AGW near certainty say scientists

who is to say that digging up ancient forests & fossilized dinosaurs and burning them in unprecedented amounts (see China & India) added to the US's effluence isn't soiling our nest/harming the bisphere in more ways than one?

OF COURSE IT IS DOTTY... And I'd like to see the world concentrate on REAL POLLUTION abatement.. Instead of sucking the air out of enviro policies with all this clowning about CO2 being a first class pollutant.

Imagine if the public heard MORE about REAL enviro threats and MUCH LESS hype and distortion about the 0.5degC change in global temp during your lifetime.
McIntyre is your infallible DearLeader, of course.

Your are privy to the RealTruth of no global warming.

You claim a conspiracy to falsify data.

And you have admitted you demonize outsiders.
It says a lot about you clowns and your religion that every one of the sceptics challenging you here have no problem with evolution, plate tectonics, cosmology, biological processes, physics, or any other legitimate scientific endeavor.

Yet most of you _do_ embrace kook conspiracies such as DDT being harmless, or ozone depletion theory being a scam. Simple listing a few conspiracies you _don't_ embrace is not evidence that, as a whole, you're not really a pack of pants-pissing hysterical cranks running purely on emotion. Your authoritarian-worship is at the heart of it. If your political party orders belief in a certain conspiracy, you believe it, period, never daring to disagree with your party.

None of you cranks, despite repeated prompting from me, will tell me what could disprove your denialism conspiracy theory. The best any of you has ever done is to wail that you're special little snowflakes who aren't bound by the normal standards of science. You see, you don't have to prove anything, because you're only interested in muddying the waters, instead of doing any actual science.

Not how it works. Unfalsifiable theories are clearly pseudoscience, and that's all denialists have. In contrast, AGW science is clearly stated, falsifiable, and supported by decades of data and decades of correct predictions. It's real science, while denialism is only the tears of a political cult.

Popular Science got tired of its globalwarmingclimatechangeglobalclimatedestructionbiodiversity scare mongering threads being hammered by sceptics so they closed them down. Pretty sad when a magazine can't handle opposing views so simply covers its ears. Funny too!

So you're proud that your side is a pack of dishonest screaming cultists who specialize in destroying intelligent discussion wherever they show up. Here's a thought. Stop being whinyass lying fuktards, and you'll stop getting ostracized by decent people. Nobody is obligated to put up with you shitting on the carpet wherever you walk in.

Sure thing admiral..... Let's take a trip in the way back machine shall we?

"Global warming, the heating of the atmosphere by increased amounts of industrial gases, is now accepted as a reality by the international community. Average temperatures in Britain were nearly 0.6°C higher in the Nineties than in 1960-90, and it is estimated that they will increase by 0.2C every decade over the coming century. Eight of the 10 hottest years on record occurred in the Nineties.

However, the warming is so far manifesting itself more in winters which are less cold than in much hotter summers. According to Dr David Viner, a senior research scientist at the climatic research unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia,within a few years winter snowfall will become "a very rare and exciting event".

"Children just aren't going to know what snow is," he said."

Snowfalls are now just a thing of the past - Environment - The Independent

And then...because they were stupendously wrong....they came out with this new nonsense...

Get This: Warming Planet Can Mean More Snow

Get This: Warming Planet Can Mean More Snow : NPR

So....what does that represent?:eusa_whistle::eusa_whistle: Ahhhh untestable hypothesis...which equals.....YOU GUESSED IT PSEUDO-SCIENCE!
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This thread is gay.

The bottom line is......who cares?

Evidently.......nobody who is in charge of energy policy anywhere in the world. Weve been hearing from the bomb throwing frauds for more than two decades and they've impacted absolutely zero in terms of energy policy.

So really...........who gives a rats ass?:2up::eusa_dance::2up::eusa_dance::2up::eusa_dance::2up::eusa_dance::2up::eusa_dance:

The only people benefitting are the green investors who are hosing the middle class and the science assholes who must perpetuate the established narrative to continue making a living.
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This thread is gay.

The bottom line is......who cares?

Evidently.......nobody who is in charge of energy policy anywhere in the world. Weve been hearing from the bomb throwing frauds for more than two decades and they've impacted absolutely zero in terms of energy policy.

So really...........who gives a rats ass?:2up::eusa_dance::2up::eusa_dance::2up::eusa_dance::2up::eusa_dance::2up::eusa_dance:

The only people benefitting are the green investors who are hosing the middle class and the science assholes who must perpetuate the established narrative to continue making a living.

Obama and his energy secy certainly does. They're spending hundreds of billions on green energy. ;) Under Obama we have want from 20gw to around 60+ today. Obama is also regulating the hell out of coal.

Europe cares...
China cares....They have 80+gw and increasing fast. Plus huge dams going up.
McIntyre is your infallible DearLeader, of course.

Your are privy to the RealTruth of no global warming.

You claim a conspiracy to falsify data.

And you have admitted you demonize outsiders.

McIntyre showed everyone the emperor (Michael Mann) has no cloths. All you can do is call him all kinds of nasty names. You can't find fault with his work. You don't even understand his work.
denier on the left of the frame:

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This thread is gay.

The bottom line is......who cares?

Evidently.......nobody who is in charge of energy policy anywhere in the world. Weve been hearing from the bomb throwing frauds for more than two decades and they've impacted absolutely zero in terms of energy policy.

So really...........who gives a rats ass?:2up::eusa_dance::2up::eusa_dance::2up::eusa_dance::2up::eusa_dance::2up::eusa_dance:

The only people benefitting are the green investors who are hosing the middle class and the science assholes who must perpetuate the established narrative to continue making a living.

Obama and his energy secy certainly does. They're spending hundreds of billions on green energy. ;) Under Obama we have want from 20gw to around 60+ today. Obama is also regulating the hell out of coal.

Europe cares...
China cares....They have 80+gw and increasing fast. Plus huge dams going up.

Very aware of that......but the key question is,.........compared to what??:lol: Germany and other European countries are building coal plants ( 20 for Germany by 2020). China has trillions of tons of coal reserves and just this week announced plans to boost coal production >>>

China Coal-Fired Economy Dying of Thirst as Mines Lack Water - Bloomberg

Not only that, most believe that China's green energy push is a farce ( its simply taking advantage of green markets in Europe and the US ( exports). You have to be a dummy to think otherwise. >>>

» Future Predictions: Coal Burning By 2035 a 53% Increase in Global Energy Consumption is Predicted as EIA Forecasters Think China?s Green Energy Future is a Myth FUTUREPREDICTIONS.COM Source of Likely and Preferable Futures ?

In fact, the US Energy Information Administration recently did energy projections out to 2035 and guess what?? Coal consumption will be growing between now and 2035!!:D:D:D

10 predictions for the world's energy future » News » OPB

How can people not see the realities right in front of their faces. Green energy is a joke......its there not as a serious source of energy. Its there for a few score of really clever people to make big time profits off a ruse.......because there are enough suckers in the world who can be suckered, including the US taxpayer.

Bottom line......fossil fuels will continue to dominate well into the middle of the 21st century no matter how many millions of posts the climate k00ks throw up in here about "consensus science". I just posted up the links to prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt.:rock::rock::rock::rock:

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