Air your issues, be heard

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Manu - go out to the main Announcements thread, and click on Subscriptions.. I'm rather fond of "Gold" myself. :D
I am going to rat Dillo out if he doesn't return that bra he borrowed from me...
Well, following the course of todays events, Dillo's lack of response and proof otherwise means he's guilty of staging a secondary account to rile the board...That would be a suspendable offense, according to the posted rules. :)

MtnBiker said:
O.k. people, Jim started this thread with good intentions about the board. Please lets return to that subject.

sorry--you may wanna stick it so it stays available and apparent.
MtnBiker said:
O.k. people, Jim started this thread with good intentions about the board. Please lets return to that subject.

i agree... my complaint is that the mods opress free speach to much....oh and everyon shoudl rep gabby so she is power full
MtnBiker just wants to avoid the embarrassing questions about why he and Shattered were seen together at Big Boy's Playpen last Saturday.
Gabriella84 said:
MtnBiker just wants to avoid the embarrassing questions about why he and Shattered were seen together at Big Boy's Playpen last Saturday.
dman girl that was one bad :flameth:
manu1959 said:
i agree... my complaint is that the mods opress free speach to much....oh and everyon shoudl rep gabby so she is power full
How? :dunno:
Gabriella84 said:
or full of something... :poop:

Gabriella84 said:
don't believe many of your stories either. This is the internet, ya know. Anyone can make up a bunch of old war stories.

As a mental health professional in training, I can tell that some of you have really serious problems.

I am getting married on Aug. 6. Please don't attack my wedding. :ali:

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
This thread is now officially closed. I will take the time tonight and try to answer everyone. I'm happy some of you were kind enough to keep this respectful and polite and that you want to see some things changed. I'm also a little disappointed in some for the childish remarks and degradation of this thread.

There will be no further discussion about this subject and the board rules are still in effect - no airing of board grievances on the board. If you need to, PM myself or a moderator. Any and all references brought on the board will be deleted by myself or a moderator. Please respect my wishes to keep private issues private and keep dirty laundry off the board.
archangel said:
I believe moderators should limit their posts...and when they do post they should refrain from exercising ban is not fair to those who do not have the power...Iv'e noticed that alot of people figure out how to pat the mods on the back in order to receive positive points...and some who lose control and speak out against a mods posts... they risk being if mods could no longer ban for comments they receive on their would level the playing field....just a comment...hope it helps.
ps: I will admit to patronizing mods from time to time...sometimes for fun...sometimes for points...sometimes to keep from getting negatives and sometimes because they deserved it...guess we all are human!

The moderators of this board are members just like everyone else and are entitled to post their views and opinions just like everyone else. I have asked that they keep things civil and no threatening to ban users. I have faith that the moderators will stay within the guidelines I have outlined and use good judgement when excercising their authority. I can be reached directly via PM or email should anyone have a problem with a moderator decision.

The rep system is a decent way to gauge how the board views a certain members posts but has no relevance to any 'ass kissing' that may go on. Positive or negative rep points are really just for fun. I will only intervene should someone claim about reocurring abuse via the system.
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