the age of consent.

In some states it is. It shouldn't be, but it is.

With what Dershowitz is accused of it is not anywhere.
Is Dershowitz going to explain his good times with Jeff Epstein?

Dershowitz, liberal, so automatically i must distrust him. However, it is complicated seeing as the left media have turned on him for Dershowitz' defense of the president. Seems that the left will attack anyone even on their own side for having the nerve to defend this president. So that gives me pause as to what IS the truth of the matter. I don't know if he is a pedophile or a creep. I've always thought of him as creepy. And it always backfires when conservatives defend the first amendment rights of particular leftists when they are attacked by their own side. Juan williams is a great example of that and he wasn't the only one. I hope this thing with Leo Terrell is authentic. I know for myself...BIG, Stupid, Liberal in college although raised by a strong Republican woman, but it didn't take me long to come around once i was out earning my own money.

But back to the point of some of the posts. How does the Trump admin and Fox edit remarks like CNN and their allies do. It can't be done. Anyone with any sense, that would be anyone not a liberal, can see this. The left has cornered the market on lies and edited remarks.

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