Al Gore and the "Divine Right of Kings."

What Steyn is complaining of is that some folks want to pass so they don't have to obey laws they afflict on the rest of us.

It is not exclusively a liberal problem, but since they seem to pass more annoying laws, it seems that they do.

And Algore is one of the worst offenders in this regard. That house of his is for two people and it sucks up more resources than is the average for 200, and he thinks the rest of us have to lower our average, but he does not have to lower his excess.
Al Gore is NO WHERE near the righest person in the world.

It was wealth accumulation that created Kings.

Al Gore is NOT who you should be fearful of turning into a king.


Like Al Gore has not made MILLIONS on the global warming hoax????

How obvious does something have to be for it to permeate your political blindness?


what does millions have to do with it? plenty of people are millionaires...

showing your ignorance again

Al Gore has made a provable 99 million dollars from carbon trading. A business model he learned from Ken Lay of ENRON fame. He stands to make billions if Cap and Trade is passed....and that money will come from you. But you're too blinded by idiotology to figure out when you're being taken for a ride.
I remember in the 90s when the president of the Sierra Club called the SUV the "Joe Camel of automobiles."

But later that same year it was revealed he owned TWO SUV's. When asked about this obvious hypocrisy, he mumbled it was the only way he could drive to the mountains.

See it was OKAY for him to drive to the mountains. It's NOT FOR YOU! You have to be shoved into a lousy Leaf, that won't get much more than to work and back.
You lie like Sean Hannity, dude.
I remember in the 90s when the president of the Sierra Club called the SUV the "Joe Camel of automobiles."

But later that same year it was revealed he owned TWO SUV's. When asked about this obvious hypocrisy, he mumbled it was the only way he could drive to the mountains.

See it was OKAY for him to drive to the mountains. It's NOT FOR YOU! You have to be shoved into a lousy Leaf, that won't get much more than to work and back.
You lie like Sean Hannity, dude.

A) I'm not a dude and

B) It did happen.

Clean Cars Only Go Part Way... | Orion Magazine
Take a look at the "ruling elite's" hypocrisy on global warming.

[ame=]YouTube - See Al Gore's Hypocrisy![/ame]
Carbon footprint for Al, not for thee!!!!!

[ame=]YouTube - Al Gore the Hypocrite: Uses Enough Energy for 232 Households[/ame]

More examples of how Al Gore sees himself as a Divine King while we serfs are to live in grass huts!

[ame=]YouTube - Al Gore and Global Warming - Is He a Hypocrite?[/ame]
tps, you have angered the Goracle!

OK olfraud I've actually watched everyone of those from beginning to end. What do each one of them say...exactly.
Good luck getting an answer from Rocks on that. I've asked, too.

Yeah I know. But I've given him the noose. Lets see if he actually can understand what they're saying. I have a full stockpile of peer reviewed articles that will wreck him.
I used to do that, but when it comes to Rocks and others here, stockpiling them is putting the cart before the horse. His logic alone defeats him.

It would be nice to have more challenges here on that topic.
Good luck getting an answer from Rocks on that. I've asked, too.

Yeah I know. But I've given him the noose. Lets see if he actually can understand what they're saying. I have a full stockpile of peer reviewed articles that will wreck him.
I used to do that, but when it comes to Rocks and others here, stockpiling them is putting the cart before the horse. His logic alone defeats him.

It would be nice to have more challenges here on that topic.

I agree with your last comment absolutely. However I am not arguing with olfraud for no reason. he is the perfect foil for my arguments against AGW that other people will read. They are the ones I'm speaking to. olfraud is wrapped so severly around the axle that when we are three years into the Dalton Minimum he will still be yelling that we need to control CO2. He is a lost soul who needs to believe in the theory.
Good luck getting an answer from Rocks on that. I've asked, too.

Yeah I know. But I've given him the noose. Lets see if he actually can understand what they're saying. I have a full stockpile of peer reviewed articles that will wreck him.
I used to do that, but when it comes to Rocks and others here, stockpiling them is putting the cart before the horse. His logic alone defeats him.

It would be nice to have more challenges here on that topic.
That's why Ole Crocks is on my ignore list. And from what I see the argument and even the links haven't changed (thanks to people quoting) since I did that about 2 months ago. You'd be better off to let him dribble in private with the other Chicken Littles.

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