Alabama and Mississippi will also honor Robert E. Lee on Martin Luther King Jr. Day

If King had wanted to keep those little girls,safe he would have waited until the madman, Bull Connor was gone before those girls went to school. It was mere days. Connor had lost his election, everyone knew he was a lunatic. But no. King needed the violence to kick start interest. He sent those little girls knowing they would be hurt. Intending they be hurt. His movement needed the sympathy.
If only they weren't wearing those shirts skirts, they would not have been raped, amirite?

Lee was a literal slaver. He tortured and held people in bondage for his personal profit. Thats what slavery is.
If only they weren't wearing those shirts skirts, they would not have been raped, amirite?

Lee was a literal slaver. He tortured and held people in bondage for his personal profit. Thats what slavery is.
Those were little girls, children sent to be hurt. To follow your analogy, if that rape victim had not been packaged up and delivered to the rapist, no she would not have been raped. Amirite?

Robert E Lee never owned any slaves. He didn't torture or hold anyone in bondage. As a lifelong military man, he had no need of slaves. When his father in law died, he left a number of slaves in his estate. Lee spent the following five years manumitting the "former":slaves.

Learn some history .
Dipshit, I'm saying sergation and the purposeful economic disenfranchisment of Black Americans are responsible for the disparity and I'm more than happy to educate you you dumb MAGAt. Did you sleep through American history?

Today African-American incomes on average are about 60 percent of average white incomes. But African-American wealth is about 5 percent of white wealth. Most middle-class families in this country gain their wealth from the equity they have in their homes. So this enormous difference between a 60 percent income ratio and a 5 percent wealth ratio is almost entirely attributable to federal housing policy implemented through the 20th century.

Yeah, I know that’s your position. I clearly outlined that for in my last post because you were confused by your own words.

You are literacy incompetent.
Yeah, I know that’s your position. I clearly outlined that for in my last post because you were confused by your own words.

You are literacy incompetent.
You expressed some vague feeling, sure, because you're a pussy, but you didn't really present anything as evidence. Are you arguing that at some point Black and White Americans were on par with one another socially and economically and Black culture messed it up? :dunno:
Those were little girls, children sent to be hurt. To follow your analogy, if that rape victim had not been packaged up and delivered to the rapist, no she would not have been raped. Amirite?
Horsepoop. They did nothing. your boys did.
Robert E Lee never owned any slaves.

This is your hero.
Robert E. Lee personally owned slaves that he inherited upon the death of his mother, Ann Lee, in 1829. (His son, Robert E. Lee Jr., gave the number as three or four families.) Following the death of his father-in-law, George Washington Parke Custis, in 1857, Lee assumed command of 189 enslaved people, working the estates of Arlington, White House, and Romancoke. Custis’ will stipulated that the enslaved people that the Lee family inherited be freed within five years.

Lee, as executor of Custis’ will and supervisor of Custis’ estates, drove his new-found labor force hard to lift those estates from debt. Concerned that the endeavor might take longer than the five years stipulated, Lee petitioned state courts to extend his control of enslaved people.

The Custis bondspeople, aware of their former owner’s intent, resisted Lee’s efforts to enforce stricter work discipline. Resentment resulted in escape attempts. In 1859 Wesley Norris, his sister Mary, and their cousin, George Parks, escaped to Maryland where they were captured and returned to Arlington.

In an 1866 account, Norris recalled,

[W]e were immediately taken before Gen. Lee, who demanded the reason why we ran away; we frankly told him that we considered ourselves free; he then told us he would teach us a lesson we never would forget; he then ordered us to the barn, where, in his presence, we were tied firmly to posts by a Mr. Gwin, our overseer, who was ordered by Gen. Lee to strip us to the waist and give us fifty lashes each, excepting my sister, who received but twenty; we were accordingly stripped to the skin by the overseer, who, however, had sufficient humanity to decline whipping us; accordingly Dick Williams, a county constable, was called in, who gave us the number of lashes ordered; Gen. Lee, in the meantime, stood by, and frequently enjoined Williams to lay it on well, an injunction which he did not fail to heed; not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.

Learn some history .
Yes, you should definitely learn some.
Lee inferior. Grant Superior.
Are you arguing that at some point Black and White Americans were on par with one another socially and economically and Black culture messed it up? :dunno:
Again, for the third time in this exchange, I never claimed that either.

You are a completely intellectually incompetent.
Horsepoop. They did nothing. your boys did.

This is your hero.
Robert E. Lee personally owned slaves that he inherited upon the death of his mother, Ann Lee, in 1829. (His son, Robert E. Lee Jr., gave the number as three or four families.) Following the death of his father-in-law, George Washington Parke Custis, in 1857, Lee assumed command of 189 enslaved people, working the estates of Arlington, White House, and Romancoke. Custis’ will stipulated that the enslaved people that the Lee family inherited be freed within five years.

Lee, as executor of Custis’ will and supervisor of Custis’ estates, drove his new-found labor force hard to lift those estates from debt. Concerned that the endeavor might take longer than the five years stipulated, Lee petitioned state courts to extend his control of enslaved people.

The Custis bondspeople, aware of their former owner’s intent, resisted Lee’s efforts to enforce stricter work discipline. Resentment resulted in escape attempts. In 1859 Wesley Norris, his sister Mary, and their cousin, George Parks, escaped to Maryland where they were captured and returned to Arlington.

In an 1866 account, Norris recalled,

[W]e were immediately taken before Gen. Lee, who demanded the reason why we ran away; we frankly told him that we considered ourselves free; he then told us he would teach us a lesson we never would forget; he then ordered us to the barn, where, in his presence, we were tied firmly to posts by a Mr. Gwin, our overseer, who was ordered by Gen. Lee to strip us to the waist and give us fifty lashes each, excepting my sister, who received but twenty; we were accordingly stripped to the skin by the overseer, who, however, had sufficient humanity to decline whipping us; accordingly Dick Williams, a county constable, was called in, who gave us the number of lashes ordered; Gen. Lee, in the meantime, stood by, and frequently enjoined Williams to lay it on well, an injunction which he did not fail to heed; not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.

Yes, you should definitely learn some.
Lee inferior. Grant Superior.
Did they break the law?

It's what we should do today. Instead of filling prisons with reoffenders, they should be whipped, or caned. Singapore uses these alternatives very effectively.
Again, for the third time in this exchange, I never claimed that either.

You are a completely intellectually incompetent.
You're the one who doesn't seem to understand what the question mark stands for. I'm asking you want your argument actually is Soft Boy since you seem shy about sharing it and only mumbled something under your breath about black culture like a meek little bitch.
That's comical, it's amazing how white racist try to reduce Dr. King to a I have a dream speech. 1963 King was totally different than 1968 King. Since you want to quote Dr. King tell me if you agree with this premise that he is speaking of. Dr King said his dream turned into a nightmare, he said he misjudged just how racist America truly is. Let's see if you agree with Dr. King on this, I doubt it though.

You are exactly what I am talking about. You downplay the significance of the defining moment of MLK’s work in favor of portraying him as as some two-bit commie racist like yourself. You do not agree with judging a man by the content of his character, you are a disciple of Ibram X Kendi and judging a man by the color of his skin.

After Civil Rights, MLK began taking on more political activism outside the arena of Civil Rights. His position as the undisputed leader of the Civil Rigths movement began to falter. His opposition to the Viet Nam war was a politically divisive position that cost him support not just with whites but many blacks too. He took the political path he believed necessary. The positions he later took and the things he later said, or maybe his personal flaws, don’t sully the message that defines his work.

People, are not frozen in time, they change. People are not infallible. Leftists like yourself always want to reduce someone to their lowest point. Tolerance, context and redemption are things only afforded to yourselves.
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You're the one who doesn't seem to understand what the question mark stands for. I'm asking you want your argument actually is Soft Boy since you seem shy about sharing it and only mumbled something under your breath about black culture like a meek little bitch.
Not only have I explained my position to you more than once already, I have had to explain what your own words mean to you because you continue to falsely attribute bullshit to me.

Learn how to read.
Did they break the law?
Worse, they committed insurrection against the US and killed hundreds of thousands of US soldiers. Thats the Boy you celebrate
It's what we should do today. Instead of filling prisons with reoffenders, they should be whipped, or caned. Singapore uses these alternatives very effectively.
in Singapore that is a punishment for criminals. They weren't criminals, and that is a sick disgusting argument.
Not only have I explained my position to you more than once already, I have had to explain what your own words mean to you because you continue to falsely attribute bullshit to me.

Learn how to read.
You haven't explained shit with anything but your soft Soy Boy feelings. Here, I'll even quote you.

LOL It’s not “racism” it’s common sense. The lingering disparities are rooted in culture, not discrimination.

Why are you being such a little bitch about the argument you made?
Those were little girls, children sent to be hurt. To follow your analogy, if that rape victim had not been packaged up and delivered to the rapist, no she would not have been raped. Amirite?
Hell no you are not right, these white racist cowards harmed children and you are talking about it is Dr King's fault. You prove every day that you are a racist POS as well.
Robert E Lee never owned any slaves. He didn't torture or hold anyone in bondage. As a lifelong military man, he had no need of slaves. When his father in law died, he left a number of slaves in his estate. Lee spent the following five years manumitting the "former":slaves.

Learn some history .
Sounds like you need to learn some.

Lee assumed command of 189 enslaved people, working the estates of Arlington, White House, and Romancoke. Custis’ will stipulated that the enslaved people that the Lee family inherited be freed within five years.

Lee, as executor of Custis’ will and supervisor of Custis’ estates, drove his new-found labor force hard to lift those estates from debt. Concerned that the endeavor might take longer than the five years stipulated, Lee petitioned state courts to extend his control of enslaved people.

The Custis bondspeople, aware of their former owner’s intent, resisted Lee’s efforts to enforce stricter work discipline. Resentment resulted in escape attempts. In 1859 Wesley Norris, his sister Mary, and their cousin, George Parks, escaped to Maryland where they were captured and returned to Arlington.

You haven't explained shit with anything but your soft Soy Boy feelings. Here, I'll even quote you.

Why are you being such a little bitch about the argument you made?
Ok, so what exactly do you not understand there?

How did you go from that quote where I acknowledge the “lingering disparity” to 11 posts later accusing me of denying there is an economic disparity within the black community? Explain.


I already know that both questions are far too complex for you to effectively answer.

Go back and read slowly. We have already had this conversation, you just can’t keep up.
You are exactly what I am talking about. You downplay the significance of the defining moment of MLK’s work in favor of portraying him as as some two-bit commie racist like yourself. You do not agree with judging a man by the content of his character, you are a disciple of Ibram X Kendi and judging a man by the color of his skin.
No I don't downplay Dr King, I understand how Dr. King when from one point to the next. When has this country ever judged a man by the content of his character unless he was white. The floor is yours, tell me when.
After Civil Rights, MLK began taking on more political activism outside the arena of Civil Rights. His position as the undisputed leader of the Civil Rigths movement began to falter. His opposition to the Viet Nam war was a politically divisive position that cost him support not just with whites but many blacks too. He took the political path he believed necessary. The positions he later took and the things he later said, or maybe his personal flaws, don’t sully the message that defines his work.

People, are not frozen in time, they change. People are not infallible. Leftists like yourself always want to reduce someone to their lowest point. Tolerance, context and redemption are things only afforded to yourselves.
Again, The Dreamer didn't die, the Visionary was murdered.

No I don't downplay Dr King, I understand how Dr. King when from one point to the next. When has this country ever judged a man by the content of his character unless he was white. The floor is yours, tell me when.
When 360,000 Union soldier gave their lives to free the slaves. When white people marched along side their black brothers and sisters in support of Civil Rights. When white men emancipated the slaves and signed into law Civil Rights and the equality of all men.

Again, you commies just want to reduce people to the lowest point. There was racism and discrimination in the US. Therefore you claim that no sacrifice, no commitment or dedication can redeem America. We defeated you racists before and we will do it again.
Ok, so what exactly do you not understand there?

How did you go from that quote where I acknowledge the “lingering disparity” to 11 posts later accusing me of denying there is an economic disparity within the black community? Explain.

View attachment 1069170

I already know that both questions are far too complex for you to effectively answer.

Go back and read slowly. We have already had this conversation, you just can’t keep up.
Where did I do that you frail little pussy? Let's see the quote. Do you really not understand what a question mark is for? How mentally retarded are you? :dunno: :lol:
He was literally a traitor that killed American Servicemen. He had to be pardoned to avoid being hanged.

A reminder: they need to focus on important things and not distractions.
Alabama: #44 Healthcare #44 Education #45 Economy #32 Crime #28

Mississippi#48 Healthcare #50 Education #35 Economy #50 Crime #25
Literally? As opposed to figuratively?

Literal is not a word used for emphasis. That's your clue, public school student.
Literally? As opposed to figuratively?

Literal is not a word used for emphasis. That's your clue, public school student.
Literally. He literally led forces that intentionally killed US Soldiers. He committed insurrection in a time of war and would have been hung or shot if not pardoned.

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