After visit from Sharpton, Garner's daughter puts police officer in danger


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
What a coincidence. After the family got a visit from hate monger, Al Sharpton, Garner's daughter posted personal information on one of the police officers at the scene of her father's arrest. Of course, neither Sharpton or the liberal media will talk about the most important police officer at the scene. The one in charge of all the others who was calling the shots. She's a black women so she is getting a free pass as the others are vilified. Now there are more angry people who know where another cop lives.

This is irresponsible. Sharpton already has the nutjobs riled into a frenzy. Now another target has been pointed out to the whackos.
We will just have to agree to disagree on this one.

What about the cop in charge that gave the order, then stood and watched as the cop carried out those orders?

I really don't believe any of them thought that Garner was in mortal danger. They do that chokehold all the time when people resist and it usually works and doesn't cause harm. I talked to some cop friends and they said people almost always claim that they can't breathe when police constrain them and they usually complain that handcuffs are cutting off their circulation. I think cops hear some things so much that they don't buy it when they hear it.

Garner could talk and could have just as easily have told them he was having an asthma attack. They would have been required to get medical attention immediately.

There is no doubt it could have been handled differently, but there is no indication that anyone thought they would harm Garner.

The cop in charge was running the show and didn't tell the officer to back off when Garner complained. She bears responsibility, yet no one in the liberal media has even acknowledged her existence because it doesn't fit with the racism narrative. That shows that a game is being played here.

Sharpton has a long history of inciting violence that has led to people being killed. He is still at it and, amazingly, has not been charged with inciting riots. He visited Garner's family and now another cop has a target on his back. There is no excuse for that and I believe it's more than a coincidence that Sharpton spoke to the family and the post with the cops personal info. was made shortly after. Sharpton is still trying to keep families angry and that makes him one of the worst kinds of people. He has an agenda and doesn't have the decency to let the family grieve in peace and is using them for his own selfish purposes.

We already have two dead cops and another shot by people who are listening to Sharpton. How much more damage will be done before that man is stopped?
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