Alabama has 1,621 ICU patients, 84 more than available staffed ICU beds; adds 4,691 cases

There are plenty of other examples. Most of those being fired for choosing to refuse a vaccine they don't trust are the same workers who were treating and caring for patients before a vaccine was available.
Yea, it’s so terrible all over the country that hospitals are forcing nurses and doctors to walk off the job because they refuse the experimental jab.
This is true --- where I live (Maryland in the suburbs) a big hospital, the only one in the county, just last week said all staff had to be vaccinated. So many of the nurses and staff protested and said they would quit that the county council asked the hospital to retract that order!!

And not another word since, so I bet that's the last we'll hear of THAT.
I doubt it will be the last of it. Communists are relentless.
You have a point there. I think the local government may have squelched forced vaccination for the moment, anyway. It's a pretty conservative county, thank God. ok with all these people dying, because you primadonna pussies don't want to get a simple shot or put on a mask in crowded places?

You've got your priorities all mixed up.
Name calling is always a sign of losing control, and therefore losing the debate or argument. We see and read who the real whimps are here, but you keep on living in germophobia la la land, and we'll keep on keeping America rolling and working.

The vaccines are nothing but temporary flu shots that mitigate the effects of Covid in individual's that are susceptible to Covid pneumonia or respiratory distress that can in some cases lead to death all depending. Listening to one's doctor is important, and if he or she suggest the Covid shot, then so be it, but no politician's or cult is going to force the shot on million's, and they are beginning to understand it.

If you are afraid of the virus, then by all means go get the shot in order to regain your life without fear of the virus, but don't get mad when or if you contact the virus anyway, because it is only a shot to pre-charge the immune system in order to alert it that the specific virus or viruses have landed. It helps to get the immune system working to create the antibodies needed to fight the invasive microbe.

Natural immunity shows that the immune system was fully capable of fighting the virus, and therefore successful in defeating it or never allowing it to take hold although one had tested positive for it. Hundreds of thousands have went through this process, and had aquired natural immunity that serves them well. They don't need the shot, and if anything can lend their blood that gives lifesaving treatments to those whose immune systems are compromised the same as with the shot.

The Covid shot is not a vaccine, but just a flu shot that gives temporary protection to those who can't fight the disease otherwise.

A vaccine is something that eradicates a disease, and therefore makes the individual immune to a disease hopefully for their lifetime. The Covid shot isn't doing that yet, and probably never will, so it labeled a vaccine is misleading, and maybe for a reason. Hmmmm.
There are plenty of other examples. Most of those being fired for choosing to refuse a vaccine they don't trust are the same workers who were treating and caring for patients before a vaccine was available.
Yeah and the lawsuit's should start flying as soon as a republican led government gets back in charge. 2022 might bring relief from these fraudulent radical leftist Democrat's, and let's hope so.

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