After vociferously denying it, Conservative lawmaker kills self b/c he molested a girl

Where was his confession that he molested anyone?

His suicide is the confession.

And now he's rotting in hell (if you believe in that sort of thing).
You made it up. That's what happened.

What did I make up? Nothing. I didn't make anything up. It's entirely true that Conservative was accused of molesting a 17 year old girl at one of his alcohol-fueled "church parties".

Can you explain why you'll believe any Tom, Dick, or Harry who claims anlnymously on the internet that they're victims of Obamacare, yet you refuse to believe women who are willing to testify under oath and not hide behind the shadow of anonymity the internet provides cowards, frauds, and liars like this guy who just killed himself (HA HA) last night?
Never can stop lying and twisting can you commie? Obamacare forced people to pay a tax and that is a fact that even a fucking idiot like you can see simply by looking at a 1040 form from the previous years.
Would you be this happy over a person's suicide if he had been a Democrat? Your thread demonstrates the depth of hatred AT LEAST SOME PEOPLE on the Left have for the Right. They wish death on the Right:

"I'm glad he killed himself. I hope more Conservatives take their cues from him."

Go take your whatabout both-siderism and shove it up your fat ass.
Would you be this happy over a person's suicide if he had been a Democrat? Your thread demonstrates the depth of hatred AT LEAST SOME PEOPLE on the Left have for the Right. They wish death on the Right:

"I'm glad he killed himself. I hope more Conservatives take their cues from him."

Go take your whatabout both-siderism and shove it up your fat ass.
Bill Clinton has raped about 50 women and his bitch wife helped him get away with it.
Where was his confession that he molested anyone?

His suicide is the confession.

And now he's rotting in hell (if you believe in that sort of thing).
You made it up. That's what happened.

What did I make up? Nothing. I didn't make anything up. It's entirely true that Conservative was accused of molesting a 17 year old girl at one of his alcohol-fueled "church parties".

Can you explain why you'll believe any Tom, Dick, or Harry who claims anlnymously on the internet that they're victims of Obamacare, yet you refuse to believe women who are willing to testify under oath and not hide behind the shadow of anonymity the internet provides cowards, frauds, and liars like this guy who just killed himself (HA HA) last night?

By your standards:

All the women killed in Salem in the 1690's were witches because none of them proved they weren't, Right?
Where was his confession that he molested anyone?

His suicide is the confession.

And now he's rotting in hell (if you believe in that sort of thing).
You made it up. That's what happened.

What did I make up? Nothing. I didn't make anything up. It's entirely true that Conservative was accused of molesting a 17 year old girl at one of his alcohol-fueled "church parties".

Can you explain why you'll believe any Tom, Dick, or Harry who claims anlnymously on the internet that they're victims of Obamacare, yet you refuse to believe women who are willing to testify under oath and not hide behind the shadow of anonymity the internet provides cowards, frauds, and liars like this guy who just killed himself (HA HA) last night?
Never can stop lying and twisting can you commie? Obamacare forced people to pay a tax and that is a fact that even a fucking idiot like you can see simply by looking at a 1040 form from the previous years.

HAHAHA! And right on cue comes the whining. The endless whining about Obamacare. Sorry, shitstain child-molesting Conservative nobody, it's been 7 years....the fake Obamacare victimhood status doesn't work anymore, mostly because y'all lied about being victims in the first place.

The tax for not having insurance you should consider a Troglodyte-Moocher tax, since that's what you are if you take that penalty.
Where was his confession that he molested anyone?

His suicide is the confession.

And now he's rotting in hell (if you believe in that sort of thing).
You made it up. That's what happened.

What did I make up? Nothing. I didn't make anything up. It's entirely true that Conservative was accused of molesting a 17 year old girl at one of his alcohol-fueled "church parties".

Can you explain why you'll believe any Tom, Dick, or Harry who claims anlnymously on the internet that they're victims of Obamacare, yet you refuse to believe women who are willing to testify under oath and not hide behind the shadow of anonymity the internet provides cowards, frauds, and liars like this guy who just killed himself (HA HA) last night?
Never can stop lying and twisting can you commie? Obamacare forced people to pay a tax and that is a fact that even a fucking idiot like you can see simply by looking at a 1040 form from the previous years.

The tears of a clown. Crying crocodile tears over fake Obamacare victims because in the seven years of you screeching like a barnyard animal about the bill, you and your fellow inbred, mouth-breathing, Trump voters couldn't even come up with a single viable replacement. Why? BECAUSE YOU'RE A BUNCH OF LAZY, USELESS SLUGS who whine about being victims. Take your cues from your Conservative friend I pointed out in the OP. That seems the only way to calm the incessant whining and crying you've done for seven years, you little fucking bitch.
Would you be this happy over a person's suicide if he had been a Democrat? Your thread demonstrates the depth of hatred AT LEAST SOME PEOPLE on the Left have for the Right. They wish death on the Right:

"I'm glad he killed himself. I hope more Conservatives take their cues from him."

Go take your whatabout both-siderism and shove it up your fat ass.
Bill Clinton has raped about 50 women and his bitch wife helped him get away with it.


Seriously, your compulsion to "whatabout" all the time is indicative of mental illness. I fully expect you to eventually take your arsenal and go on a shooting rampage. Because you want to feel important since your life is so meaningless and no one cares about you. So do society a favor and follow in the footsteps of the Conservative that is the subject on this OP.

Maybe someone will miss you...though I doubt it.
Where was his confession that he molested anyone?

His suicide is the confession.

And now he's rotting in hell (if you believe in that sort of thing).
You made it up. That's what happened.

What did I make up? Nothing. I didn't make anything up. It's entirely true that Conservative was accused of molesting a 17 year old girl at one of his alcohol-fueled "church parties".

Can you explain why you'll believe any Tom, Dick, or Harry who claims anlnymously on the internet that they're victims of Obamacare, yet you refuse to believe women who are willing to testify under oath and not hide behind the shadow of anonymity the internet provides cowards, frauds, and liars like this guy who just killed himself (HA HA) last night?

By your standards:

All the women killed in Salem in the 1690's were witches because none of them proved they weren't, Right?

A) Witches don't exist.
B) No due process.
C) Kill yourself.
Would you be this happy over a person's suicide if he had been a Democrat? Your thread demonstrates the depth of hatred AT LEAST SOME PEOPLE on the Left have for the Right. They wish death on the Right:

"I'm glad he killed himself. I hope more Conservatives take their cues from him."

Go take your whatabout both-siderism and shove it up your fat ass.
Bill Clinton has raped about 50 women and his bitch wife helped him get away with it.

What's so fucking pathetic about you, personally, is that you understand and recognize you're a garbage person, but because you're in a state of arrested development, you have this mindset of entitlement that is completely unearned. So when that mindset is invalidated, you lash out by screeching "whatabout" at the top of your lungs.

That kind of behavior will manifest itself in physical violence. It's only a matter of time.
Would you be this happy over a person's suicide if he had been a Democrat? Your thread demonstrates the depth of hatred AT LEAST SOME PEOPLE on the Left have for the Right. They wish death on the Right:

"I'm glad he killed himself. I hope more Conservatives take their cues from him."

Go take your whatabout both-siderism and shove it up your fat ass.
I'm a distance runner and do not have a fat ass. It appears you take offense when your disgusting level of hate for Conservatives is called out. Those were your words not mine.
Would you be this happy over a person's suicide if he had been a Democrat? Your thread demonstrates the depth of hatred AT LEAST SOME PEOPLE on the Left have for the Right. They wish death on the Right:

"I'm glad he killed himself. I hope more Conservatives take their cues from him."

Go take your whatabout both-siderism and shove it up your fat ass.
I'm a distance runner and do not have a fat ass. It appears you take offense when your disgusting level of hate for Conservatives is called out. Those were your words not mine.

Funny you claim that on a thread about a Conservative who lied about his credentials to fool his parishioners into having alcohol-induced "church parties" where Conservatives molest girls. So you're a "distance runner"? LOL! Yeah fuckin' right. Swear to that under oath? No fuckin' way.

Oh, I hate Conservatives and I make no bones about it. They endorse and defend child molesters while lying about their political opponents because you're so fucking insecure.
Would you be this happy over a person's suicide if he had been a Democrat? Your thread demonstrates the depth of hatred AT LEAST SOME PEOPLE on the Left have for the Right. They wish death on the Right:

"I'm glad he killed himself. I hope more Conservatives take their cues from him."

Go take your whatabout both-siderism and shove it up your fat ass.
Bill Clinton has raped about 50 women and his bitch wife helped him get away with it.
Fun in Sexual Fantasyland?
Would you be this happy over a person's suicide if he had been a Democrat? Your thread demonstrates the depth of hatred AT LEAST SOME PEOPLE on the Left have for the Right. They wish death on the Right:

"I'm glad he killed himself. I hope more Conservatives take their cues from him."

Go take your whatabout both-siderism and shove it up your fat ass.
Bill Clinton has raped about 50 women and his bitch wife helped him get away with it.
Fun in Sexual Fantasyland?

Conservatives need to cast any political opponent they can in the same hideous light they recognize within themselves.

I hope more of them follow that guy's lead.
Where was his confession that he molested anyone?

His suicide is the confession.

And now he's rotting in hell (if you believe in that sort of thing).

Right along with those that judge him.....

Nah - he's going to the same place you'll go for lying about yourself in order to make yourself feel more secure in your shitty arguments.

Then let me introduce you to a Father that forgives WHILE we are in the act of sinning. And, I have lied about nothing. Luke said it, not me.
“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.
Then let me introduce you to a Father that forgives WHILE we are in the act of sinning. And, I have lied about nothing. Luke said it, not me.“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

Must be convenient to excuse your shitty behavior by praying to an imaginary deity.

What a fuckin' loser.

Guess what, douche? God doesn't forgive. Jesus died for nothing. Your religion is a sham. Your God is vengeful and not loving. Your God is a fucking fraud. And you're going to hell because you endorse pedophilia.
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Then let me introduce you to a Father that forgives WHILE we are in the act of sinning. And, I have lied about nothing. Luke said it, not me.“Do not judge, and you will not be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

Must be convenient to excuse your shitty behavior by praying to an imaginary deity.

What a fuckin' loser.

Guess what, douche? God doesn't forgive. Jesus died for nothing. Your religion is a sham. Your God is vengeful and not loving. Your God is a fucking fraud. And you're going to hell because you endorse pedophilia.

My God is an awesome God. Who puts our sin behind Him. It is a gift from Jesus, the Christ. Accept the gift.
You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things.
Paul said it. Not me. Be mad at Paul..:eusa_dance:
Would you be this happy over a person's suicide if he had been a Democrat? Your thread demonstrates the depth of hatred AT LEAST SOME PEOPLE on the Left have for the Right. They wish death on the Right:

"I'm glad he killed himself. I hope more Conservatives take their cues from him."

Go take your whatabout both-siderism and shove it up your fat ass.
I'm a distance runner and do not have a fat ass. It appears you take offense when your disgusting level of hate for Conservatives is called out. Those were your words not mine.

Funny you claim that on a thread about a Conservative who lied about his credentials to fool his parishioners into having alcohol-induced "church parties" where Conservatives molest girls. So you're a "distance runner"? LOL! Yeah fuckin' right. Swear to that under oath? No fuckin' way.

Oh, I hate Conservatives and I make no bones about it. They endorse and defend child molesters while lying about their political opponents because you're so fucking insecure.
I've run 19 marathons including two Boston Marathons. The last one was in October in which I qualified for Boston again. You shouldn't make light of anyone committing suicide just because they are a different Political Party than you.
Where was his confession that he molested anyone?

His suicide is the confession.

And now he's rotting in hell (if you believe in that sort of thing).
You made it up. That's what happened.

What did I make up? Nothing. I didn't make anything up. It's entirely true that Conservative was accused of molesting a 17 year old girl at one of his alcohol-fueled "church parties".

Can you explain why you'll believe any Tom, Dick, or Harry who claims anlnymously on the internet that they're victims of Obamacare, yet you refuse to believe women who are willing to testify under oath and not hide behind the shadow of anonymity the internet provides cowards, frauds, and liars like this guy who just killed himself (HA HA) last night?
Never can stop lying and twisting can you commie? Obamacare forced people to pay a tax and that is a fact that even a fucking idiot like you can see simply by looking at a 1040 form from the previous years.

The tears of a clown. Crying crocodile tears over fake Obamacare victims because in the seven years of you screeching like a barnyard animal about the bill, you and your fellow inbred, mouth-breathing, Trump voters couldn't even come up with a single viable replacement. Why? BECAUSE YOU'RE A BUNCH OF LAZY, USELESS SLUGS who whine about being victims. Take your cues from your Conservative friend I pointed out in the OP. That seems the only way to calm the incessant whining and crying you've done for seven years, you little fucking bitch.
While you idiots whine and bitch about being taxed more after tax reform passes....

I hope Trump taxes the shit out of your declining glorified mental institutions.
Sorry to see anyone kill themself in general. But this guy at least has GUILT about what he did. He IS human. Lying Trump calls the women he molested liars and supports Roy Moore an accused pedophile who calls his victims liars. You can at least respect and appreciate a man who does this kind of vile stuff and in the end he is sorry he did it and knows it was wrong.

Trump, Roy Moore, and the Republicans in general never take personal responsibility for their actions. They are The Hollow Men.
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