Al Gore Suggests Spying On Greenhouse Gas Emitters With Satellites So They Can Be Attacked By Activists And Or The Government

Have you ever met a fascist baboon? (No because they're all with Antifa but that is another story.)

Yes. Sadly, I have known many. You like fascism.

That is sad. Either you ARE a fascist, or you're too stupid to understand that you support fascist ideas.

You choose.
Think of him as the Kyle Rittenhouse of global warming, ready to make a citizen's arrest if needed.
More like the Gladys Kravitz of Goebbels warming...

Yes. Sadly, I have known many. You like fascism.

That is sad. Either you ARE a fascist, or you're too stupid to understand that you support fascist ideas.

You choose.
Oh, come on, he's not a fascist!

He just supports a totalitarian form of government that tells us what to do, allows for no dissent, demands we all conform to government ideology, allows us no individual freedom, micromanages our lives down to the iota and prevents us from expressing our thoughts.
so much anger, so sad

Yes, why are you so angry that you want to control what others can do? What personal failing of yours so twisted you that you hate when others are happy?
Now he wants to start spying on everyone in the US using sensors and satellites to spot Greenhouse Gas emitters.
Imagine the insane implications of this nonsense.
Like, knowing how much actual emissions countries are producing. I can understand how an uneducated slob who holds science and knowledge in contempt would be so confused about this. And so does the author of the article, who butters his bread by preying on simple people like you.
Yes, why are you so angry that you want to control what others can do? What personal failing of yours so twisted you that you hate when others are happy?
Yeah, why do we have laws trying to control what people do along with religions that tell you what to do and how to live?
Al Gore is a little off his rocker.
This guy has been off living off of his millions from his Carbon Offsets and other Climate Change scams.

Now he wants to start spying on everyone in the US using sensors and satellites to spot Greenhouse Gas emitters.
Imagine the insane implications of this nonsense.
He says he wants to be able identify anyone who gives off a gas that registers.....and then send the mob after them to make their lives miserable.

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Yep the Demmies want posse commie-tatus when they want to assassinate the character or person who doesn't dance to their acid high. :rolleyes-41:
Yep the Demmies want posse commie-tatus when they want to assassinate the character or person who doesn't dance to their acid high. :rolleyes-41:
posse comitatus-The posse comitatus, in common law, is a group of people mobilized by the conservator of peace – typically a sheriff – to suppress lawlessness or defend the county. The posse comitatus originated in ninth-century England simultaneous with the creation of the office of sheriff.
Al Gore is a little off his rocker.
This guy has been off living off of his millions from his Carbon Offsets and other Climate Change scams.

Now he wants to start spying on everyone in the US using sensors and satellites to spot Greenhouse Gas emitters.
Imagine the insane implications of this nonsense.
He says he wants to be able identify anyone who gives off a gas that registers.....and then send the mob after them to make their lives miserable.

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Gee, think one of those satellites might pick up the footprint of one of Al's mansions or his private plane? (eye roll)
Yes, why are you so angry that you want to control what others can do? What personal failing of yours so twisted you that you hate when others are happy?
So you're OK if I drive 90 mph down your street? What if I wanted my wife to have an abortion?

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