Al...Jesse...WAKE UP!!!


Undocumented Reg. User
Nov 12, 2009
In a galaxy far far away...
You boys blew one yesterday, big time. But the good news is it probably isn't too late to, excuse the expression, cash in on it today if you act fast. And the bonus is it's about a conservative type fellow and, better yet, a Fox guy too!

It was Sunday morning, just a few minutes past eight. On the Fox morning show Tucker Carlson began a segment regarding the various Trayvon Martin rallies that took place on Saturday. Initially there was a still or video of Obama on the screen, forget which, and TC's voiceover in which he said something about comments the president had made on Friday regarding the Martin/Zimmerman case. As he continued to talk, on screen Obama faded out and then came video/stills of people gathered at one of the Saturday rallies, the vast majority of which were black faces of course. And while that's being shown Carlson's voice is conveying to the viewers that much of what was discussed at the rallies echoed what Obama had said Friday. That they were more or less saying the same thing was the obvious point he was making. I'm sure of it because he said they were "aping" the president, and aping means copying, following, etc.

I know it was early Sunday, especially after a hard day and night of rallying, but I figured Al and Jesse and the usual suspects would be hollering and screaming and we'd be knee deep in race cards by now. Somebody give them a wake-up call before it's too late.
As long as there is money to be made by doing it, race baiters like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton will continue to be there at every opportunity. Neither one of these people has ever worked an honest day in their lives and continue to make their living on the continual playing of the "black victim race card".
OMG--tucker could get himself fired for that stuff.

The media was only told white people can't say ******!. They were never told not to use fancy words meaning a mimic or imitator.

Howard Cosell would say " look at that monkey run" when speaking about a black football player and caught hell for it.
and then there's the Greek

[ame=]Jimmy the Greek Comments that got him fired. - YouTube[/ame]
Wouldn't surprise me if he didn't see the copy prior to the word appearing on his Teleprompter, but that won't get him out of hot water if the hustlers start chanting for his hide.

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