After Snubbing Obama- Saudi Arabia rolls out Pomp and Circumstance for Trump

Oh, right, the ONLY interpretation can be the one that is convenient to you then....

Gleeful officials say the US president’s decision to make Riyadh the first stop in his first foreign trip in office sends a powerful message underlining Saudi Arabia’s clout after eight years of strained bilateral ties under Barack Obama.

Saudis eye Iran and ignore Trump's temperament as red carpet rolled out

Trump wants oil, Saudi Arabia wants to sell oil, and they think Trump is malleable enough to be able to wine and dine him like a cheap hooker.
/--- Here we go again. Trump wants oil but from the US sources. And neither the Saudis or Trump drink alcohol. You need some better material.

So why is Trump making is FIRST foreign visit to Saudi Arabia then? Because he likes their SAND?
/--- Who cares? What difference does it make? If he stopped in Rome first, you's then approve of his trip or find something else to whine about? Man you are pathetic.
View attachment 127771

exactly right
Obama is a fuck stain and the whole world knows it


Wednesday 20 April 2016 16.02 EDTLast modified on Friday 11 November 2016 07.00 EST

Barack Obama arrived to a noticeably low-key reception in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday against a background of mutual irritation in a relationship tested by a turbulent Middle East, plummeting oil prices and economic and political uncertainty.

The US president was greeted at the airport by the governor of Riyadh, Prince Faisal bin Bandar Al Saud, and the event was not broadcast live on Saudi TV, as is routine with visiting heads of state – quickly generating talk of a snub.

Underlining the coolness, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, accompanied by other senior figures, was shown earlier on state television greeting the leaders of neighbouring states on the tarmac – ahead of Thursday’s summit of the six-member, Saudi-dominated Gulf Cooperation council, which Obama is to address.

Obama's chilly reception in Saudi Arabia hints at mutual distrust

Perhaps all it shows is that the Saudis know they can buy Trump by lavishing praise on him, while in Obama they saw a real man, not a guy who was going to get all excited by people pretending they actually like the guy.

No, they are showing respect to Trump. Something Obama was not worthy of


Oh, right, the ONLY interpretation can be the one that is convenient to you then....

Gleeful officials say the US president’s decision to make Riyadh the first stop in his first foreign trip in office sends a powerful message underlining Saudi Arabia’s clout after eight years of strained bilateral ties under Barack Obama.

Saudis eye Iran and ignore Trump's temperament as red carpet rolled out

oh they have clout alright. 15 out of the 19 highjackers that slammed into our country were saudi.

nothing happened to them.
sounds like they all died by slamming into our country.

Perhaps all it shows is that the Saudis know they can buy Trump by lavishing praise on him, while in Obama they saw a real man, not a guy who was going to get all excited by people pretending they actually like the guy.

The Saudis contributed millions to Crooked Hillary as did many other countries.

Trump is a billionaire that financed his own campaign.

You weren't one of these idiots that voted for Crooked Hillary, were you?

Saudi Arabia Has Funded 20% Of Hillary's Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims | Zero Hedge

Saudi Arabia Has Funded 20% Of Hillary's Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims

trump had a huuuuuuuuuge red DONATE button on his campaign website.

hillary had a pay to play button

lol.... so did trump.
Perhaps all it shows is that the Saudis know they can buy Trump by lavishing praise on him, while in Obama they saw a real man, not a guy who was going to get all excited by people pretending they actually like the guy.

No, they are showing respect to Trump. Something Obama was not worthy of


Oh, right, the ONLY interpretation can be the one that is convenient to you then....

Gleeful officials say the US president’s decision to make Riyadh the first stop in his first foreign trip in office sends a powerful message underlining Saudi Arabia’s clout after eight years of strained bilateral ties under Barack Obama.

Saudis eye Iran and ignore Trump's temperament as red carpet rolled out

oh they have clout alright. 15 out of the 19 highjackers that slammed into our country were saudi.

nothing happened to them.
sounds like they all died by slamming into our country.

i meant the country, dippity do duh.

Perhaps all it shows is that the Saudis know they can buy Trump by lavishing praise on him, while in Obama they saw a real man, not a guy who was going to get all excited by people pretending they actually like the guy.

The Saudis contributed millions to Crooked Hillary as did many other countries.

Trump is a billionaire that financed his own campaign.

You weren't one of these idiots that voted for Crooked Hillary, were you?

Saudi Arabia Has Funded 20% Of Hillary's Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims | Zero Hedge

Saudi Arabia Has Funded 20% Of Hillary's Presidential Campaign, Saudi Crown Prince Claims

trump had a huuuuuuuuuge red DONATE button on his campaign website.

hillary had a pay to play button

lol.... so did trump.
then get rid of all of em. anyone doing the "WE WILL STOP THE OTHER SIDE AT ALL COSTS" are disqualified from gov service for life.
The Saudi guy gave Trump a lovely necklace. Follow that up with a nice dinner and show and he might get to third base tonight.

only if they serve him 2 scoops of ice cream for dessert & everybody else only gets one.
No, they are showing respect to Trump. Something Obama was not worthy of


Oh, right, the ONLY interpretation can be the one that is convenient to you then....

Gleeful officials say the US president’s decision to make Riyadh the first stop in his first foreign trip in office sends a powerful message underlining Saudi Arabia’s clout after eight years of strained bilateral ties under Barack Obama.

Saudis eye Iran and ignore Trump's temperament as red carpet rolled out

oh they have clout alright. 15 out of the 19 highjackers that slammed into our country were saudi.

nothing happened to them.
sounds like they all died by slamming into our country.

i meant the country, dippity do duh.
duh. me too. fuckers slammed right into it. could spatula'd them up n tried em i suppose…
Oh, right, the ONLY interpretation can be the one that is convenient to you then....

Gleeful officials say the US president’s decision to make Riyadh the first stop in his first foreign trip in office sends a powerful message underlining Saudi Arabia’s clout after eight years of strained bilateral ties under Barack Obama.

Saudis eye Iran and ignore Trump's temperament as red carpet rolled out

Trump wants oil, Saudi Arabia wants to sell oil, and they think Trump is malleable enough to be able to wine and dine him like a cheap hooker.
/--- Here we go again. Trump wants oil but from the US sources. And neither the Saudis or Trump drink alcohol. You need some better material.

So why is Trump making is FIRST foreign visit to Saudi Arabia then? Because he likes their SAND?

they plan to invest about 40 billion into our infrastructure

that is one of the many reasons

How stupid is it for the wealthiest nation on earth to hold purse strings tight and allow a terror funding oil rich nation reap the benefits of investing in our infrastructure?

It's very stupid.

Or, do you think Saudi Arabia wants to invest here because they like us so much?

oh they have clout alright. 15 out of the 19 highjackers that slammed into our country were saudi.

nothing happened to them.
sounds like they all died by slamming into our country.

i meant the country, dippity do duh.
duh. me too. fuckers slammed right into it. could spatula'd them up n tried em i suppose…

playing ignorant suits you.
you saying the 15 who slammed into the country didnt slam into it after all?

i am saying that 15 saudis slammed into our country & that nothing happened to the country of saudi arabia. no invasion, no occupation, no sanctions & even though all those muslim countries whose citizens tribblehead tried to ban from traveling here never attacked us here on this soil.... saudis were not on that list.

at all.

funny dat.
In a series of interviews with The Atlantic magazine published Thursday, Mr. Obama said a number of American allies in the Persian Gulf — as well as in Europe — were “free riders,” eager to drag the United States into grinding sectarian conflicts that sometimes had little to do with American interests. He showed little sympathy for the Saudis, who have been threatened by the nuclear deal Mr. Obama reached with Iran. (NY Times see below)

Flash, post: 17302016
Obama was an embarrassment to the US. A fucking joke of a President that never even knew what he was doing with foreign policy most of the time. Valarie Jarret ran the foreign policy of the US and she was Iranian so no wonder the Saudis would snub the asshole.

Trump is bringing back respect abroad for the US. The Hate America First Moon Bats can't stand it.

So you like Americans dying and spending billions in "grinding sectarian conflicts" that have little to do with American interests.?

That is sick Trump love.

Obama an embarrassment? Not so. Do US warmongering conservatives still want to bomb the crap out of Iranian moderates in order to suck up to Wahhabbists with oil?

Obama's legacy gets a huge boost.

A partnership of HuffPost and the
05/20/2017 08:05 am ET
Iranians Demanding Change Deliver Emphatic Victory For Rouhani
Iranians yearning for more freedom at home and less isolation abroad have emphatically re-elected President Hassan Rouhani.

Iranians Demanding Change Deliver Emphatic Victory For Rouhani | HuffPost

Of course Islamic Monarchy loves US buffoon Kleptocrat president. He's going to the Kingdom as Nixon tried to evade his impeachment/ Criminal investigation problems.

Thinking kissing the ass of an Islamic Wahhabbist King will make us forget his first 120 days of presidential buffoonism.

NIxon tried it, got the Red Carpet in The Oil Kingdom - within six months resigned.

MARCH 10, 2016

WASHINGTON — President Obama believes that Saudi Arabia, one of America’s most important allies in the Middle East, needs to learn how to “share” the region with its archenemy, Iran, and that both countries are guilty of fueling proxy wars in Syria, Iraq and Yemen.

In a series of interviews with The Atlantic magazine published Thursday, Mr. Obama said a number of American allies in the Persian Gulf — as well as in Europe — were “free riders,” eager to drag the United States into grinding sectarian conflicts that sometimes had little to do with American interests. He showed little sympathy for the Saudis, who have been threatened by the nuclear deal Mr. Obama reached with Iran.

The Saudis, Mr. Obama told Jeffrey Goldberg, the magazine’s national correspondent, “need to find an effective way to share the neighborhood and institute some sort of cold peace.” Reflexively backing them against Iran, the president said, “would mean that we have to start coming in and using our military power to settle scores. And that would be in the interest neither of the United States nor of the Middle East.”

Mr. Obama’s frustration with much of the Arab world is not new, but rarely has he been so blunt about it. He placed his comments in the context of his broader struggle to extract the United States from the bloody morass of the Middle East so that the nation can focus on more promising, faster-growing parts of the world, like Asia and Latin America.

Obama Criticizes the ‘Free Riders’ Among America’s Allies

More from NYT:

"Mr. Obama’s frustration with much of the Arab world is not new, but rarely has he been so blunt about it. He placed his comments in the context of his broader struggle to extract the United States from the bloody morass of the Middle East so that the nation can focus on more promising, faster-growing parts of the world, like Asia and Latin America."

Being snubbed by the Monarchy of Wahhabism was an honor to Obama's putting America First.

Trump would get the red carpet in Moscow if he is president long enough.

Last edited:
Oh, right, the ONLY interpretation can be the one that is convenient to you then....

Gleeful officials say the US president’s decision to make Riyadh the first stop in his first foreign trip in office sends a powerful message underlining Saudi Arabia’s clout after eight years of strained bilateral ties under Barack Obama.

Saudis eye Iran and ignore Trump's temperament as red carpet rolled out

Trump wants oil, Saudi Arabia wants to sell oil, and they think Trump is malleable enough to be able to wine and dine him like a cheap hooker.
/--- Here we go again. Trump wants oil but from the US sources. And neither the Saudis or Trump drink alcohol. You need some better material.

So why is Trump making is FIRST foreign visit to Saudi Arabia then? Because he likes their SAND?
/--- Who cares? What difference does it make? If he stopped in Rome first, you's then approve of his trip or find something else to whine about? Man you are pathetic.
View attachment 127771

No, I'm not actually. I'm just pointing stuff out to people who are trying to dress this whole thing up for what it's not. Obama goes to meet the Saudis, Trump does it, doesn't make much difference, it's the US showing its two sided face of being anti-Muslim and then pandering to those Muslims who have lots of oil and are willing to smile to the American President.

Ibn Laden blows up the Twin Towers and the Pentagon, and Bush is flying the Saudis out of the US while the rest of the people can't move. What's change? Nothing. Where's Trump's fucking revolution, where's all his change? There never was anything special, same old bullshit.
Obama was an embarrassment to the US. A fucking joke of a President that never even knew what he was doing with foreign policy most of the time. Valarie Jarret ran the foreign policy of the US and she was Iranian so no wonder the Saudis would snub the asshole.

Trump is bringing back respect abroad for the US. The Hate America First Moon Bats can't stand it.

Trump has even less clue than Obama, as will be clear by the end of this tour.

And NOBODY in the rest of the world respects Trump. Everything is laughing at him.
Travel ban architect writing Trump's speech on Islam
By Dan Merica, CNN

Updated 11:54 PM ET, Fri May 19, 2017


Stephen Miller, Trump's senior adviser for policy and speechwriter, is the principal aide in charge of writing both the speech on Islam and Trump's later speech on the future of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a White House official told CNN.
Both are topics Miller has spoken out against throughout his career on Capitol Hill and in the White House.

The official said the speech has been put together through a collaborative process inside the White House, but that Miller was the primary author.
The speech, which will be given in front of about 50 Muslim leaders, could be a flashpoint in Trump's eight-day, five country trip. Trump has long derided Islam, proposed banning all Muslim immigration into the United States during the campaign and is expected to use the term "radical Islamic terrorism" throughout the speech in Saudi Arabia, the cradle of the 1.6 billion-member religion.

Travel ban architect writing Trump's speech on Islam -
what could possibly go wrong?
/--- Here we go again. Trump wants oil but from the US sources. And neither the Saudis or Trump drink alcohol. You need some better material.

So why is Trump making is FIRST foreign visit to Saudi Arabia then? Because he likes their SAND?

they plan to invest about 40 billion into our infrastructure

that is one of the many reasons

How stupid is it for the wealthiest nation on earth to hold purse strings tight and allow a terror funding oil rich nation reap the benefits of investing in our infrastructure?

It's very stupid.

Or, do you think Saudi Arabia wants to invest here because they like us so much?


fuck you

Yep. You thought about it for a minute didn't ya. You are feeling stupid. I'm surprised that it upsets you. It's your natural state.


your the stupid one

i am glad trump is out mending broken fences

that obama created

i know you being the leftard that you are

it really bugs you deep inside

that trump is liked by many across the globe
"the U.S. “cannot continue to rely on Saudi assurances that it will comply with international law and agreements concerning the use of U.S.-origin equipment,” Michael Newton, a prominent Vanderbilt University law professor and former military judge advocate general, said."

But Trump will. Liars lying to each other love each other.

Dragonlady, post: 17302607.
Trump has even less clue than Obama, as will be clear by the end of this tour.

And NOBODY in the rest of the world respects Trump. Everything is laughing at him.

Trump's $110 billion arms deal may be illegal because Saudis are killing too many civilians in Yemen with them.

WASHINGTON ― The human rights arm of the American Bar Association has sent the Senate a legal analysis saying that President Donald Trump’s plan for an arms deal with Saudi Arabia worth more than $100 billion would be illegal because of the Saudis’ role in the ongoing conflict in Yemen.

Citing “multiple credible reports of recurring and highly questionable [air]strikes’’ by the Saudi military that have killed civilians, the U.S. “cannot continue to rely on Saudi assurances that it will comply with international law and agreements concerning the use of U.S.-origin equipment,” Michael Newton, a prominent Vanderbilt University law professor and former military judge advocate general, said.

Trump's $110 Billion Arms Deal With Saudi Arabia May Be Illegal | HuffPost

Trump and the Saudis are an embarrassment to humanity. And a not that pretty visa violating wife does not put a halo on the scumball she married for money.

The Saudis won't let her drive away from that red carpet at the wheel.
Trump ran on getting tough with Muslims, now he's kissing their asses.

And the Trumptards who voted for him for the former, couldn't care less.
Obama is a fuck stain and the whole world knows it


Wednesday 20 April 2016 16.02 EDTLast modified on Friday 11 November 2016 07.00 EST

Barack Obama arrived to a noticeably low-key reception in Saudi Arabia on Wednesday against a background of mutual irritation in a relationship tested by a turbulent Middle East, plummeting oil prices and economic and political uncertainty.

The US president was greeted at the airport by the governor of Riyadh, Prince Faisal bin Bandar Al Saud, and the event was not broadcast live on Saudi TV, as is routine with visiting heads of state – quickly generating talk of a snub.

Underlining the coolness, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, accompanied by other senior figures, was shown earlier on state television greeting the leaders of neighbouring states on the tarmac – ahead of Thursday’s summit of the six-member, Saudi-dominated Gulf Cooperation council, which Obama is to address.

Obama's chilly reception in Saudi Arabia hints at mutual distrust
Isn't it cool to have Saudi Arabia like you?

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