After the election, will climate change science matter?


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
The answer is.......not a whole lot. Highly likely the Paris Treaty will be scrapped by the new president. Ooooooooops!! The climate science industry got kicked hard in the nut sack on Tuesday..........real hard.

To boot..........

"Trump has promised to rollback much of President Barack Obama’s global warming agenda, including the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) global warming rule for power plants. Pro-energy and global warming skeptics were thrilled at Trump’s win."

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As the publisher of the climate skeptic website stated yesterday...........

“Climate sanity has been restored to the U.S.,” Marc Morano, the published of the global warming skeptic website Climate Depot, said in a statement.

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We are suddenly living in some very good times........the k00ks have become irrelevant!!:bye1::bye1:
It was invented by the chinese haven't you heard
No, it was invented by the totalitarian leftists to control even more of our lives. I hope president Trump cuts off all of their feed supply. I don't know who would hire them, probably have to find a useful career.
One thing for sure........we aren't going to have to vomit every time we see 1/2 a billion dollars wasted on some goofball solar energy company. What a disgrace. My staff, who take care of folks with disabilities with massive behavioral challenges haven't had a raise in 6 years. They make $11.00/hour. The climate k00ks could care less!! Screw people with autism. Thank God the madness will be halted at least for the time being..........
No sign of Old Rocks........he said the election would be decided by climate change voters. You know he is seething today...unlike the other nuts in here, he gets the political landscape. Climate skeptics are partying their asses off after Tuesday.:coffee:
The coming cuts to climate science research will probably be a good thing.

No more cockamamie projects to look for accidental correlations, that used to get rubber stamped as long as it was presented as being connected to AGW.
Since climate change is bullshit, no it won't.
Think Trump will force GISS to release the emails pertaining to the Pausebuster paper? I hope so. It would be interesting to see how certain decisions were made depending on their influence on the final results. Cherrypicking.
Well now, we see that Ian has joined the political PC net for Trump. And jc and SSDD now become your heroes.

No, Trump's ascendency to the Presidency will not put an end to climate research. But we may see a major brain drain from the US to other nations. Your group of fools Sovietizing of science will be remembered in this nations history the same as the McCarthy era. A major loss for the nation.
In Gallup's 2015 survey of environmental concerns, climate change ranked dead last. Only 33% of people are significantly worried about it. And of those people there's considerable disagreement over what should be done about it.

The DNC has to be looking at this as a lesson learned for the next election. It's not politically expedient to make climate change a top issue on your platform.
In Gallup's 2015 survey of environmental concerns, climate change ranked dead last. Only 33% of people are significantly worried about it. And of those people there's considerable disagreement over what should be done about it.

The DNC has to be looking at this as a lesson learned for the next election. It's not politically expedient to make climate change a top issue on your platform.

Lets face it......and the religion knows it too despite trying to move on with a stiff upper lip......climate change science ONLY matters inasmuch as the public policy that follows.............duh..........


Before the election, it was right at the very, very bottom of concerns. Now.........its not even on the damn list and I, for one, am giddy that this fake, phony, fraud has been placed in the realm of comedy. Indeed........for at least the next 4 years, this shit will be an internet hobby only!!:bye1:
Coastlines in Louisiana, Florida, Texas and other places will get flooded. Tough luck for the Trump voters there.
It was invented by the chinese haven't you heard
No, it was invented by the totalitarian leftists to control even more of our lives. I hope president Trump cuts off all of their feed supply. I don't know who would hire them, probably have to find a useful career.
Trump said the Chinese. Are you calling Trump a liar?
It was invented by the chinese haven't you heard
No, it was invented by the totalitarian leftists to control even more of our lives. I hope president Trump cuts off all of their feed supply. I don't know who would hire them, probably have to find a useful career.
Trump said the Chinese. Are you calling Trump a liar?
What are you talking about?

Ice.....look at his post.......clueless and deep in the matrix. What can you do?
It was invented by the chinese haven't you heard
No, it was invented by the totalitarian leftists to control even more of our lives. I hope president Trump cuts off all of their feed supply. I don't know who would hire them, probably have to find a useful career.
Trump said the Chinese. Are you calling Trump a liar?
What are you talking about?

Ice.....look at his post.......clueless and deep in the matrix. What can you do?
They could find out how a bowl of oatmeal with a few electrical contacts can operate a human body.

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